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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Yep! DH is out in the dark washing his new baby. ;) He was raised on a lake here in Fort Worth and we both love the water. He goes skiing once every summer to prove he can still get up on one ski on the first try...and so far he always has. (He's 64!) All I asked of him was that we do the major Spring clean-up on the yard tomorrow and then he can go fishing. :lol Gee, I think crocheting is a much less expensive hobby than fishing. :D


Donna ~ I've added 19 more. You are getting really close to the 2000 mark. :cheer


Judy ~ 13 more for you. :hook

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Yep! DH is out in the dark washing his new baby. ;) He was raised on a lake here in Fort Worth and we both love the water. He goes skiing once every summer to prove he can still get up on one ski on the first try...and so far he always has. (He's 64!) All I asked of him was that we do the major Spring clean-up on the yard tomorrow and then he can go fishing. :lol Gee, I think crocheting is a much less expensive hobby than fishing. :D


Donna ~ I've added 19 more. You are getting really close to the 2000 mark. :cheer


Judy ~ 13 more for you. :hook


I never could get up on skis :lol

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Mary, please add 24 solids, 4 bi-colors, and 8 four-colors to my score. That should be the last saltines for the Painted Desert.

Famous last words. :rofl:rofl I looked at it some more in the daylight and nope it is definitely NOT going to work with the two different shades of burgundy. :no I will NOT be happy with the result. :no Just because it's for me doesn't mean I have to settle for second rate. Soooooo..................I am going to make the 6 blocks in the lighter shade into a lap throw and make 6 more blocks using the correct red for the full size quiltghan. I am more than a bit of a perfectionist with my crafts and mixing the two colors just will not cut it.


The home computer is acting up a bit. I think I need to reboot the entire system and just didn't feel like it today. So since I am at the library, I'll drop a line here and hope to get the home set-up working tomorrow or later today.:ccompute


Hope everyone is having a great weekend. The weather here is perfect.

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Hi Ladies. :) It's been an interesting day! We were out in the yard by 9 this a.m. and it was a beautiful day. About noon, we realized our power was off and it was a wide spread problem. Both of our computers had used up their battery time and no phones (except cell). Luckily, all of our yard equipment is gas powered. :lol It finally came back on about 5:30. The only real problem was that DH couldn't vacuum out his boat. :eek:lol


Hi Val! What are you working on? :hook


Tracy, yep! I may have more crochet time in my future. ;)


Linda, I hope you get your computer problems solved. :hug


Now, I have to get dinner going or it will be 9 p.m. before we eat.

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Howdy ladies :flower


Oh what a busy, busy day. BD and I (mainly BD) took the old broken window a/c out of our bedroom then put the panels for our wall bed in place. Finally. We've only had it for 3 years :lol But had to have the central a/c installed first :yes That doesn't sound like that big of a job but of course nothing is ever easy now is it? :lol That and we got up late. Darn daylight savings time :irk


So all done now and didn't have to make supper. We grabbed burgers instead :D


I'm hoping things are going to go a bit differently starting now. Had to break down and actually ask BD for help with the housework. I cannot begin to impart how much I hated doing that. It took a lot to do it. But BD was actually happy about it :blink He's just been waiting for me to ask. He's always offered but I'm touchy about doing things myself. Things I consider "my job". But time for an attitude change. I just can't keep up anymore and I'm hurting my poor old body. Now I just have to work through the guilt :lol But I will.


Hopefully, tomorrow I'm back to the hook :hook

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Cara.. I recently had to go through the same thing... hubby was complaining about some things not being done.... I finally got so ticked off I told him if he didn't like it to do it himself... DD#1 was doing what she could... he just complained and said she should be working instead of sleeping during the day after all "all she does is babysit over night for a 5 yr old"... the only problem is she can not really sleep there she does nap..the little one sleep walks... she has caught his opening up the refridgerator door to go to the bathroom---- trying to go outside in the middle of winter in his unders---- and once he had even tried climbing out the window when they lived on the second floor.... he doesn't do it every night but enough so she can't sleep..


the thing of it is hubby hasn't worked outside the house except for a few days since he retired on Halloween... and the extent of his helping around here is to do his own laundry, straighten his own room, take the trash to the dumping station every couple weeks, mows about once a month(DD#1 does it most), and when it gets to the point where the town is threatening him with fines he cleans up around the yard,


I try to do some things but right now I'm on restricted physical activity... the girls help when they are asked... DGD11 does her own laundry, helps cook, and helps with other things....DGD6 helps as best she can too


So I have finally come to the conclusion that things get done as we can do them and if hubby don't like it it's his problem... He spends all his time in his room except if he can't sleep in the middle of the night he'll come out and play games on the computer...

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Shelly - I sure hope you can get more help and less criticism :hug Especially right now when you're on such light activity :yes BD has never, ever complained about any of the cleaning. He wouldn't dare :rofl

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I guess he's just been spoiled... his Mom did everything for him... after we got married I continued doing most everything even after I started working... I was just brought up that way... it's hard to retrain them after 34 years....

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Mary Glad you finally got power back.


