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Our House [Archive 4]


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Hello everyone! :hi

We are home! We all got home late last night. Lennon is doing very good! They said the UTI was a false alarm but just to be sure they did an ultrasound of her kidneys to make sure no infection and that came out good. :yes So they are chalking the whole thing up to gastroentinitis ( a fancy term for the stomach flu basically ). Guess we lucked out but glad we went just to make sure nothing more serious. Her followup appointment is tomorrow morning at 9 am to get the rest of test results so hopefully that goes well also!

Thanks for everyone's kind words and prayers! :hug


Was graphing out a new quilt ghan pattern I'm working on and thought of something. Anyone interested in doing a saltine swap? Haven't figured out the details quite yet but if we all swap a bunch of squares and do a 9 patch pattern we could each have a nice lapghan with a little bit of everyone built in :D Anyways let me know if anyone is interested I would be more than happy to arrange and keep track of it. Thought it would be a nice addition to this CAL! :yes



Pickles, I'm glad your daughter is doing well.

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Pickles, I'm so happy Lennon is back home where she belongs!


And about your idea. It's a good one, but I'm not up for a saltine swap - not for a while, at least. On the SKY CAL we are exchanging crocheted squares for Friend's ghans, and have been doing it for a while...so I'm already trying to fulfill my obligation to that.

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Linda T. have a safe trip home. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to get together soon.

Thanks, Valerie. I'd like to get together, too.


Pickles, I'm soooooo glad Lennon is coming out of this okay. Little kids can get so sick so fast, but they usually snap back quickly, too.


I don't think I'm up for that kind of swap at the time being either. I've got way too many irons in the fire at the moment. It's a nice idea, though.

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Morning Mary :hug I'm making a ghan out of this square I did a while back. I've reworked it because it didn't lie flat enough. Does now :lol I'm going to make it all in white for my BILs hopefully soon to be wedding gift :D Happy Bday to your SIL :yay


Cara, your square is beautiful! It will make a wonderful wedding afghan. :yes


Afternoon everyone.


Had to go to Doctor this morning so after that I treated myself and went to HL for yarn. Came out with 19 skeins :clap ! Enough to do 2 more ghans and a shawl at least. So tonight I can make more saltines :c9:yes. They had many more colors to choose from this time. Had the ones I wanted without any problem. So I guess they've gotten in the new colors that I heard about. Quite a few new solids and several variegated. I could easily have come out of there with at least that many more skeins but I showed a little restraint! :lol


Linda~Good for you for treating yourself. :yarn:)


Mary 51 solids for me for the past week and today.


They're on the list. :hook

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Pickles - Oh I'm so very happy to hear about Lennon!! :yay Glad she's okay. Let us know about the doctor visit tomorrow :hug And that's an excellent idea for a swap! But I think most of us are wrapped up until the end of August at least with HIJ, friendship squares and the Games. Oh dear what have we gotten ourselves into :lol

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Hi Selanda! :waving


Pickles, that's great news about little Miss Lennon. :c9


Wendy, we are programmed now to only make squares with two rows. :lol:crocheting (Of course, it's Cara's fault. :devil)


I've been working on the Ohio Star again...poor thing ought to be worn out from being dragged in and out of it's basket upstairs. :D

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Hi Cara ~ Hope your headache is gone. :hug We had a rain shower earlier and it dropped the temp from 100+ to 80...not much rain, but I'll take anything at this point!

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Hello all,


Linda M., what colors did you buy and what ghans are you doing this time?



I'm doing 2 designs that I came up with---one in red, white, and blue and bordered in variegated red, white, and blue for my sister; one in dark green, burgundy, and either ivory or gold with a variegated border of the same colors for my niece. Both of these are for Christmas. So I got those colors today--except for the white, ivory, and gold that I already had, plus a variegated in seafoam which is blues and greens for a shawl.


Mary, 37 more solids for me today, please.

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Pickles - Oh I'm so very happy to hear about Lennon!! :yay Glad she's okay. Let us know about the doctor visit tomorrow :hug And that's an excellent idea for a swap! But I think most of us are wrapped up until the end of August at least with HIJ, friendship squares and the Games. Oh dear what have we gotten ourselves into :lol



Aww come on whats another WIP! I figured we could wait until after the games and HIJ! Then I will figure out the details in between now and then and let you all know my idea. That will give me plenty of time to get organized then get everyone excited! :D

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Pickles, I'm glad to hear about Lennon. Hopefully her results will come back all good! As for the swap, it sounds like a really cool idea, I'll have to see where I'm at with my stuff before I can commit though.


Cara, that square is beautiful! Is the pattern on your site the re-worked one?

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Glad you took the Ohio out of the basket. Now's there's room for my ATW :rofl


Priszm - Thanks for the compliment on the square :hug And no that's not the reworked one yet. I'll change it when the afghan is done so I only have to rewrite once. :yes


Feeling better today, so far. My eyes still hurt though. At least my stomach seems to have settled down :)

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Good Morning, ladies. :)


Linda M ~ The colors for your ghans sound really pretty and can't wait to see your patterns. :hook 37 squares added.


