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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Howdy folks

thanks for all the well-wishes about my nursing license .I am getting excited about it, but have certainly learned how far behind I am . I checked out one of the nurses' exam books from the library which has sample tests in it . Geez Louise, I didnt realize how out of the loop I am !

They do offer refresher courses ,which are hard to find, but I did find an online one. There are none anywhere close to us . Anyhow, the one I found , you do the bookwork part online, then have to get a local hospital to let you do 80 hours of clinical work so you are up to par on the newest treatments, drugs, etc . It's a chunk of change , but not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be . So, I need to scrape up some extra cash and get going on it as soon as I can .


Yep, our reunions are fun every year, no matter what the theme . We always look forward to it and each year, we get a bigger number of people to come stay at the motel, which adds to the fun, since we all sit around and catch up on the past year . We rarely see each other between times .

Mary, trust me, I know what you mean about families .We have drama in our immediate family a lot, so it's not as close as I wish it was. These relatives are all the extended family... cousins, aunts, uncles, etc .


You guys are making me hungry with all those good winter-time recipes . Hopefully, we'll all be grilling hotdogs out soon. Our weather is slowly getting warmer. The weekend is supposed to be pretty good for this early in the year .


As for crochet, I am still plugging along on the flower garden . I have to make myself keep on task with it, when I look at how long I have to complete it .


I sure admire all of you who can just crank those afghans out so quickly . I'm not very speedy . I guess the turtle DOES get his afghan done, it's just got DUST on it by the time it is complete . :lol

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I think that the investment will be well worth it! Good luck and let me know if there's any way I can help you study. :yes


I like that kind of stuff...


(Learning it, not DOING it. I could NOT be a nurse, I do not have the temperament nor the ability to deal with yicky stuff. Maybe a surgical nurse, as blood doesn't bother me. Other yicky stuff, can't do!)

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Everyone's chili and stews sound so yummy! DBF and I ended up at Olive Garden tonight. I did pretty good at choosing healthy. And it helped that I'd just had my stupid filling filed down yet again! Kept me from eating something like chicken or the appetizer DBF ordered. Now, fingers crossed the filing fixes the problem. Otherwise the dentist said my next step might be a root canal. I've never had one of those and I'd like to keep it that way.


I sure hope they can get a filling to work. I've had root canals and they're not pleasant. Not as bad as you'd think but still not my preferred way to spend an afternoon.


Here is my progress on the Angel ghan, she does have hands but I used a very light colour. Someone suggested outlining the hands so I might do that.




Looks fabulous! I think outlining the hands will work very well :yes


It's raining again and that's good news for us. I'm staying in today, going to have a fire and make my White Chili later. :D


Enjoy your day :hug


Howdy folks

thanks for all the well-wishes about my nursing license .I am getting excited about it, but have certainly learned how far behind I am . I checked out one of the nurses' exam books from the library which has sample tests in it . Geez Louise, I didnt realize how out of the loop I am !

They do offer refresher courses ,which are hard to find, but I did find an online one. There are none anywhere close to us . Anyhow, the one I found , you do the bookwork part online, then have to get a local hospital to let you do 80 hours of clinical work so you are up to par on the newest treatments, drugs, etc . It's a chunk of change , but not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be . So, I need to scrape up some extra cash and get going on it as soon as I can .


Yep, our reunions are fun every year, no matter what the theme . We always look forward to it and each year, we get a bigger number of people to come stay at the motel, which adds to the fun, since we all sit around and catch up on the past year . We rarely see each other between times .

Mary, trust me, I know what you mean about families .We have drama in our immediate family a lot, so it's not as close as I wish it was. These relatives are all the extended family... cousins, aunts, uncles, etc .


You guys are making me hungry with all those good winter-time recipes . Hopefully, we'll all be grilling hotdogs out soon. Our weather is slowly getting warmer. The weekend is supposed to be pretty good for this early in the year .


As for crochet, I am still plugging along on the flower garden . I have to make myself keep on task with it, when I look at how long I have to complete it .


