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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Everyone!!! I have been inspired by a few of the lovely quilt-ghans I saw to start a few myself!! I absolutely love the Around the World quilt and would love to make one for myself at some point...although not sure if I want to do the one with all the colors like on the site or just shades of one color...I may do both, lol. But first I am going to make one for my parents for Christmas. I bought off white, light brown, and need to get dark brown. I think I am going to do the Gingham Baby blanket. It will be a gift for my parents camper which is all browns.

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Good Morning, all. :)


Karen ~ 55 more are on the list. :hook


Donna ~ Keeping our fingers crossed that the rain holds off. :hug 5 more added.


Judy ~ 9 more added for you! What are you working on now?

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Selanda ~ Hi! Thank you for the hugs. My 'ville friends are more support than my own family and it means so much. :manyheart Way to go on making some squares!


Tracy ~ Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Denise...it's great that you're there for her. :yes I love pink and brown together - can't wait to see it!


Denise ~ :hug to you from all of us. The Ladybug is another one I want to do, too. :lol


Welcome, Kristy! The Gingham is a great pattern to start with. We love pictures anytime. :hook


I'm off to the store and cleaners. Have a great morning/evening.

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Hi Everyone!!


Just thought I'd pop in and show pics of the 9 patch I finished earlier this month. I gave it to my friend right after finishing it. She loves it, as you can see in the pic!


th_101_0156.jpg th_101_0159.jpg

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I also had a question about joining methods. I was wondering what the quickest and easiest method is. I've been ending my saltines in the corner and leaving a long tail. Then I've been using that to sew two sides to two other saltines. Hope that made sense.


What does everyone else do?

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Judy ~ 9 more added for you! What are you working on now?

Still using the Vanna baby yarn to make squares for a 9 patch. It's my waiting room project when with FIL:D


I also had a question about joining methods. I was wondering what the quickest and easiest method is. I've been ending my saltines in the corner and leaving a long tail. Then I've been using that to sew two sides to two other saltines. Hope that made sense.


What does everyone else do?

That's what I do. I will want to try the "mattress" methid of joining Linda used - I think that's what it's called, where you sc into one st on one square, ch 1 and sc into the corresponding square opposite.

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I also had a question about joining methods. I was wondering what the quickest and easiest method is. I've been ending my saltines in the corner and leaving a long tail. Then I've been using that to sew two sides to two other saltines. Hope that made sense.


What does everyone else do?



That sounds like how I do it. :yes I attach the square to the one next to and above it (I usually seem to start in the top and work in rows down). :hook

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Hi Everyone!!


Just thought I'd pop in and show pics of the 9 patch I finished earlier this month. I gave it to my friend right after finishing it. She loves it, as you can see in the pic!


th_101_0156.jpg th_101_0159.jpg


Looks absolutely fabulous Amy!! :clap


I also had a question about joining methods. I was wondering what the quickest and easiest method is. I've been ending my saltines in the corner and leaving a long tail. Then I've been using that to sew two sides to two other saltines. Hope that made sense.


What does everyone else do?


I totally finish off and then whip stitch them together. This is probably twice or three times the work but this old dog has trouble learning new tricks :lol


Still using the Vanna baby yarn to make squares for a 9 patch. It's my waiting room project when with FIL:D



That's what I do. I will want to try the "mattress" methid of joining Linda used - I think that's what it's called, where you sc into one st on one square, ch 1 and sc into the corresponding square opposite.


Now I have been thinking of trying the mattress binding. But that requires a flat surface if it's the same thing I'm thinking of. And Misa and Tuon get WAY too interested in things I work on on the table so that might not be a great idea :lol


Oh I'm so late today! I had quit taking my "go pills" because I thought they were making me sick. But I went right back to achy and sleeping all the time. Can't have that :2nono Honestly, I'd rather feel sick than sleep all the time :lol So I took it today and it's much better.


Gonna actually work on the swap squares I was supposed to already have done earlier in the week :blush I have just had ZERO motivation of late.


I wanna get the squares done so that I can start an aran project and my long awaited (for me anyway) Joseph's Coat quilt :hook

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Hi Everyone!!


Just thought I'd pop in and show pics of the 9 patch I finished earlier this month. I gave it to my friend right after finishing it. She loves it, as you can see in the pic!


th_101_0156.jpg th_101_0159.jpg

It turned out great, Amy! :cheer


Cara, I hope you continue to feel better.:hug I wish they could make pills with no side effects. :yes


I got home about 1 - just about the time thunderstorms started. We got some really nice rain, but I had to unplug my computer for most of the time.

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Good Morning, everyone. :rain It's very foggy and raining, so a good day to stay in. :yes I'm going to be good and get some work done this morning, so I can crochet this afternoon. :D


Miss Angel now has 2 sides of the outer squares attached. I have about 25 more squares to make and then need to join and attach the other two sides...getting close! Mr. Penguin might get some attention today. :hook


Donna ~ I hope the move is going well. :)


Have a great morning!

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Cara, what go pills are you on? I used to take Provigil and it worked great, but made me sick. So now I'm on Amantadine (it's a generic). I don't think it works quite as well, but I don't get sick taking it.