Cara ~ I hope your eyes feel better - we can't have that right before the games begin. :manyheart


Hi Tracy! Did you have a good visit with the grandparents? What are you working on now? Gee, I'm curious today. :lol


DH got in at midnight and we slept in until almost 8. :eek Time to get the usual chores done and then maybe some time with my hook. :hook

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:hi Mary. Visit went well, just very tired today. Grandparents are fine and healthy. Grandfather didn't recognise me, but luckily I had been warned he would do that. :lol But once we reminded him who I was, we had a great visit. I am winding yarn into cakes for the Games, haven't crocheted a stitch today yet.
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:hi Mary. Visit went well, just very tired today. Grandparents are fine and healthy. Grandfather didn't recognise me, but luckily I had been warned he would do that. :lol But once we reminded him who I was, we had a great visit. I am winding yarn into cakes for the Games, haven't crocheted a stitch today yet.


I'm sorry to hear about that with your Grandpa. Now knowing any backstory, I hope it's just because of a lapse of time and nothing more serious.


I'm super excited! I rode in the bike MS 150 for my area in April and found a co-worker who also rode in it. We're working together to create a team and we're trying to get our company to help sponsor us. Today we had a meeting with the bike manager and the stuff he was telling us sounds soo good! He said he has a ton of stuff he'll send us to present to our community relations person, the kind of stuff that will hopefully help sway some support dollars our way :clap

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Prizsm, Grandad has Alzheimers and Parkinsons, so we were expecting the memory to go. He has been on medication for it now and Granny says he is much better since he started taking them. :yes At least he still has his sense of humour. Granny was telling me about her weight loss and needing smaller bras and he wanted to know what the A, B, etc stood for. Granny explained to him and he wanted to know what size he would be then if he wore one. :rofl And we were in McDonalds having this conversation (and they are in their 80's)!

That bike fundraising sounds like fun and for a good cause. Keep us up to date with what happens.

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Prizsm, Grandad has Alzheimers and Parkinsons, so we were expecting the memory to go. He has been on medication for it now and Granny says he is much better since he started taking them. :yes At least he still has his sense of humour. Granny was telling me about her weight loss and needing smaller bras and he wanted to know what the A, B, etc stood for. Granny explained to him and he wanted to know what size he would be then if he wore one. :rofl And we were in McDonalds having this conversation (and they are in their 80's)!

That bike fundraising sounds like fun and for a good cause. Keep us up to date with what happens.


My Grandpa was recently diagnosed as pre-dementia of the Alzheimers variety. And I'm still convinced he's going to out-live me :lol


Thanks! It's definitely a good cause, and I'm not just saying that because it indirectly benefits me :D I know the medications developed can also potentially help other medical issues and vice versa. The sign ups will probably open up sometime in September and once we have a team going we'll work on fundraising events, etc. I'm very excited to have someone help me out this year. Last year DBF rode with me, and he was a fount of ideas. Not so much on the help to execute those ideas though :rolleyes

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Priszm - That's great news about the bike run :clap


Tracy - Glad to hear Grandpa at least still has his sense of humor :D


Feeling sick again. And it's sick to my tummy which I hate :grump No I'm not preggers. Had the baby factory removed quite a while ago :lol

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Hi, everyone. We are getting ready to leave tomorrow. Washing bedding, cleaning out the ****, packing, etc. I'm definitely doing things different on the way back, packing-wise. Bought two carry alls for Kim and I so they are about all that has to go in at night, instead of all the suitcases and bags. This was our first trip like this, so it has been a learning experience in many ways.


Take care of yourself, Cara. Sorry that you are still feeling punk today.


Glad you had a good visit, Tracy.


Prism, your bike race sounds great. Good luck with all the preparation.

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Priszm - That's great news about the bike run :clap


Tracy - Glad to hear Grandpa at least still has his sense of humor :D


Feeling sick again. And it's sick to my tummy which I hate :grump No I'm not preggers. Had the baby factory removed quite a while ago :lol


Medication? Provigil, my stay-awake drug, does that to me. I have to be very, very careful about when I take it and make sure it's with food.

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Priszm - Provigil is one they're talking about putting me on. Does it work well for you?


Most days, yes. This week I've been really really run down. And I think the weather has a lot to do with it. I'm in the Tampa area (Karen's opened her reveal package, so I can tell you guys :D ) and I swear it's been hotter this summer than last summer. it's been raining/storming almost daily for the last month. And unlike up north (oh I miss those days!) the rain/storms doesn't break the humidity.


There are days when I think rather than keep the fatigue away, instead it keeps me from just flat out falling asleep at my desk :lol. I also have to be careful regarding what time I take it. The first day I took it, it was a Sunday and I had it around 1pm, yeah, I had problems falling asleep. I hate that I have to be on a med just to stay away, but it's the nature of the beast.

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