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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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:bday to DH!!! :bday


I sure hope everyone is having a glorious Sunday :D The weather here today is absolutely stunning! :c9 About 60* a light wind and a beautiful clear sky. BD and I actually went somewhere today :eek We hardly ever go anywhere together anymore :lol But I got him up to empty the trash barrels (oh did I mention he slept through yesterday, no joke, over 29 hours) and then we went and did some shopping.


Now I'm trying to do a little catching up :D

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Howdy everyone :hi


Im going well with the Angel ghan and have the middle part nearly finished. Must take a photo for friday.


Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.



Oh that is just gorgeous. Well done :clap


Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here . I have been making some saltines anyhow, so why not put them to good use ?


Mary, can you put me on the saltine list ? I will go way down at the bottom, I only have 37 made so far, but it's a start .

I saw a photo in the show-n-tell section today of Cara's Rail Fence quilt, so it was kinda like a light bulb went on when I saw it .

I have 4 colors of squares started, so it'll work out perfect .


Good to be back among all you fun ladies . Hopefully I can keep up in here and keep in touch with you here .:)


It sounds like several of you are working on the angel-ghan. I can't wait to see it come to life ! It'll be another pretty one, I'm sure .


Val-the baby 9 patch is so cute !


Hope all is well in here ,and Tab, if you happen to read this, your new red-white and blue quilt-ghan is a stunner ! I saw the photos of it the other day ,but not sure if they were here or elsewhere .


Julie its great to see ya. Im glad is all going well with your knee. :hug


I am making the Angel ghan with everyone. :yes Denise is nagging me to make a list of all my WIP's, she says there are too many. But I don't think there can be too many. :no


Wendy, you will back me up on that, won't you? :devil


Yes I will back you up on that:yes You definitely need more projects Tracy. :yes:D:lol


Good Morning, ladies. :)


Today is DH's Birthday and we're not doing anything special...it's just nice to have him in town for a few days. He left a while ago to go look at a small fishing boat - so that will be his Birthday present if he pulls in the driveway pulling a boat behind his truck. :lol


I'm determined to clean up some things on my desk and then crochet later.:hook


Oh Happy Birthday to your husband. :bday



I sure hope everyone is having a glorious Sunday :D The weather here today is absolutely stunning! :c9 About 60* a light wind and a beautiful clear sky. BD and I actually went somewhere today :eek We hardly ever go anywhere together anymore :lol But I got him up to empty the trash barrels (oh did I mention he slept through yesterday, no joke, over 29 hours) and then we went and did some shopping.


Now I'm trying to do a little catching up :D


wow 29 hours he must have really needed the sleep.

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A Good Monday Morning to all,

I wasn't on here much at all on the weekend, just checked in quick for a few minutes. Cam was here on Saturday all day and he has found all the free video games online, so that is his newest thing to do at Mamaw's . We don't play pirates hardly at all anymore -- my "little buddy" is growing up now and likes the older kid's stuff now ( like video games ) . I could probably still convince him to play some things, but I let him do what he wants when he comes up ,so right now it's video games .


Mary asked me what colors I am doing the rail fence in -- they are Spa Blue ( which looks the same as country blue to me, but may be a shade different ), windsor blue , light sage and a new green I found called Honeydew . They sound kinda yekky together, but I like it, I think it's pretty .:D


I now have one block totally done . :clap


Mary- by the way, can you mark down 33 more squares for me ?


Linda- thanks for talking to me about your knee . It helps to talk to someone else who has had it done . Were you TIRED afterwards ? I mean REALLY TIRED ? I am absolutely worn out . Too pooped to poop .

It actually takes an effort to BREATHE .


Val- I'm glad you got some extra rest -- it sounds like you needed it . I havent had to do the exercises you mentioned . I doubt I could do any of them and stand back up straight again .You must be tougher than me . :yes


HiYa Karen ! It sounds like you have an idea up your sleeve ! Is it something that involves saltines ?


Cara- yea, I agree on the slowing down thing -- you definitely slow down after this. I move at about a snail's pace right now .


Hey Miss Tab ! We're back together again in the same place ! Look out, you guys, once I get some steam back, we may be causing a ruckus in here .:lol


Hey Jess- have fun with your new yarn ! Sometimes it's nice to splurge and get a new brand and try it out .


Mary- so I am waiting to see if the Hubster brought home a boat ? Are you the fishing type ? I used to go fishing ,but havent done it in a long time . We need to go take Cam sometime and see if he'd like it .


You all have a great Monday .

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Julie, that's great to hear you're making progress on the quiltghan. With our encouragement I know you'll get it done!!:cheer


Spring is coming...and some nice walks outside are in your future. I'm so glad to see you here...and you're right about little boys growing up. You're very lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with Cam.:manyheart

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Linda- thanks for talking to me about your knee . It helps to talk to someone else who has had it done . Were you TIRED afterwards ? I mean REALLY TIRED ? I am absolutely worn out . Too pooped to poop .