I sure admire all of you who can just crank those afghans out so quickly . I'm not very speedy . I guess the turtle DOES get his afghan done, it's just got DUST on it by the time it is complete . :lol


I'm so excited for you :clap My sister is training to be a nurse, too. It's a lot of stuff to remember and I'm continuously amazed at how anyone remembers all that stuff :lol We used to have nice family reunions too but not in years and years. Sort of wish we'd do them again. Yours always sounds like so much fun :D




I think that the investment will be well worth it! Good luck and let me know if there's any way I can help you study. :yes


I like that kind of stuff...


(Learning it, not DOING it. I could NOT be a nurse, I do not have the temperament nor the ability to deal with yicky stuff. Maybe a surgical nurse, as blood doesn't bother me. Other yicky stuff, can't do!)


Me either. I have no patience for sick people, oddly enough :lol I used to work in a doctor's office and folks came in whining for the stupidest stuff. I always wanted to smack them and yell, "Suck it up ya big baby!" :lol


Still rainy and cold here today. I don't have a fireplace like Mary. Okay, I have a fireplace but but considering it was taken out of commission probably in the 60s and the chimney's been capped I don't think starting a fire in it would be a good idea :lol It's purely decorative now and if we had our way we'd just yank it out :P


The rain's messing with my sinuses today ::sick But not terribly bad. Just bad enough to make me feel draggy. Sounds like a good day to spend with my hook :hook

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Mr. Penguin got some attention today. :) I don't know how you ladies can work on more than one thing at a time...need to learn how to do that. :lol


The rain has stopped, but it's still cold and the fire feels good. I hope everyone has a good evening/morning. :manyheart

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Julie I think it's great that you are going back to nursing.


We used to have family reunions when I was little. Haven't had on in about 20 years that I know of. I sure do miss it.


Cara maybe we should adopt Julie's family and go to their reunion :D


Mary I have 9 solids and 2 bi colored to report from last night.

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Morning, gang :manyheart


Donna- you and Cara and anyone else are always welcome. We have visitors every year who have no direct connection in the family, other than friends or neighbors . Anyone can come .:)

(Besides, I have truckloads of cousins, but there are always room for more )


Tracy- the Owen -ghan came out great !


I gotta spend some serious crochet time this weekend . I've been doing too many other things here lately . :yes



Hope you all have a good and productive weekend ..


Boy, I misss Linda's posts, but I think I read awhile back that her internet or computer had some issues, so hopefully she'll be able to join in again soon.

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Mary - I think I forgot to report 16 solids earlier this week. If I reported 16 earlier this week Mary ignore this note :lol The total in my siggie is the correct total...
Mary I have 9 solids and 2 bi colored to report from last night.

These are added, ladies. :hook


Tracy, your 'ghan is so cute! Way to go on finishing another great project. :cheer


Hi Miss Julie ~ I hope you get lots of crocheting done!


Today is laundry day...DH was gone all week and that means laundry time. :lol I plan on some crochet time, too. :crocheting

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Here are the current scores. Everyone is welcome to join and the details are in my signature. :) Please let me know if any changes need to be made.


Cara (Misa)

Donna (sewnsew) 1865

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Wendy (Aussie) ***1209

Denise (denisethorpe) 1170

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 1110

Heather (hseger) 1106

Val (Priszm) 1008

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***932

Mary (Skysmom) *** 780

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 577

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Judy (judianne) 258

Dusti (rii698) *** 229

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Selanda (crocrazy) 206

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Jessica (jessicagil) 107

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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:flowerHey ya'll! :lol I haven't forgotten you. I just finished my Christmas Granny Square Afghan and now I'm wanting to join the 'saltine roll'! My name will always be the last one on the list, I can tell ya!:D

Hope everyone is well. And Cara, those saltines I'm talking about is for the ATW quilt-ghan I said waayyyy back I wanted to do! :lol

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Owen ghan is done. :yay


I am not good at taking photos, the yellow is more yellow and the red is more red in real life. :hook




th_100_1760.jpg Both are clicky


Oh Tracy! That came out great! :clap


Cara maybe we should adopt Julie's family and go to their reunion :D


I agree :D


Morning, gang :manyheart


Donna- you and Cara and anyone else are always welcome. We have visitors every year who have no direct connection in the family, other than friends or neighbors . Anyone can come .:)

(Besides, I have truckloads of cousins, but there are always room for more )


Tracy- the Owen -ghan came out great !


