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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Thanks to you all for the compliments on Miss Angel. :manyheart And Zoe appreciated the comments about her, too. :lol


It's so fun to see the ladybug again! Denise, yours is beautiful. :hook I remember now that they are called "ladybirds" in the UK. :D


Hi Selanda!


Have a great morning.

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:rofl :rofl




Oooh a veritable heat wave :D


And K you are the BEST!!!! I thought that chart was lost forever! Now to sweet talk Donna into letting me use her photo and it can go on the site :yes Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving that!! :manyheart


Okay, I'm one tired happy houser :lol Catch y'all later :ghug


*I* didn't save it. I just did a search and found where someone else had posted it. I don't even remember who, but I'm thinking it's Denise's link? :shrug

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The ladybug is so colourful here is a picture of the one Im busy with :)

That's beautiful, Denise! :yay :yay :yay

Morning everyone. It was in the low 20's last night. YUCK!!!!!! Kim and I are staying under the covers to try and stay warm. I'm ready for summer. I'm planning on crocheting a good bit of today.

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Hey ladies - well, as usual , I am behind. I skipped a day and look what happened ~ let's see if I can catch up :


To the others who took on the saltine challenge, good work to all of you ! Maybe next time we try it, we can challenge our own record to see if we can make another one or 2 .


To those having the junky weather, I feel for you. We dont have snow, but it is SO COLD out, you dont even want to open the door . I am getting really sick of winter .


Amy- your nine patch is very pretty .


Hey-Ya Tab ! Good to see you . :)


Mary- I like the angel like it is, but it's up to you . If you don't like it that way, you can change it easy if it's just tacked on . She looks kinda like she is praying instead of singing, but angels probably do both .:yes


Linda- I know what you mean about stiff hands. Mine get like that especially in the winter. Too cold to move them well .


Denise- the ladybug is so pretty and bright and cheery .

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Hi there, Julie!


I should know better by now than to predict in the morning, before I'm really awake, what I'm going to be doing during the day. :blush I haven't crocheted a single stitch. :no Instead I've been dreaming up patterns for quilts. One of which could easily be turned into a pattern for a quiltghan. :tup Oh, well. :haha:haha

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The ladybug is so colourful here is a picture of the one Im busy with :)


Oh Denise I love your color choices! It's looking great so far. I might have to make that one after all :hook


Denise, that's beautiful!!! I have a friend in FLA who adores ladybugs... and is in a wheelchair. This comes out lapghan size - right?

Uh-oh...will somebody take away my hooks?! I think I'm talking myself into another project...

Maybe for Christmas?:devil


:rofl :rofl


*I* didn't save it. I just did a search and found where someone else had posted it. I don't even remember who, but I'm thinking it's Denise's link? :shrug


Well, whatever you did it saved me tons of upset. I was really, really rather sad about the possibility of losing it. Thanks again for the save :hug


Hi there, Julie!


I should know better by now than to predict in the morning, before I'm really awake, what I'm going to be doing during the day. :blush I haven't crocheted a single stitch. :no Instead I've been dreaming up patterns for quilts. One of which could easily be turned into a pattern for a quiltghan. :tup Oh, well. :haha:haha


Ooooh new pretties! Can't wait to see what you come up with :yay


Howdy Mary and Jules!! :hi


I got all my chores done today by 1:48 :dance I told myself that I was going to treat all the housework like a job because that's what it is really. I decided last night that I work until 2 o'clock. Still with an hour break. I'm still kinda decrepit after all :lol At 2:00 I stop no matter how much I got done. Well, lo and behold I was done ahead of schedule with everything! Even the stuff I didn't think I'd get done :yay


So after the checking the Sky room I'm gonna actually work on my March scarf. I think that it nagging me is what has kept me from barely touching my hook in over a week. So, I'll get that outta the way and hopefully finish up the angel sometime this weekend. Really, I've got to. I have a head full of ideas and it's getting crowded in there :lol

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The ladybug is so colourful here is a picture of the one Im busy with :)

This is so pretty. I really need to add this to my wim list.


Here is my Angel so far. :angel It was DH's idea to make her eyes "smiling" while she's singing, but I'm thinking they look more like she's asleep. :lol They're just tacked on - what do you think? And the other picture is Zoe daring me to put her down off the counter...again. :cat (Pictures are clickable)






Beautiful work on the angel ghan and I love puddy cat.

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Howdy everyone,


Linda cant wait to see what you come up with.


Mary the eyes on your angel look great. :yes Bet you cant wait for spring to work in the garden again.


