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Our House [Archive 4]


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Most days, yes. This week I've been really really run down. And I think the weather has a lot to do with it. I'm in the Tampa area (Karen's opened her reveal package, so I can tell you guys :D ) and I swear it's been hotter this summer than last summer. it's been raining/storming almost daily for the last month. And unlike up north (oh I miss those days!) the rain/storms doesn't break the humidity.


There are days when I think rather than keep the fatigue away, instead it keeps me from just flat out falling asleep at my desk :lol. I also have to be careful regarding what time I take it. The first day I took it, it was a Sunday and I had it around 1pm, yeah, I had problems falling asleep. I hate that I have to be on a med just to stay away, but it's the nature of the beast.


Thats one thing I learned while working in a pharmacy and my dad being a pharmacist. Meds when used correctly are only there to help you! :yes

Lennon had her follow up appointment today and doc said she looks great! :jumpyay:bounce:whewfeel like we really dodged the bullet on that one! So glad she is back to her normal self! She's even up to eating 6 ounces every 3 1/2 to 4 hours which the doc also said is great! We were in Babies R Us today and out of no where she just started giggling! It was the cutest thing!

But the reason we were in Babies R Us was not so cute! We agonized over what crib to get when I was pregnant. It took us weeks to finally decide on one. It was all set up in her room with the matching changing table and then recently it got RECALLED!!!!! :angry:thair:irk:rant:grumpy The manufactorer gave us a voucher towards the purchase of a new crib but it had to be used at Babies R Us again. That was fine but they only gave us a voucher for the amount of the last selling price of the crib which of course was less than what we paid...:irk:bang:yell:rant Then we found a replacement crib we liked but they wouldn't let us order it until we had the voucher in hand. We went back today to order it and of course Babies R Us raised the price on EVERY crib they sell!!!!:angry:thair:rant:rant:rant:grumpy:irk Of course they did this because the manufactorer of the crib we had sent all the vouchers to everyone at the same time and they will all be in purchasing cribs this week! And the customer is responsible for the difference in price of course!!!!! Needless to say I will NEVER EVER EVER purchase another thing from Babies R Us or Toys R Us ever again!!!!

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I'm sorry to hear about that with your Grandpa. Now knowing any backstory, I hope it's just because of a lapse of time and nothing more serious.


I'm super excited! I rode in the bike MS 150 for my area in April and found a co-worker who also rode in it. We're working together to create a team and we're trying to get our company to help sponsor us. Today we had a meeting with the bike manager and the stuff he was telling us sounds soo good! He said he has a ton of stuff he'll send us to present to our community relations person, the kind of stuff that will hopefully help sway some support dollars our way :clap


:cheer:cheer:cheerThats great about the bike race!

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Pickles -- Thank goodness you have Lennon back home, again. I was thinking of you, and that update is just wonderful. Hope she continues to improve and feel better. So cute to hear about her giggling. I think that is just the sweetest sound.


Hi Val :waving


Cara -- Your Medallion Square is beautiful. Love it! So sorry to hear you feel lousy! Hope tomorrow is better :manyheart


Mary -- Have you had a chance to dive into your Ohio Star, today? Good luck making progress. Isn't it great to sleep-in in the mornings? I was lucky today and DH reset the alarm for me, too.


Linda M -- beautiful colors you bought. You've got to love a sale!


Tracy -- good to hear you had a nice visit with your grandparents. It sounds as though you have your yarn all ready for the Games. Way to go! :cheer Alzhiemer's is such a hard diagnosis, but his spirits sound to be upbeat. You just can't beat the giggles of discussing bra sizing in McDonald's, can you? :2blush Makes for good memories, though.


Prizsm -- Your fundraising kicked-off well. To have enthusiasm, ideas and help pulling the details together is going to be great.


Linda T -- a few tricks picked up here-and-there, and you will be a regular globe-trotter. Glad you have a smoother system for your return home. Drive safely.


As for me -- the girls are delivered to my parents'. Now, it is time to tackle this summer's remodeling project. Every year, DH and I work on a substantial project -- it's good bonding time, I am sure :D We are turning our second bathroom into a main-floor laundry. The back entry is being completely re-worked, and I want hooks, shelves, and baskets to keep everything contained before school starts in September. We'll see if it all gets done by then.


Please add 40 solids for me. I'm off to sew a bit more before dinner-time.

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Pickles, yay for healthy babies!


Dusti, we haven't started fundraising for this year yet. We're still working on the steps to forming a team. The idea of fundraising right now wears me out :lol We'll tackle that in a couple of months.

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Hi everyone. :)


Val~The plans you're making for the MS fundraiser sound really promising. I'm familiar with MS...2 aunts and 2 cousins have it, as did my

grandmother. Hopefully, they'll find something to help you and so many others. :manyheart


Hi Dusti! In our younger years :lol we did lots of remodeling projects. We've slowed down, but still do our own painting, etc. and help DD and her DH where we can with their wonderful 1920's home. 40 squares added. :hook


Pickles, I'd be furious, too. So sorry you had to pay extra for something especially when you had already bought a crib from them. :( Great news about Lennon! :c9

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Cara, did you get your new furniture? I hope so! :D


Linda~Have a safe trip. I bet you are sooo ready to get home. :hug


I'm reporting 30 solids and 4 bicolors. :hook It still feels funny to report to myself. :lol

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Dusti, your project sounds awesome. Good luck with it all. Be sure to take before and after pictures.


Pickles, Yeah!!!! It's so good to hear that Lennon is well again. And giggling to boot. How wonderful! Baby giggles are the best. Sorry about the crib. Why does it seem that every store tries to make extra bucks when something gets recalled? It would be nice if they were considerate enough to lower the price of the alternatives once in a while.

