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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Happy Monday, everyone. :)


Yes, I'm going to go ahead and call it Make a Joyful Noise :yes

That's a wonderful name!


Hi Jessica. :manyheart


Donna ~ Congratulations on your new home. I know you all must be so excited. :hug I've added 45 solids/11 bi-colors.


Hi to Krystal, too. :)


I have made about 1/2 the squares for the outside round of Miss Angel. I'll just join them in strips and attach to each side. :hook


I'm on my way to the Dentist and DH is taking Maggie to the Vet...doesn't that sound like a fun Monday? :lol I hope everyone has had a good weekend.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Now that the angel is done I have to get the pattern posted to the site today. And I have swap squares to catch up on :blush Then I have an Aran ghan I need to start. Sounds like a good Monday schedule to me :hook

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:)Good morning Ladies! DH came in Thursday nite and we have been running. Working cows, long rides to deliver a horse as well as horse riding, went to town 1 and 1/2 hours away Saturday and got a new lawnmower and weedeater, did the yards, church all day yesterday and now he's sick in bed today :(

But I thought that would give me just a few to pop in and say hey! I haven't done much :crocheting. I am on the 3rd panel of the White Lacy MAM for MIL. Anyway,, inch by inch..........

[quote=Skysmom;1678392]Good Morning, everyone. I had typed a very long post last night and then deleted it...but it helped me sort out some feelings. DD's doctor confirmed yesterday that she had miscarried. We've been hoping for the best since Monday, but it wasn't meant to be this time. My heart breaks for her and her DH and know we will all get through this and look forward to another little one some day.


It means the world to me that I have you all for friends. :manyheart I was awake all night, so may try to go back to bed now.


:hug I feel so bad for your pain and DD's. I miscarried at 16 weeks some years ago and still remember the pain. I also can identify with your pain somewhat. I found out Christmas that my son and girlfriend (which that was only the 2nd time I had met her) is expecting in August. They are living together not planning on marrying until after baby is born. They live 2 hours away, but she is from 9 hours away and everytime something comes up, I hear she may move back with her folks. I want so bad to be excited ( and I am) but worry overcomes my excitement. This is my first grandchild and I may never get to see him/her!!

I'm Christian and this is not the way my son was raised, but I know God has plans in all things........so I daily place them in His hands.

Will be remembering you and yours in my prayers also.

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Cara ~ Sounds like a great schedule! What Aran pattern are you using?


Hi Michelle! Thank you for the hugs and kind words. I hope your DH feels better soon. :)


Miss Donna has gone over the 2000 square mark! :yay Congratulations, Donna.

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Here is the updated scorecard...Yay for another 2000 winner! :cheerCongratulations, Donna!

Cara (Misa)

Donna (sewnsew) *** 2032

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Wendy (Aussie) ***1298

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Denise (denisethorpe) 1227

Heather (hseger) 1201

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 1110

Val (Priszm) 1008

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***932

Mary (Skysmom) *** 841

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 684

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Dusti (rii698) *** 426

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Judy (judianne) 273

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Selanda (crocrazy) 206

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Jessica (jessicagil) 143

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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Congratulations on 2000 Donna!! :clap:yay:party:h5


Mary - The aran I'm wanting to make is from an old issue of Hooked on Crochet. But it's made with fingering weight yarn and an E hook. That's not happening :lol If I choose this one after all it'll have to be WW but then I'm afraid it'll come out a weird size. :think

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Hi Miss Tracy! You are welcome. :manyheart Unlike you, Denise, Cara, Wendy...I'm still working on the Angel ghan. ;) And then it will be back to the Penguin. :hook


Cara, I don't blame you for not working with the tiny yarn and small hook. My H hooks are my best friends now. :D I love the Aran patterns and made one afghan years ago for MIL.


My Ziploc is almost full of Burgundy squares, so I need to count those and start joining the outer strips for the Angel. It's supposed to be rainy, so it may be perfect crochet weather. :yes

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Cara ~ Sounds like a great schedule! What Aran pattern are you using?


Hi Michelle! Thank you for the hugs and kind words. I hope your DH feels better soon. :)


Miss Donna has gone over the 2000 square mark! :yay Congratulations, Donna.



