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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Oh and I forgot to mention. I have only 13 more saltines to crochet up and then final assembly begins on the Angel :woo I'll be so glad to have this one done :lol It's taken entirely too long to get done :hook

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Cara ~ Way to go on nearly finishing! :cheer


Hi Wendy!


I was gone most of the morning and then cleaned up one bed in the backyard. Lots of the bushes are blooming and covered with bees :eek so I decided to come in. Time for some crocheting. :yes

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Donna, I goofed on my post (see above)...the 1885 did not include the 56. :blushSo 1885 + 56 + 18 (today) = 1959. Let me know if this agrees with your totals...I think it's right now. :hook

Well now I umm... haven't been keeping track :blush:lol I just trusted you. So yes it agrees with me. :D


Oh and I forgot to mention. I have only 13 more saltines to crochet up and then final assembly begins on the Angel :woo I'll be so glad to have this one done :lol It's taken entirely too long to get done :hook

Me too especially since some enablers at the sky have gotten me to do the CW in June. So I need to get some of these other things done.

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:waving Hey everybody! Remember me? been gone so long.

CARA-- I hope you are feeling lots better these days.:manyheart

DENISE-- I :manyheart the angel afghan!! This one really makes me want to do one. I may even follow your colors if you wouldn't mind. ;) But at the rate I'm going it'll be another year maybe. :lol


ALEXANDER DEAN--my you are a handsome little man!:)


After finishing the Christmas Granny, I still haven't started my saltines yet ( still waiting on thread :( ) but I have gotten 2 panels done on my MIL's Lacy Afghan!!

Anyway just wanted to check in.... Have a great :crocheting day tomorrow!!!!

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Dear Frayed --

Could you try curling your hair ? Maybe that would help -- I kinda like the color shade changes throughout. It'd make you look dignified ifit was possibly curled or styled in some way .

That straight up thing just doesnt seem to give you the right "look" for someone named Krystal .

Maybe some barrettes ? Headband? Ribbons ?

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Good Morning, everyone. :) I'm going to work in the yard early...and hopefully outsmart the bees. ;)


Hi Julie. :manyheart


Michelle, great progress on your Lacy Afghan! Can't wait to have you start the ATW. :hook


Donna ~ 6 more solids added. :yes


Tracy ~ Is today your class day? :think Have fun!


Cara ~ Yay for finishing your Angel ghan.:yay


I made lots of squares yesterday. Don't know what I was thinking when I decided to leave the outside row of squares til last. :badidea Oh well, I will just pretend that Burgundy is my favorite color. :D

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Howdy ladies :D


Having some motivational issues today. I keep getting distracted by shiny objects...again :lol Then I fell asleep in my chair :blush Oh well, all refreshed now at least. I've been staying up way too late the last two nights. I have to stop that :yes


In spite of staying up late and working diligently on it yesterday I'm not quite finished with the sewing on the angel. Almost though. Just two more rows worth of joining sections. I built 2-4 row sections this time for some reason. Don't think I'll be doing that again :lol


Well, off to check the other threads then I'm back on task :hook

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Hi Tracy! I'm so glad you're enjoying your class. The same aunt that taught me to crochet did beautiful embroidery. I've never done a lot of it, but may have to try again. :)


Cara, it sounds like we both changed our joining methods on this one. :lol I need to join the last two rows and then start making all the "outside" squares. Looks like her name will be April Angel after all. :hook


Don't know what got into me, but I spent 5 hours in the back yard. All of the beds are raked and I mowed and trimmed. My perennials are poking through and the birds are singing. :D

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Well, didn't finish my angel today :no But I am on the reverse sc round of the border. I don't even had the first side done but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Maybe I can finish it up tomorrow evening.


But tomorrow during the day my sister and I are going to the zoo :jumpyay I'm so excited. I'm like a little kid :D I love when we do fun things instead of just running errands and going to the grocery store :lol

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Mary another 30 solids to report! :D

I love your avatar! 30 more are added. :hook


Mary - 43 solids to report :yes I better start joining some of these guys!

Hi Karen. 43 added to the list. I know just how you feel about the joining. :lol


Cara ~ Have a wonderful day out. :manyheart


Today is errand day and then hopefully some time with my hook. Have a great morning.

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I've been thinking about Linda T - she posted from the library the other day and I think their home computers are out again. We miss you, Linda! :manyheart

I really miss all of you, too.

OH, Julie - I saw this the other day and thought of you.

Krystal, that is hysterical! :rofl:rofl:rofl


The server computer won't boot up. It says that one of the parts of Windows is corrupted or missing. John brought home a disc from work, but so far it's still busted.


I am on the last round of the border of the small version (2 blocks by 3 blocks) of the Painted Dessert. It makes a pretty good lap ghan.


I feel like I've got a gazillion projects going on at the moment. 3 quiltghans, 2 friendship shawls, preemie ghans, thread angels, snowflakes, etc. Keeps me busy.


The afghans are beautiful!!! Love the pictures.


Good luck with the school, Julie.


More next time. :hi

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Howdy ladies :hi


Well, I had a great day! :D We had a terrific time at the zoo. I did have to end up getting of those go carts things because even with my walker it wasn't working out at all :no Too much uphill and downhill. But after I got that it was smooth sailing for the most part.


It was smaller than I expected it to be really but still wonderful all in all and definitely worth the price of admission. They were packed though! You'd think on a Thursday during the day it wouldn't be but man oh man it was just cheek by jowls out there. Guess some of the schools were having spring break this week instead of last week.


Now I'm just sitting here recuperating. It was still pretty tiring but worth it :yes

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Hi Linda! :manyheart


Cara, it sounds like you had a wonderful day. Yes, it's Spring Break here and the news is full of traffic pictures around the Fort Worth Zoo...thank goodness we don't live near there anymore. :yes


Karen ~ 25 more are on the list.

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Good Morning, everyone. I had typed a very long post last night and then deleted it...but it helped me sort out some feelings. DD's doctor confirmed yesterday that she had miscarried. We've been hoping for the best since Monday, but it wasn't meant to be this time. My heart breaks for her and her DH and know we will all get through this and look forward to another little one some day.


It means the world to me that I have you all for friends. :manyheart I was awake all night, so may try to go back to bed now.

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