It actually takes an effort to BREATHE .


Cara- yea, I agree on the slowing down thing -- you definitely slow down after this. I move at about a snail's pace right now .

TIRED? Oh, yeah. I seemed to take forever to get any energy back. And then it would be time to do the exercises again on my own. I remember some of the exercises that I really didn't like. Squeezing a ball between my knees, lifting weights straight up from a hanging down position, finding the right muscles to pull my patella down towards the bed, laying on my stomach and lifting that leg up in the air were some of the nasties. Lying on my back, lifting it up and then lowering it to within a couple inches of the bed and holding it there wasn't much better. And going down stairswas no fun for a very long time. I slowly worked my way from two crutches, to one crutch, to a cane. I used one crutch for longer than necessary because mine was done at Christmas time and it felt a whole lot safer in the snow and ice than a cane did. I found that it was a good idea to take the cane along any time I was going to have to do a lot of walking over an extended time, too. Even after I wasn't using it regularly any more. I ended up buying several extras that summer and fall, when I overdid it while out and had to keep going anyway. Bought my favorite one that way at a Renaisance Fair. :lol :lol :lol Hang in there Julie. It does get better. :hug


I see the kidney doctor today, so we'll see what he has to say this time. That's at noon, so I'll have to get Kim and I moving soon.


Today is supposed to be thread crochet day. Hopefully, I'll actually do some amongst the running around and normal busy-ness of Mondays.

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Judy- thanks, I know you are great at being encouraging, so I have a good backer-upper person to keep me on task with my squares .

Yep, I am thankful that I still get to see Cam and we get along so well. He always makes me laugh. He sometimes sounds so much wiser than his years . I do miss the days when he was smaller and liked to play together more, but I know he has to grow up like everybody else does . I always ask him who MY best friend is and he says ME !! So as long as he knows that, we're doing ok .


Linda- I'm glad to hear the extreme tiredness is normal. I was starting to get pretty worried. I thought I'd just bounce back from this and feel really good by now,, but it's just exhausting to do anything. I go for days without leaving the house. That would have never happened before. If my car is here, then I'm going someplace, even if it's just downtown, but now a trip downtown literally makes my knees knock together . I have my Dr checkup this Thursday so I'm going to mention this to him, he did say I was anemic before and after the surgery, so that probably has a lot to do with it .


Anyhow, good luck with your Dr today . It's good that we have each other in these groups to lean on .


We all seem to be dealing with some type of affliction, although the youngsters in the group have afflictions like "spending too much on yarn " ,and "which boy should I date this weekend ?"


*** Krystal and Tab- you know who I'm talking about .........:ha:nahnah

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Mary asked me what colors I am doing the rail fence in -- they are Spa Blue ( which looks the same as country blue to me, but may be a shade different ), windsor blue , light sage and a new green I found called Honeydew . They sound kinda yekky together, but I like it, I think it's pretty .:D


I now have one block totally done . :clap


Linda- thanks for talking to me about your knee . It helps to talk to someone else who has had it done . Were you TIRED afterwards ?


Hey Miss Tab ! We're back together again in the same place ! Look out, you guys, once I get some steam back, we may be causing a ruckus in here .:lol


Julie - I haven't seen the Honeydew in stores yet, but other than that, it sounds very pretty! Someone here did an Irish Chain with Windsor and Sage, didn't they? Can we see a picture of your one block?


As for tired - if you're taking any pain killers, they could be contributing, too. Try to eat something other than spaghettios, because even though they come in a metal can, there really isn't much iron in them! :lol Green leafys and red meat are the best for iron.


And if you and Tab are gonna be having a ruckus, I want IN!

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Julie, being anemic will definitely make the tiredness much worse. You may need an iron supplement. Eat lots of dark green leafy veggies and liver and brewers yeast. They are all high in iron. I put the brewers yeast in tomato juice when I was pregnant with my daughter and didn't have to take supplements. It's not too bad in muffins either, especially bran muffins.

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We all seem to be dealing with some type of affliction, although the youngsters in the group have afflictions like "spending too much on yarn " ,and "which boy should I date this weekend ?"


*** Krystal and Tab- you know who I'm talking about .........:ha:nahnah


Hmmm... I think if the answer is anything other than HB, I'd be getting my butt stomped! :rofl


And I sold a lot of my yarn a while back and have been doing my best to not gorging on more. :yes Now it's pattern books instead. :lol


Oh, and lest you think I've reformed or something... :neener

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Good Morning everyone. :)


Julie~Your colors sound great together! I haven't seen the Honeydew color, but I always love greens and blues together. I've added 33 more squares. :cheer


Linda~Good luck at the doctor today. :hug


DH says "Thank you" for all of the birthday wishes. This boat was not quite as advertised. :lol There are several more he can look at, though. We live within 30 minutes of 4 lakes - one is just a mile from us, so there are lots of close places to go fishing. :yes


It's been a crazy morning so far with phone calls, a trip to the vet for Maggie's check-up and I haven't even made the bed. :blush Have a good morning!

