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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Tracy! You've been very quiet lately. ;) What are you working on? How is your class going? See, I'm full of questions again. :lol


Cara, I couldn't get into the 'Ville 30 minutes ago, but all seems well now. :think I hope you get some crochet time. :hook


Val, that's good news. :manyheart


I've been gone today and need to catch up on a few things...then it's crochet time. DH is gone til Friday, so you'd think I'd get more done. :blush

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Hi Tracy! You've been very quiet lately. ;) What are you working on? How is your class going? See, I'm full of questions again. :lol



Me? Quiet? :D I am working on too many things, as usual. :lol I have the rainbow ghan, princess pram blanket, Owen ghan, a RR, finished a bunny this morning, and I have a couple of baby cardigans on the go. :whew Class is fine. You just reminded me, haven't done my homework yet! :eek


Have you started anything new yet? :wink

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Beautiful as always! :clap


Mary, I made this and finished it this morning. Hence, no homework. :lol



th_100_1752.jpg Photo clicky


OMG! I love, love, LOVE this bunny! Almost makes me want to learn to knit......almost :lol

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That is so cute! Almost makes me want to play checkers :lol

I DO have a pattern for a checkerboard:lol


Judy, that is VERY pretty. :yes


Mary, I made this and finished it this morning. Hence, no homework. :lol



th_100_1752.jpg Photo clicky


Beautiful as always! :clap




OMG! I love, love, LOVE this bunny! Almost makes me want to learn to knit......almost :lol

Thanks, everyone...and me, too, Cara - almost.;)

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Judy, your preemie ghan is adorable! I love your idea of doing them in seasonal colors. :c9


Tracy, your knitting and crocheting are amazing! :yes The Bunny is so cute! I hope you get your homework finished. :D


Cara, your site update looks great. :cheer And of course, I want to do the Ladybug, too. :lol It's really early, but DD and her DH are thinking they're going to be surprised about the sex of the baby. I think I may make your Jasie Afghan in cream and add the "ribbon" after we know. I saw darling ribbon in blue/cream and pink/cream pin dots at JoAnn's.

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Easter is too close or I'd do easter egg colors:lol


I just got the pattern for the wedding graph ghan I'm going to make, so tomorow is a trip to AC Moore to get the yarn (coupons in hand, and after a trip to get my back worked on by DS).

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Good Morning, ladies. :)


Easter is too close or I'd do easter egg colors:lol


I just got the pattern for the wedding graph ghan I'm going to make, so tomorow is a trip to AC Moore to get the yarn (coupons in hand, and after a trip to get my back worked on by DS).

Have fun yarn shopping! :yarn I hope your back is okay...how great to have a DS for a chiro. :yes


Sprtsbear ~ Your ghan is lovely! Thanks so much for sharing a picture. :manyheart


It was 82 yesterday and this a.m. it's 39 and raining! We need all the rain we can get, so no complaints here.

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Good Morning, ladies. :)



Have fun yarn shopping! :yarn I hope your back is okay...how great to have a DS for a chiro. :yes


Sprtsbear ~ Your ghan is lovely! Thanks so much for sharing a picture. :manyheart


It was 82 yesterday and this a.m. it's 39 and raining! We need all the rain we can get, so no complaints here.


Hmmm, normally I wouldn't complain about this rain but tomorrow was supposed to be my trip to the zoo. :sigh Oh well, my sister ended up having to work anyway so I guess it just wasn't meant to be.


Trying to keep myself motivated here. It's not working out real well :lol Hopefully, today will be better :hook


Morning ladies :flower

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Cara, I'm sorry about the zoo being postponed...but maybe you can design a new pattern? I mean the others are making wonderful progress on the angel...:devil


Well, I got the yarn...and treated myself to 2 new clover hooks...a J and an I...which I just used to make the starting chain and 1st row for the wedding ghan.:hook

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Cara, I'm sorry about the zoo being postponed...but maybe you can design a new pattern? I mean the others are making wonderful progress on the angel...:devil


Well, I got the yarn...and treated myself to 2 new clover hooks...a J and an I...which I just used to make the starting chain and 1st row for the wedding ghan.:hook


:lol I haven't even finished my angel yet :blush Ooooh new goodies. How wonderful :clap

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Cara, so sorry about your day out tomorrow. :( It's really cold and has been raining most of the day.


Judy, it sounds like a great shopping trip! What pattern are you using for your wedding ghan?


I've been making more squares this afternoon and am going to join some more this evening. Miss Angel is coming along. :hook

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Send some of the rain my way please! I actually ended up turning on my AC yesterday. Mostly because I work from home Monday to Wednesday and my computer is right by the patio door. So it gets a bit warm at my computer and it's been 80's the last couple of days.

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Judy, it sounds like a great shopping trip! What pattern are you using for your wedding ghan?

I posted the link for the graph pattern on Snarky (not sure if you visit SKY Cal). I can't link to it here:(

It's a ribbon design heart with a rosebud at the top and I paid the designer to graph out the date and the names for me. I was getting a headache trying to figure it out.

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Send some of the rain my way please! I actually ended up turning on my AC yesterday. Mostly because I work from home Monday to Wednesday and my computer is right by the patio door. So it gets a bit warm at my computer and it's been 80's the last couple of days.


Well that was the picture around here up until today :lol But the cooler weather is nice is nothing else.

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Morning all --


Donna, your angel is turning out so pretty . Where is she going, a keeper for yourself or a gift ?


Judy- that is a cute little checkerboard baby-ghan ! Love the green .


Tracy- making Easter bunnies ! You are on a good schedule for Easter time !


My main focus here lately has been a Grandma's flower garden afghan, the one with the hexagons like the old fashioned quilt . I HAVE to get an afghan made for reunion in June . I have started so many, but none kept my interest for long, so I am trying to buckle down with this one and stick with it . So far, so good . I take breaks from it sometimes to get more done on the RR for the baby gift .

Some days I just read ,but try to do some crochet every day .


My therapy classes ended yesterday, but I am still supposed to exercise my leg at home, which I'm not real fond of -- I've never been much of a fitness guru , but it's time to start I guess .


I'm also doing some checking into getting my LPN license out of retirement . I guess it's called "inactive". I put it on that back when the kids were babies -- too hard to work and take care of them, so I retired, and always said I'd go back to work, but have yet to do it , and our last kid left home about 8 years ago .


I'll need to take some classes and read up a LOT on things -- I am back in the dinosaur days with some of this stuff, after not working for so long .

Anyhow, it'll give me a goal to work towards and a good feeling if I can accomplish it. After so many years out of school, my brain has turned to mush .


Anyhow, wish me luck . I'm kinda excited to give it a try. I always loved school ,so it's kinda exciting to think about it .


You all have a good weekend coming up -:)

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