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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Ladies ~ I left early to run errands and just got home. I love to go to stores early when they're not crowded and noisy. :D Hope everyone is having a good day. :manyheart I really should be cleaning something, but think it's crochet time instead. :hook

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Here is my Angel so far. :angel It was DH's idea to make her eyes "smiling" while she's singing, but I'm thinking they look more like she's asleep. :lol They're just tacked on - what do you think? And the other picture is Zoe daring me to put her down off the counter...again. :cat (Pictures are clickable)






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Okey-dokey Smokies . Here are the totals :


Judy -14


Denise - 8

Tracy -21 ( 2 bicolors)

Cara -20 ( 6 bicolors)

Mary- 12

Tammy -44


I say a round of applause is in order for you all . We all do things at different speeds, but we all made some progress, so that''s what counts .




Congrats everyone! :cheer


Here is my Angel so far. :angel It was DH's idea to make her eyes "smiling" while she's singing, but I'm thinking they look more like she's asleep. :lol They're just tacked on - what do you think? And the other picture is Zoe daring me to put her down off the counter...again. :cat (Pictures are clickable)






The angel is pretty! I do like her eyes that way. And your cat is adorable.

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Okey-dokey Smokies . Here are the totals :


Judy -14


Denise - 8

Tracy -21 ( 2 bicolors)

Cara -20 ( 6 bicolors)

Mary- 12

Tammy -44


I say a round of applause is in order for you all . We all do things at different speeds, but we all made some progress, so that''s what counts .




We are all just saltine makin' machines!! :2rock Great job ladies and big thanks to Julie for the idea of the challenge! :manyheart


Hi everyone,


I finally got a chance to do Julie's challenge and my total of saltines in an hour is 25.


Mary 25 solids thanks.


Excellent! :clap


Wendy - you are the master saltine maker!!:clap


Woke up to a blizzard...haven't heard the TV weather guy use that word in years...already about 8 inches out there and WINDY!

Feeding the pups and then we'll all snuggle down again.


Yikes! I won't tell you what the temp is here today :lol Thought it's not as high as I expected it to be.



I got 16 solids and 2 bicolors done in one hour.:clap


Excellent job Donna! :clap


We have ugly weather here AGAIN... I have seen MORE than enough snow this winter... But at least it sounds like we might be getting the tail end of this storm - others south of us are getting hit worse. But even still they are threatening another 7 to 10 inches of snow here in the next twelve or so hours... I'm staying home and plan to get some work done here instead of shoveling and heading to work. Spring break has begun here and the students are all gone. No classes for two weeks :yay and I plan to use this break to catch up on some of my writing and to get ahead again with my teaching materials.


Hooray for spring break! :dance Even if it's not looking very spring like :lol


Just stopping in to tell JULIE I can do about 24 saltines in an hour.


But While I'm here, I'll post a pic of my 9-patch so far. I've got all the saltines done, and the 9-patch blocks are together, just have to finish joining and do the border.






Great job on the saltine challenge, Amy! :yay And the 9-patch is really fabulous! I love the final layout :yes


WOW Judy, I sure do hope you stay safe & warm in the storm. :manyheart We haven't gotten much for snow but I woke up to the wind whipping bad last night. Scared the crap right outta me. :eek No school today either so i think we may be in for more.


Stay warm sweetie :hug Hope you keep your power!


:woo Denise cooked. She made :drool lamb ribs, chinese style drumsticks, peas and mashed potatoes with gravy.




Great idea, Julie! Maybe we can do it more often...I'll make Maggie stay on the floor next time. :lol


Yeah, Misa's taken to wanting to sit in my lap or lay against me when I try to crochet :rolleyes


Well, our streets have been plowed and it looks good. Hardest part would have been if the plow blocked the bottom of the driveway (we can't shovel), but it's good there, too:)


Wow. A considerate plow driver. I'm impressed :D


Hi! I didn't get the crocheting done yesterday, but gave it a go today. I can do 12 solids in an hour or 10 bi-colors. My hands are very achy today, but that seems to be about what I average most days. That's with the TV on and Trouble sometimes causing interruptions. :lol We still have frozen slush on the back porch where it is shady. Where it's sunny the snow and frozen slush are all gone. It's not very warm today but the sun is shining.


Wonderful job on the challenge Linda! :yay Those 20 squares I did aren't an amount I could do consistently. One hour's one thing. All the time and my hands would end up looking like claws :lol


Hi Ladies ~ I left early to run errands and just got home. I love to go to stores early when they're not crowded and noisy. :D Hope everyone is having a good day. :manyheart I really should be cleaning something, but think it's crochet time instead. :hook


I love Sunday mornings for shopping. Everyone's in church and I have HEB almost totally to myself :c9


Mary, I gave her some Mini Oreos. :wink


That'd sway me :rofl


Here is my Angel so far. :angel It was DH's idea to make her eyes "smiling" while she's singing, but I'm thinking they look more like she's asleep. :lol They're just tacked on - what do you think? And the other picture is Zoe daring me to put her down off the counter...again. :cat (Pictures are clickable)







I love the eyes like that! I makes me feel she's singing a more gentle, reverent hymn. I think it's a keeper. And look at Little Miss Zoe! :manyheart What a sweetie baby she is! She just seems like she has a wonderful personality. It even shows through in photos :yes


Hi all


I have had a good couple of days crocheting


Mary 102 solids and 4 bi colours please :yay


Fabulous work Denise!! :2rock


Okay, I'm done cleaning and choring for one day :lol Anything from this point forward is just extra.


