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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Julie, I'm excited for you! Getting re-certified as a nurse will be great! I envy you...we have the learning thing in common, too. I'm a very curious person.

That's another incentive to get your knee strong again. Want to join Krystal's healthy habits group on SKY? Keeps many ladies accountable.

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Hi everyone. :)


Send some of the rain my way please! I actually ended up turning on my AC yesterday. Mostly because I work from home Monday to Wednesday and my computer is right by the patio door. So it gets a bit warm at my computer and it's been 80's the last couple of days.

I'm really enjoying this cold, rainy weather...of course I wouldn't if I had to be driving on the freeways. ;)


I posted the link for the graph pattern on Snarky (not sure if you visit SKY Cal). I can't link to it here:(

It's a ribbon design heart with a rosebud at the top and I paid the designer to graph out the date and the names for me. I was getting a headache trying to figure it out.

I can't wait to see progress pictures!


Hi Julie. I'm glad your knee is doing okay. :manyheart I remember your telling us about the Reunions and how much fun they are! Do you have a theme planned for this year?


It's not raining now, but is supposed to start again this afternoon. So it's off to the store and post office for me. Have a great morning. :hook

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Hi Judy- thanks. I was probably a pretty rare bird in school. The teachers would assign some big nine week project, with a report, graphs, maps, etc and I was the only one who couldnt wait to get started. I loved those big projects . The other kids all moaned about them , but I loved getting out maps, colored pencils and encyclopedias .

My poor old brain hasnt had to do much in the way of education for many years, but I have always liked reading, so I guess that counts for something. I like learning things, even if it's only through a fiction book .

Thanks for the advice on K's healthy group. I think that would be wise, since I may have trouble keeping myself on task with exercising.

I did go up to our Rec center here in town to check into their costs and exercise equipment .I figured maybe if I paid a fee for it, I'd feel more guilty about it if I didnt use it, so I'd GUILT myself into doing it .:lol


Thanks Tracy and Karen -- yea, there seem to be ONLY jobs in the health area lately ,although it's not real good even in that area now. I just heard this week that one of our large area hospitals laid off 50 nurses, due to the fact that people are canceling tests, surgeries, etc that aren't absolutely necessary ,because of job loss and lack of insurance . It's pretty bad here in Ohio ,as it seems to be pretty much everywhere right now . I hope things improve for everyone soon. It's scarey and sad to think about it .:(

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HiYa Mary !

I asked one of my other cousins to take reunion over this year. We will go ,but I havent felt up to it as far as planning it this year . The theme is called "Grandpa's Garden. "

I'm not sure what all my cousin has planned, but it sounds like fun, so I'm looking forward to it. I think she's decorating in all old-fashioned looking stuff, with lots of plants ,etc on the table as centerpieces . I need to find a pair of bib overalls to wear .


I still have to get at least one afghan made -- I usually donate 2 or 3, but I doubt I'll get that many done in time .


They plan on all the old-fashioned games for kids-- tug of war, sack races , etc .

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Julie, your reunions sound like so much fun! It is so neat that you contribute afghans...I'll bet people look forward to winning one. :yes I can't imagine our family having such a good time together. :lol


I'm stewing a huge chicken so I can make White Chili tomorrow. DH will be happy when he gets home - it's one of his favorite recipes and I haven't been too domestic lately. ;)


I'm reporting 26 solids. :hook

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Morning all --

I'm also doing some checking into getting my LPN license out of retirement . I guess it's called "inactive". I put it on that back when the kids were babies -- too hard to work and take care of them, so I retired, and always said I'd go back to work, but have yet to do it , and our last kid left home about 8 years ago .


I'll need to take some classes and read up a LOT on things -- I am back in the dinosaur days with some of this stuff, after not working for so long .

Anyhow, it'll give me a goal to work towards and a good feeling if I can accomplish it. After so many years out of school, my brain has turned to mush .


Anyhow, wish me luck . I'm kinda excited to give it a try. I always loved school ,so it's kinda exciting to think about it .


Luck?!?! Luck?!?!


You want luck!?!? You have my wishes for luck as well as all of my admiration, too!!! :woo What a fantastic thing!

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:hi Mary. White chili sounds interesting. :yes Can I come for supper, please? (asking for food when should be on a diet, what is wrong with me? :eek:lol)


Yes! Please come over for supper tomorrow. :D It's a really yummy WW friendly recipe with green chilis, tomatillos, cilantro and lots of other good things. It's from a restaurant in the town where my parents live and I always serve it with cornbread.

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Howdy gals! :hi


Julie - I'm with K :yes You have my deepest admiration just to even contemplate reactivating your license :nworthy I'm glad the therapy is over. I always think those folks are all descendant from the Marque de Sade :rofl


Yes! Please come over for supper tomorrow. :D It's a really yummy WW friendly recipe with green chilis, tomatillos, cilantro and lots of other good things. It's from a restaurant in the town where my parents live and I always serve it with cornbread.


:drool Plain ol' regular chili for us tonight. I like chili in the cool weather. There goes my heartburn again though :lol


Mary, that does sound delicious. :drool I am just making stew tomorrow. I have to make boring meals 'cos no one likes my experiments. :lol


Stews on the menu for tomorrow here :D


I've been very good today :yes Gotta my hiney in motion on time this morning instead of just spending hours staring like usual :lol Got my daily chores all done and I've been working on the angel for about 3 hours now :hook

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AmishStar.jpg Her is my Amish Star. I really enjoy these quilt patterns.

That turned out so pretty.


Donna, your angel is turning out so pretty . Where is she going, a keeper for yourself or a gift ?