I guess he's just been spoiled... his Mom did everything for him... after we got married I continued doing most everything even after I started working... I was just brought up that way... it's hard to retrain them after 34 years....

That's like my DH. He thinks he's been to work that's it for him no chores around here at all. Cause I have different ideas. :lol I have a chore list written up for him every weekend. He spends most of his free time at the cricket ground ( his other woman as I call it ) :lol But after 13 years I'm finally getting somewhere.


Hi Cara glad you are feeling better.

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Pauline sometimes I wish he had somewhere to go ...right now he just sits in his room and complains if I ask him to do something.... he mutters under his breathe actually and thinks I don't hear him....

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Cara, I'm so glad you talked to BD. My DH is willing to help me with anything, and I've finally learned to ask. :lol


How is everyone coming along with their Angels and other WIPs?


I'm more behind than usual...partly due to the power outage yesterday. I can't see the floor in my laundry room yet and the desk is waiting on me to uncover it, too. ;) This evening will be crochet time, no matter what else happens.:hook

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Morning everyone!


Hi Val! What are you working on? :hook


I've been slowly working on a RR for Sissie's VJGC. I started with the V stitch and I think the holes would be too big for little fingers. Especially of there's attached medical equipment. So I switched to the RR. And I joined the kitchen swap, so I've been slowly working on that too. Our weather has been so goofy lately that my hands have been sore. It really cuts down on :crocheting that's for sure. Hasn't stopped me, just slowed me down :lol

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Cara, SDR liked it when I asked him to do things around here....now the vacuuming is his job...and whatever else I'd ask him to do. I just leave the room when he's working so I can keep my mouth shut and not supervise:lol


Mary, 18 solids, please. This is it for the baby/preemie ghan. I'm attaching the last two strips and then bordering it today.

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Mary Glad you finally got power back.



That's like my DH. He thinks he's been to work that's it for him no chores around here at all. Cause I have different ideas. :lol I have a chore list written up for him every weekend. He spends most of his free time at the cricket ground ( his other woman as I call it ) :lol But after 13 years I'm finally getting somewhere.


Hi Cara glad you are feeling better.


See now that was my opinion. He works all day so he shouldn't have to do anything when he's off. He said that was ridiculous. Maybe if I didn't have all the arthritis and stuff to deal with then maybe that would be okay. But he said that's not the way it is so helping out is fine by him :D


Cara, SDR liked it when I asked him to do things around here....now the vacuuming is his job...and whatever else I'd ask him to do. I just leave the room when he's working so I can keep my mouth shut and not supervise:lol


I didn't supervise at all. I know he hates that so I just told him what my objective was for the day and let him take charge. I just had him tell me what he wanted me to do and it worked perfectly :yay


Mary - Hope you can get everything straight again quickly :hug I haven't touched my hook in ages. But today will be different I hope.


I am having to wash our clothes today because we just didn't get to it this weekend. No biggie. I think I can handle it without too much effort :yes I just won't do all the other stuff I'd normally being doing in addition to the laundry :lol

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Val, it sounds like you're getting lots accomplished! So sorry about your hands. :hug Is it the temperature changes that cause the soreness? I hope it goes away soon. :yes


Hi Judy. Way to go on nearly finishing! I've added 18 more solids.:hook


Cara, I hope your back is feeling lots better. :manyheart


I've been making lots of squares in burgundy and aran, but haven't counted them yet.


See you all tomorrow. :)

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Val, it sounds like you're getting lots accomplished! So sorry about your hands. :hug Is it the temperature changes that cause the soreness? I hope it goes away soon. :yes


I have Multiple Sclerosis and while it's currently quiet, I still tend to have issues with my hands. Usually they "go to sleep" at night and occasionally they'll get a bit sore. But with all the weather changes we've been having lately they've actually been sore and aching. Hopefully Ma Nature will settle on a temp to be and just stay there. What we've had today was good, I could live with that all summer - like that's gonna happen here :lol


Oh! I have to tell you guys about the deal I found today! I ran to Joann's to pick up one final planned thing for my swap partner and found some Paton's Rumor for $1.97!!!! They normally have it for $5.99, not that I remember ever seeing it. I ended up with 5 skeins of Hibiscus which is a really pretty wine color. And 3 of Duberry which is an orangy red color. The Hibiscus is going to be a wrap for me. Not sure what I'm going to do with the Duberry yet, but whatever I do, it's mine :lol

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Good Morning, all. :)


Donna, Miss Angel is looking great! I like her little white shoes peeking out beneath her dress. :yes 4 more solid squares added.


Val ~ Wow! Congratulations on finding such great deals on yarn! I hope your hands continue to feel better. :hug


I'm reporting 41 solids and 2 bi-colors. :hook


I've already vacuumed part of the downstairs and finished laundry. This time change always messes me up for a week. :lol

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Val - Hope your hands improve very soon :hug


Donna - The angel looks great! :clap


Mary - Oh I'm with you on DST. I absolutely hate it! :lol I'll be messed up for weeks :P


I've had trouble getting in today :( But seems to be working now. I've been working on updating the site so far today (once I woke up enough :lol). After that it'll be Miss Angel all day :hook

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