I gotta spend some serious crochet time this weekend . I've been doing too many other things here lately . :yes



Hope you all have a good and productive weekend ..


Boy, I misss Linda's posts, but I think I read awhile back that her internet or computer had some issues, so hopefully she'll be able to join in again soon.


Howdy Jules! :hi Well, Donna and I just might show up one of these days :D I'm missing Linda too :( Sure wish those computers of hers would just behave themselves. :grump


oops! Here's the pic of my afghan! It's made by Katherine Eng from Crochet World Magazine, Vol.19,Page 40.



Oh I like that muy much! Great job :clap


Ohhhhh....I'm not in good shape today at all :lol I went to lie down last night at 7. Slept until 11:30 pm and was back in bed by 3 am. Then I slept until 3:30 this afternoon :eek I don't ever do that unless I'm sick. And I'm sick :lol Feels like the last time they told me I had pneumonia. I never had any chest congestion with it then and I don't now. Just feel very, very weak and sleepy :(


I feel better now than I did last night but I'm still taking it easy. So much for our first week of us cleaning house together. I just don't have the oomph :lol Bet I can scare up some tiny bit of energy to crochet though :hook I got 2 rows of my angel done yesterday :yay Just four rows to go :hook

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Ohhhhh....I'm not in good shape today at all :lol I went to lie down last night at 7. Slept until 11:30 pm and was back in bed by 3 am. Then I slept until 3:30 this afternoon :eek I don't ever do that unless I'm sick. And I'm sick :lol Feels like the last time they told me I had pneumonia. I never had any chest congestion with it then and I don't now. Just feel very, very weak and sleepy :(


I feel better now than I did last night but I'm still taking it easy. So much for our first week of us cleaning house together. I just don't have the oomph :lol Bet I can scare up some tiny bit of energy to crochet though :hook I got 2 rows of my angel done yesterday :yay Just four rows to go :hook


Cara hope you feel better soon. :hug :hug


oops! Here's the pic of my afghan! It's made by Katherine Eng from Crochet World Magazine, Vol.19,Page 40.



Its just gorgeous.

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Mary I have 8 solids and 6 bi colored to report.


Got another row finished on the Angel. I think I'm going to work on the scrappy do for a few days now and get some squares made for it. I'm about half done with the saltines for it.

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Michelle- great work on your afghan. The colors are very pretty .



Cara- I hope you soon feel better .We are all pulling for you . I know it makes you mad when your body is so tired. I was like that for several weeks after surgery. Just no ZIP ,you know ?

I tried eating more meats and fruits/vegetables. It took a few weeks, but I am gaining back some power now .

Maybe you should go get checked for pneumonia if you felt like that the last time .


Take care of yourself-- we need you in here to be inspiring to us all, through your crochet and daily life . Your great sense of humor keeps me in a good mood .

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Good Morning, all. :)


Cara ~ Feel better soon. :hug I hope it's not too serious.


Mary can you add 20 to my total? I am 3/10 the way done with a scrap blanket that Wendy calls Scrappy Doo's.

Hi Jessica! I've added 20 to the list.


Howdy everyone :hi


Mary 20 solids thanks.


Im upto the border on my scrappy doo, hope to finish it in the next day or so and will show a photo.

Wendy, 20 more added. :hook

Mary I have 8 solids and 6 bi colored to report.


Got another row finished on the Angel. I think I'm going to work on the scrappy do for a few days now and get some squares made for it. I'm about half done with the saltines for it.

Hi Donna ~ I've added your squares. You're really close to 2000! :yay

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