My main focus here lately has been a Grandma's flower garden afghan, the one with the hexagons like the old fashioned quilt . I HAVE to get an afghan made for reunion in June . I have started so many, but none kept my interest for long, so I am trying to buckle down with this one and stick with it . So far, so good . I take breaks from it sometimes to get more done on the RR for the baby gift .

Some days I just read ,but try to do some crochet every day .


My therapy classes ended yesterday, but I am still supposed to exercise my leg at home, which I'm not real fond of -- I've never been much of a fitness guru , but it's time to start I guess .


I'm also doing some checking into getting my LPN license out of retirement . I guess it's called "inactive". I put it on that back when the kids were babies -- too hard to work and take care of them, so I retired, and always said I'd go back to work, but have yet to do it , and our last kid left home about 8 years ago .


I'll need to take some classes and read up a LOT on things -- I am back in the dinosaur days with some of this stuff, after not working for so long .

Anyhow, it'll give me a goal to work towards and a good feeling if I can accomplish it. After so many years out of school, my brain has turned to mush .


Anyhow, wish me luck . I'm kinda excited to give it a try. I always loved school ,so it's kinda exciting to think about it .


You all have a good weekend coming up -:)

Julie yes, my sister has claimed the angel. Well actually she asked when I was going to make her a ghan and I said well I have this angel sitting here and so she has laid claim to it.


That's great about getting back into nursing. I can't wait to see the grandmothers garden.

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Everyone's chili and stews sound so yummy! DBF and I ended up at Olive Garden tonight. I did pretty good at choosing healthy. And it helped that I'd just had my stupid filling filed down yet again! Kept me from eating something like chicken or the appetizer DBF ordered. Now, fingers crossed the filing fixes the problem. Otherwise the dentist said my next step might be a root canal. I've never had one of those and I'd like to keep it that way.

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I posted the link for the graph pattern on Snarky (not sure if you visit SKY Cal). I can't link to it here:(

It's a ribbon design heart with a rosebud at the top and I paid the designer to graph out the date and the names for me. I was getting a headache trying to figure it out.


Judy the graph looks fantastic. :clap


Morning all --


Donna, your angel is turning out so pretty . Where is she going, a keeper for yourself or a gift ?


Judy- that is a cute little checkerboard baby-ghan ! Love the green .


Tracy- making Easter bunnies ! You are on a good schedule for Easter time !


My main focus here lately has been a Grandma's flower garden afghan, the one with the hexagons like the old fashioned quilt . I HAVE to get an afghan made for reunion in June . I have started so many, but none kept my interest for long, so I am trying to buckle down with this one and stick with it . So far, so good . I take breaks from it sometimes to get more done on the RR for the baby gift .

Some days I just read ,but try to do some crochet every day .


My therapy classes ended yesterday, but I am still supposed to exercise my leg at home, which I'm not real fond of -- I've never been much of a fitness guru , but it's time to start I guess .


I'm also doing some checking into getting my LPN license out of retirement . I guess it's called "inactive". I put it on that back when the kids were babies -- too hard to work and take care of them, so I retired, and always said I'd go back to work, but have yet to do it , and our last kid left home about 8 years ago .


I'll need to take some classes and read up a LOT on things -- I am back in the dinosaur days with some of this stuff, after not working for so long .

Anyhow, it'll give me a goal to work towards and a good feeling if I can accomplish it. After so many years out of school, my brain has turned to mush .


Anyhow, wish me luck . I'm kinda excited to give it a try. I always loved school ,so it's kinda exciting to think about it .


You all have a good weekend coming up -:)


Julie Im so excited for you, all the best with getting your licence.:hug


HiYa Mary !

I asked one of my other cousins to take reunion over this year. We will go ,but I havent felt up to it as far as planning it this year . The theme is called "Grandpa's Garden. "

I'm not sure what all my cousin has planned, but it sounds like fun, so I'm looking forward to it. I think she's decorating in all old-fashioned looking stuff, with lots of plants ,etc on the table as centerpieces . I need to find a pair of bib overalls to wear .


I still have to get at least one afghan made -- I usually donate 2 or 3, but I doubt I'll get that many done in time .


They plan on all the old-fashioned games for kids-- tug of war, sack races , etc .


Its great that you all get together every year and have a theme to go with it. You will probably be able to enjoy it more now that your not doing the organizing part of it. Thats wonderful that your able to donate afghans for the occassion.


I'm stewing a huge chicken so I can make White Chili tomorrow. DH will be happy when he gets home - it's one of his favorite recipes and I haven't been too domestic lately. ;)


I'm reporting 26 solids. :hook


:hi Mary, sounds like a beautiful dinner, Im sure your DH will love it.


Mary, 142 solids and 12 bicolours, please. :hook


All the saltines for the Owen ghan are done, just need to stitch the last together and do the border. :yay


Tracy great progress and congrats on getting the Owen ghan done, cant wait to see it. :clap

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Good Morning! Here are the squares I've added since yesterday evening. :hook


Forgot to say... I have 11 solids and 2 bi colored to report


Mary, 142 solids and 12 bicolours, please. :hook


All the saltines for the Owen ghan are done, just need to stitch the last together and do the border. :yay


Mary - 26 solids thanks
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Val ~ I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too. :hug I've had lots of dental work and can totally sympathize.


Tracy ~ Great news about nearly finishing your ghan. :cheer


Wendy ~ Your Angel ghan is adorable! I love your colors together. :hook


It's raining again and that's good news for us. I'm staying in today, going to have a fire and make my White Chili later. :D

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