Had a hard time getting myself in gear today. I let BD talk me into staying up with him until 1 am watching movies. And of course, he picked movies I love to watch the little devil :lol Almost went to bed right after the 2nd Princess Diaries then he put on Enchanted. I love that movie. It's just so cotton picking cute!


Tonight though back to going to bed at 11 :yes


Oh and I'm hoping the rest of my day is spent saltine-ing :hook Need to weave in those ends from yesterday that I never got to :blush

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Mary, please add 12 solids and 10 bi-colors. They're from Julie's challenge. I'm not the fastest by far, but I keep plugging away. I'm getting close to having enough for the first two blocks of the snowflake ghan done. Well, crocheted anyway. None of the tails have been hidden yet, but I do that right before I sew them together.


That nine-patch ghan is AWESOME! I love the way it's come together. :yay :yay :yay

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Just wanted to drop in and say hello.

I have not done any saltines lately. I will have to work on that maybe this evening after dinner.

Mary and Amy, your afghans are beautiful!

Everyone have a wonderful day!!!

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Had a hard time getting myself in gear today. I let BD talk me into staying up with him until 1 am watching movies. And of course, he picked movies I love to watch the little devil :lol Almost went to bed right after the 2nd Princess Diaries then he put on Enchanted. I love that movie. It's just so cotton picking cute!


Tonight though back to going to bed at 11 :yes


Oh and I'm hoping the rest of my day is spent saltine-ing :hook Need to weave in those ends from yesterday that I never got to :blush


Wierd thing is I had enchanted songs stuck in my head around 2am last night. Must have been channelling you!


I stalked you over here because rumor has it that you had made a ladybug cuddle chart at some point. Is that true? I can make one, but if you had one made, why reinvent the wheel? Thanks!

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Yikes! I won't tell you what the temp is here today :lol Thought it's not as high as I expected it to be.


I was colder than *&^%^* here today. Only about 10* on the thermometer, but a whipping nasty cold wind that just bit right into you. YUCK! Only consolation is that we'll be near 40* by end of week! :cheer

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I really like that ladybug cuddle, Krystal.


Mary, 3 more solids and 1 more bi-color for me please. That gives me the saltines for two blocks now. :D

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Wierd thing is I had enchanted songs stuck in my head around 2am last night. Must have been channelling you!


:rofl :rofl


I was colder than *&^%^* here today. Only about 10* on the thermometer, but a whipping nasty cold wind that just bit right into you. YUCK! Only consolation is that we'll be near 40* by end of week! :cheer


Oooh a veritable heat wave :D


And K you are the BEST!!!! I thought that chart was lost forever! Now to sweet talk Donna into letting me use her photo and it can go on the site :yes Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving that!! :manyheart


Okay, I'm one tired happy houser :lol Catch y'all later :ghug

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Here is my Angel so far. :angel It was DH's idea to make her eyes "smiling" while she's singing, but I'm thinking they look more like she's asleep. :lol They're just tacked on - what do you think? And the other picture is Zoe daring me to put her down off the counter...again. :cat (Pictures are clickable)







Hi Mary, your Angel ghan is beautiful and I like your puddytat.

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The ladybug is so colourful here is a picture of the one Im busy with :)

Denise, that's beautiful!!! I have a friend in FLA who adores ladybugs... and is in a wheelchair. This comes out lapghan size - right?

Uh-oh...will somebody take away my hooks?! I think I'm talking myself into another project...

Maybe for Christmas?:devil

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Denise, that's beautiful!!! I have a friend in FLA who adores ladybugs... and is in a wheelchair. This comes out lapghan size - right?

Uh-oh...will somebody take away my hooks?! I think I'm talking myself into another project...

Maybe for Christmas?:devil


:lol you just enabled yourself.

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Good Morning! Here are the squares I've added since yesterday:


Mary, please add 12 solids and 10 bi-colors. They're from Julie's challenge. I'm not the fastest by far, but I keep plugging away. I'm getting close to having enough for the first two blocks of the snowflake ghan done. Well, crocheted anyway. None of the tails have been hidden yet, but I do that right before I sew them together.


Mary, 3 more solids and 1 more bi-color for me please. That gives me the saltines for two blocks now. :D


Mary - 46 solids and 6 bicolors thanks.
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