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Cara, did you get your new furniture? I hope so! :D


Yes about 2 hrs ago and I hate it :lol Not exactly. It's a beautiful set but way too big for our dining room. BD said it would be and I hate when he's right. He hasn't seen it yet but I figure I will hear about it for days. Can't send it back either because it was a special order. :sigh

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Cara, you'll get used to the furniture...our friends have a big dining set...at first it looked too big to me, but now it just looks like a table that's ready for a big, fun gathering:)

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Hi everyone. :)


Val~The plans you're making for the MS fundraiser sound really promising. I'm familiar with MS...2 aunts and 2 cousins have it, as did my

grandmother. Hopefully, they'll find something to help you and so many others. :manyheart


Wow! I know there's a genetic pre-disposition, I'm an example of that. But I think that's the first I've heard of that many in a family!


Yes about 2 hrs ago and I hate it :lol Not exactly. It's a beautiful set but way too big for our dining room. BD said it would be and I hate when he's right. He hasn't seen it yet but I figure I will hear about it for days. Can't send it back either because it was a special order. :sigh


Sounds like my living room furniture! My pieces are 44" deep, each. I love them because they are soooo comfortable, and I can remove the back pillows of the couch and lay side by side with DBF. My chair is about a chair and a half wide, DBF and I can sit comfortably in it together. Takes up a lot of space, but is ohhh so wonderful!

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Wow! I know there's a genetic pre-disposition, I'm an example of that. But I think that's the first I've heard of that many in a family!


Yes, it used to really concern me...one cousin was adopted as a baby so that is a total coincidence. The other cousin is not the child of my aunts, but all are on my mother's side of the family. I hope you're doing well - it sounds like you have a busy, full life. :hug

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Yes, it used to really concern me...one cousin was adopted as a baby so that is a total coincidence. The other cousin is not the child of my aunts, but all are on my mother's side of the family. I hope you're doing well - it sounds like you have a busy, full life. :hug


Thanks for asking! So far things are status quo, which is great! One of my lesions is directly on my spinal cord at my C2, level, so status quo is definitely where I want to be. I haven't had an flare ups since my initial one in 2006. I do get more tired some days, my hands have a permant tingle/numbness to them, but it's so faint I usually don't notice it. And my quads get tired easily, 2 flights of stairs don't work so well for me these days, it leaves me huffing and puffing. But overall I'm doing good. Now, if only I could make my life a little less busy and get rid of one job :lol

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Priszm - Okay I feel like a total wimp now :lol I'm only dealing with RA and fibro. Nothing like what you're going through and you're so active. I am truly impressed :nworthy


Well, BD came home and he either felt sorry for me or he was pleased. He said it wasn't anywhere near as big as he thought it would be. I told him the leaf wasn't in it :lol That's only for family gatherings. He said it is lovely and he seemed impressed. Just when I think I've got him figured out he surprises me :manyheart

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Priszm - Okay I feel like a total wimp now :lol I'm only dealing with RA and fibro. Nothing like what you're going through and you're so active. I am truly impressed :nworthy


Well, BD came home and he either felt sorry for me or he was pleased. He said it wasn't anywhere near as big as he thought it would be. I told him the leaf wasn't in it :lol That's only for family gatherings. He said it is lovely and he seemed impressed. Just when I think I've got him figured out he surprises me :manyheart


Pppffftthhhttt! From what I've heard, fibro and RA is worse. Mush more pain. I thankfully have none for the most part. My hands get occasionally sore, but that's more like a hypersensativity. The funny part is, I'm more active now than I was before. Now, if only I can manage to behave with eating :lol

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Cara, you have yourself a gem in BD:manyheart


And for you ladies dealing with chronic illnesses...the closest I came was a short bout with fibro - and I would only wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy. That's a bad one....

My dear friend in FL has MS...and has gone through a lot because of the complications that can happen with this cruel disease.


Priszm, you have a great attitude...and you sound like a fighter.:hug


I love the way we're all such friends here...and are such a support for each other

...and now I had better get to the SKY Cal, where I REALLY belong!:lol

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Yes about 2 hrs ago and I hate it :lol Not exactly. It's a beautiful set but way too big for our dining room. BD said it would be and I hate when he's right. He hasn't seen it yet but I figure I will hear about it for days. Can't send it back either because it was a special order. :sigh

I'm sure it's fine, Cara, even if not quite what you pictured. BD is sweet. It's bigger than you imagined and smaller than he imaginee. Sounds about right to me. :lol

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Cara, you have yourself a gem in BD:manyheart


And for you ladies dealing with chronic illnesses...the closest I came was a short bout with fibro - and I would only wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy. That's a bad one....

My dear friend in FL has MS...and has gone through a lot because of the complications that can happen with this cruel disease.


Priszm, you have a great attitude...and you sound like a fighter.:hug


I love the way we're all such friends here...and are such a support for each other

...and now I had better get to the SKY Cal, where I REALLY belong!:lol


Oh no my dear. You belong here too :hug:manyheart

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Cara~Now that we know you have plenty of room and BD approves of the new table...what time do you want us for Thanksgiving Dinner? :D


Linda M~40 solid squares added to the list. :hook Great progress. :cheer


Linda~Safe travels back to Georgia. :manyheart


Judy, don't leave us...you're part of the family here!


Okay, I have dinner dishes to clean up and early to bed for me tonight. See you all tomorrow. :)

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Cara~Now that we know you have plenty of room and BD approves of the new table...what time do you want us for Thanksgiving Dinner? :D


Hmmm, we have ours on Sunday because of Dad's work schedule. i'm sure I could manage Texas for Thursday and Mom and Dad's for Sunday :lol

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