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Good Morning, everyone. :rain It's very foggy and raining, so a good day to stay in. :yes I'm going to be good and get some work done this morning, so I can crochet this afternoon. :D


Miss Angel now has 2 sides of the outer squares attached. I have about 25 more squares to make and then need to join and attach the other two sides...getting close! Mr. Penguin might get some attention today. :hook


Donna ~ I hope the move is going well. :)


Have a great morning!


Good morning Mary :flower It was raining here earlier this morning but now it's stopped. We just have a little light fog. Hopefully that's the way it stays because I have shopping to do today :D


Cara, what go pills are you on? I used to take Provigil and it worked great, but made me sick. So now I'm on Amantadine (it's a generic). I don't think it works quite as well, but I don't get sick taking it.


I'm on Provigil. I am not sure if I was just sick or if the Provigil is making me sick. I started taking it again yesterday because I get tired of falling asleep every time I sit still for more than 3 minutes :irk How did they make you sick? Sick to your tummy or something else. I've been very achy and I dunno I guess weak is the best word for it. Sort of like having the flu without the headache and upset stomach :shrug If it happens again this time I'm going to research alternatives :yes


So today is a big ol' shopping day for me :yay:woo Both my niece and nephew (not the one that lives here) have bought new homes :yay Of course, this means Auntie Cara and Auntie Diana MUST kit out the new digs. We're awful.


We make my other sister (niece and nephew's mom) nuts. :devil They aren't getting them anything at all. They said they did their part by getting the financing set up and making sure that the kids actually saved up enough money for this :lol Plus, the 2 years that the niece (Peyton's mommy btw) lived with them rent free. And the 2 years of expensive A&M tutition they paid for nephew and he's now decided he wants to 'take my life in a different direction' :rolleyes Anywho...they really are good kids and I love 'em to pieces :manyheart


My goodness I'm a bit rambling today aren't I? :rofl

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One of the side effects to Provigil is nausea. If I wasn't careful about when I took it my stomach would start to feel quesy. Then eventually that escalated to actually throwing up. And it was quick too. I would take my pill and if my timing was off I was usually running within 20 minutes. Because I took it for fatigue (I'm assuming you're doing the same) I was looking at the MS Society's website and Amantadine was listed as one that also helps. Like I said, I don't think it works as well as the Provigil, but I'm enjoying not having the side effects. Oh, and Provigil interferred w/ my birth control so each month I would have nasty painful breakouts that pretty much lasted all month long.

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One of the side effects to Provigil is nausea. If I wasn't careful about when I took it my stomach would start to feel quesy. Then eventually that escalated to actually throwing up. And it was quick too. I would take my pill and if my timing was off I was usually running within 20 minutes. Because I took it for fatigue (I'm assuming you're doing the same) I was looking at the MS Society's website and Amantadine was listed as one that also helps. Like I said, I don't think it works as well as the Provigil, but I'm enjoying not having the side effects. Oh, and Provigil interferred w/ my birth control so each month I would have nasty painful breakouts that pretty much lasted all month long.


Thanks for the info :hug I will definitely keep that in mind. It doesn't make me sick to my stomach yet...knock wood. And birth control isn't an issue with me. They removed to baby factory to make room for a parking lot years ago :rofl Yes, I take it for fatigue that they assume comes from my fibromyalgia. They thought I had MS as well but I had a bunch of tests last month and it was ruled out. I don't need a new problem :lol

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Thanks for the info :hug I will definitely keep that in mind. It doesn't make me sick to my stomach yet...knock wood. And birth control isn't an issue with me. They removed to baby factory to make room for a parking lot years ago :rofl Yes, I take it for fatigue that they assume comes from my fibromyalgia. They thought I had MS as well but I had a bunch of tests last month and it was ruled out. I don't need a new problem :lol


No problem. Sounds like you're luckier than me in terms of the stomach with it :lol

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Cara, I hope you had a wonderful shopping trip today!


Hi Val!


I just finished the last square for the Angel ghan! :cheer 31 solids to report. :hook


Grats!!! :woo:h5


Yes, I had a great day shopping. But now I'm broke and tired. Sounds like the perfect day to me :D

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Happy Friday!

Grats!!! :woo:h5


Yes, I had a great day shopping. But now I'm broke and tired. Sounds like the perfect day to me :D

So glad you had a good day. :yes


I have errands this morning and hope to beat the winter blast that's headed our way this afternoon. Have a great day!:manyheart

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Happy Friday!


So glad you had a good day. :yes


I have errands this morning and hope to beat the winter blast that's headed our way this afternoon. Have a great day!:manyheart


Ahhh I see we are due for a little winter blast aren't we :D Thank goodness. It was SO hot in here last night. I couldn't even sleep well. I actually think it was more because it's too humid than too hot. :yes


Anyway, a nice nordic blast sounds like a perfect thing for crocheting :hook

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Gee! It's the Cara and Mary chat room today. :lol It's been so quiet here lately. :yes Errands are done and I'm going to crochet for a while. :hook


Cara ~ the wind just changed so it's headed your way. :)

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