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HiYa Karen ! It sounds like you have an idea up your sleeve ! Is it something that involves saltines ?


It does involve saltines :D I had some leftover in red heart ocean (variegated) and started mulling over using various variegated saltines to make an impressionist painting style lap quilt. This will be slow going as I don't have the yarn and have other on going projects to work on instead. I will certainly keep the gang here informed :yes

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Krystal - the Honeydew is kinda like Frosty green, only it's brighter than that . It's real pretty . I'll get a photo taken of my square later today when I find the camera and check the battery. I may wait and have Sam take it, I am too lazy today to do anything other than sit up or lay down .

* and PS- Of Course, you are IN if me and Tab find a ruckus to get into. We need a LEADER and I dont have enough steam to lead an Army of Ants .

Thanks for letting me know you havent reformed. That would just take a huge chunk out of life if you had . :lol


As for the Iron foods, thanks to those who mentioned them. Sam has looked up on the internet trying to tell me what to eat to give me some power back, but I sound like a little kid-- he names something and I say YEK ! Then he names something else and I say I aint eating that .

Maybe the Dr will just give me some iron pills. I'd rather eat them than liver . It reminds me of Dances With Wolves . I aint much into eating GUTS .:eek


Mary- sorry your hubby didnt find the boat he liked, but there's probably lots of them in the area you live in with so many lakes around . I hope he can find a nice one . Is the weather getting good enough there for a boat yet ?


Hi Heather, Bye Heather ---


Karen- that new idea in your head sounds very pretty and interesting. Can't wait to see what you cook up !

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Good day ladies :flower


Jules - I'm glad you got to spend the time with Cam this weekend :hug How old is he now? :think I sure hope you get some energy back soon. I know first hand how discouraging that can be :hug


Linda - Good luck with the doctor today :hug


Mary - Bummer about the boat :( Yep, y'all are in a great area for lakes :yes


K - Liver! :yuck I'm with Julie. I ain't eating no guts :2nono I rather just take a pill :lol


Man I've been busy today. This new med has definitely given me more energy. Of course I'm wasting it cleaning and stuff like that there instead of crocheting :blush I've gotta get on the stick...or hook as it was...because I have the angel to finish, friendship squares to make and March's scarf to design. All before Sunday :rofl :rofl

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We are finally home and settled in to rest for a bit. The doctor's appointment went okay. I took the diet in with me this time. All printed up with calories and amounts and grams of protein and what isn't allowed or how much is allowed. I've been saying my goal was 34 grams of protein a day for over a year and today with it in black and white was the first time it registered with the doctor. He said I didn't have to restrict it that much, that it could be as much as 90 grams a day, although the reason the numbers were so much better was because the protein was so restricted. This is the same doctor that a year ago was saying that 34 was too high and I had to cut it back more. I sometimes really don't think they listen to what we as patients say. He also wanted to know what my background was because of how I had everything written down and calculated out. 14 years as a nurse and 12 years in accounting. His response was that the diet chart had to be from the accounting part. He didn't believe me when I said that was just me, not the accounting. Oh, well. At least it was a positive visit for a change. :P

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A quick flyby to report some saltines. I didi these a couple weeks ago and forgot to report them :blush


40 solids 10 bi-color

Hi Heather! Your squares are added. :hook

Man I've been busy today. This new med has definitely given me more energy. Of course I'm wasting it cleaning and stuff like that there instead of crocheting :blush I've gotta get on the stick...or hook as it was...because I have the angel to finish, friendship squares to make and March's scarf to design. All before Sunday :rofl :rofl

So glad you're feeling good! :manyheart


Sorry if I've missed anyone...today just stayed busy and now it's time for dinner. Maybe some crochet time tonight. :yes

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Cara- sounds great that your new pill is givning you so much more get-up-and-go . You're right, though, that is wasting it on cleaning . Boring ......


Linda- sounds like you had a successful Dr visit, and you are right, they dont listen very well sometimes. You tell them something and then next visit, you have to tell them again. They must have their minds on too many other things at a time to give us their full attention .



Okey- doke, here's my first Rail Fence square - not exactly laid out perfectly flat, but you get the idea :



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Good morning. I'm just barely awake. Didn't get much done yesterday so will try again today. At least there won't be as much going on today.


Julie, your Rail Fence looks great! I like those colors together.


I bought one of the new Perfect 10 color kits to cover gray hair in 10 minutes yesterday. I'm going to see if they really work. I'm not real fond of all the gray in my hair so we'll see if it works as well as they say.

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