Cara thats a great idea to have a part time job as a housewife and only work in the alloted hours. The monthly scarfs you are making, what are you doing with them once done are they for yourself.


Julie thanks for the challenge it was great to do and it certainly got a lot of saltines done quickly I reckon. Hows your crocheting doing.

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Cara thats a great idea to have a part time job as a housewife and only work in the alloted hours. The monthly scarfs you are making, what are you doing with them once done are they for yourself.


That's a very good question :lol I have one scarf that I wear and that's it. It goes with my coat :) I have a sneaking suspicion that my sister might lay claim to some of them. But maybe not. She has a tendency to only like black or brown scarves. I think there's a charity that accepts scarves to hand out to homeless folks. They might very well end up with them. Not a lot of need for a scarf in Texas :lol

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Cara I was going to say you could make them all for her but black and brown are not good colours to work with are they.


No not over and over again for 12 months :no Though this month's will probably be Vanna's in Taupe which is a sort of light browny color.

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That's a very good question :lol I have one scarf that I wear and that's it. It goes with my coat :) I have a sneaking suspicion that my sister might lay claim to some of them. But maybe not. She has a tendency to only like black or brown scarves. I think there's a charity that accepts scarves to hand out to homeless folks. They might very well end up with them. Not a lot of need for a scarf in Texas :lol

There's a charity in NYC I'm getting out word about

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Mary- I like the angel like it is, but it's up to you . If you don't like it that way, you can change it easy if it's just tacked on . She looks kinda like she is praying instead of singing, but angels probably do both .:yes

Thank you, Julie. :manyheart Actually, her eyes changed today. :lol DD came by and suggested a "slight arch" and I like it better.

Hi there, Julie!


I should know better by now than to predict in the morning, before I'm really awake, what I'm going to be doing during the day. :blush I haven't crocheted a single stitch. :no Instead I've been dreaming up patterns for quilts. One of which could easily be turned into a pattern for a quiltghan. :tup Oh, well. :haha:haha

Sounds like fun! Your creativity is showing again. :D


So after the checking the Sky room I'm gonna actually work on my March scarf. I think that it nagging me is what has kept me from barely touching my hook in over a week. So, I'll get that outta the way and hopefully finish up the angel sometime this weekend. Really, I've got to. I have a head full of ideas and it's getting crowded in there :lol

Can't wait to see your next pattern! :hook


Beautiful work on the angel ghan and I love puddy cat.

Thank you, Pauline. :)


Mary the eyes on your angel look great. :yes Bet you cant wait for spring to work in the garden again.

Thanks! Yes, I'm ready to spend some time outside. It's supposed to be in the 70s and 80s the rest of the week.

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Hi Karen! 35 more are on the list. :yes


I'm reporting 38 solids and 10 bi-colors. These include the 12 I made on Sunday and some are for the Penguin. :hook He's feeling neglected lately. :lol


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Good Morning, ladies. :) Just Ducky #2 has a home! DH's admin. assistant at corporate is due soon and they chose not to find out if it's a boy or girl. So he/she is washed and ready to wrap as soon as I get home from errands.


So, it's time to make Just Ducky #3. We are going to be grandparents! :c9:D DD is right in the middle of a job change and they are not announcing this yet as it could affect her getting the new position...but I can tell you guys! It's going to be so hard to keep my mouth shut. :lol They are already calling us Granny and Grandpa and I love it! :manyheart

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So, it's time to make Just Ducky #3. We are going to be grandparents! :c9:D DD is right in the middle of a job change and they are not announcing this yet as it could affect her getting the new position...but I can tell you guys! It's going to be so hard to keep my mouth shut. :lol They are already calling us Granny and Grandpa and I love it! :manyheart


Congratulations! :yay

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So, it's time to make Just Ducky #3. We are going to be grandparents! :c9:D DD is right in the middle of a job change and they are not announcing this yet as it could affect her getting the new position...but I can tell you guys! It's going to be so hard to keep my mouth shut. :lol They are already calling us Granny and Grandpa and I love it! :manyheart

Hooray!!!! Congratulations!!! What wonderful news.


I am barely awake. I fell asleep when John left and woke up just in time to give Kim her morning pills. Yikes! That doesn't happen often and always shocks me when it does. Anyway, I haven't a clue what I'll be doing today. More later.

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Thank you, ladies. :manyheart We're excited...we were hoping to be grandparents before we're too old to play with (and spoil!) a baby. :lol


Linda, it sounds like you needed your rest. :yes I hope you've had a good day.


Time for a little crocheting. :hook

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