Thank you!! :) Men make such lousy patients! ;)

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I finally got together a little package for the 2000 winners (I am soooo late with this!) So Wendy, Tracy, Shelly, Mary and Linda start watching for a little package from me. I meant to put a note in with them (I found cute little postcard notes that said Congratulations) and remembered the notes after I had sealed all the packages... :blush So I'll tell you here that the package is a 2000 prize. Dusti yours will be heading in the mail by the end of the week! Donna - yours will be heading out in a week or so. I'll let the dust settle at your new place first.

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Thanks girls. Although I think the credit goes to Wendy and Cara. Since it's Cara's wonderful patterns and Wendy's enabling :D


Mary I'm still working on Angel too. I was hoping to be done by the time we got in the new house but I don't think it will happen. So my new goal is to have her finished by the middle of April.

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:waving Good morning everyone! DH is much better today. Still feeling yucky, but no fever. In fact, he's out doing farm work today before bad storms hit in the AM. Maybe I can get caught up on some work today, so I can spend the evening :crocheting! :yes

BTW, I have loved every Angel quiltgahn picture I've seen! :) I would say I would love to do the angel,, But CARA, to tell the truth, I really want to do them ALL!!!:drool:yay

Hope everyone has a blessed day today! :hug

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'Afternoon, ladies. :) I've been cleaning, paying bills, doing laundry...I quit for today! The weatherman was definitely wrong - they were predicting storms and it's a beautiful sunny day.


Michelle ~ I'm glad your DH is better. I think lots of us feel the same way about wanting to make all of Cara's patterns. :yes


Hi to Wendy, Donna and Karen, too. :manyheart


One more load of clothes to fold and then it's crochet time. :cheer

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Mary, sounds like time to quit to me. :yes:D


:whew, what a day, went with mom to her check up at the hospital and we went shopping afterwards. What a tiring day, glad to sit down and relax now. We did get to crochet some saltines on the journey, haven't done a count yet. :hook


Michelle, glad DH is feeling a bit better today. :hug Makes it easier on you. :yes

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Howdy ladies :flower


Mary - I think we got your rain :lol It's raining at our end of the interstate. It's supposed to all week they say. Just hope it holds off on Thursday so I can go out :D


Michelle - Glad DH is feeling better :hug


Tracy - Sounds like a busy day indeed :yes


I've just gotten up in the last little bit. Not even especially tired but I was up for about 3 hours in the middle of the night. This is a regular thing though it's usually only about an hour or so. But the sound of the rain pitter patting on the windows kept lulling me back to sleep :lol Nice and rested now that's for sure :lol

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Tracy, what a long, busy day you've had! I hope Denise is okay and all went well at her check-up. :manyheart Okay...more saltines? I think I missed something - what are you making? :hook


Hi Cara ~ I'm glad some people had rain. :lol It really was a beautiful day here, but we sure need the rain. :yes


I'm reporting 48 solid squares. :D If I've counted right, I need 35 more to finish Miss Angel. I joined some tonight and maybe she'll be finished in a week or so. :think I made a few white for the Penquin just to take a break from Burgundy. :)

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Mary I hope our weathermen have the same problem. They have said it will rain from today till Sunday. Not helpful with having to move. So I'm hoping that the forcast is wrong and it's not really 70-80% chance of rain for the next 3 days.


I have 5 more solids to report.

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Just stopping by to say hi.

Mary I am so sorry for your family's loss. Super duper big hugs to all of you. :hug

Also everyone's afghans are beautiful. Really love the angel ones.

I have some squares to reports but I nd to count them up and post later.

Everyone have a wonderfully blessed day!

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Tracy, what a long, busy day you've had! I hope Denise is okay and all went well at her check-up. :manyheart Okay...more saltines? I think I missed something - what are you making? :hook


Hi Cara ~ I'm glad some people had rain. :lol It really was a beautiful day here, but we sure need the rain. :yes


I'm reporting 48 solid squares. :D If I've counted right, I need 35 more to finish Miss Angel. I joined some tonight and maybe she'll be finished in a week or so. :think I made a few white for the Penquin just to take a break from Burgundy. :)


Mary, it was a busy day and not the best news for mom. She has to have an operation, but they won't do it until she has lost at least 10kg, they have given her 3 months to lose the weight. She can do it. :yes


And I have started a checkered effect saltine baby blanket in pink and brown. Just something quick, easy, mindless and portable. :hook Denise is working on her ladybug ghan again. :yes

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