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Our House [Archive 4]


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Hi, Judy. I'm doing much better now. I'm awake, been to the grocery store, done a little crocheting, and enjoying the quiet while the grandkids are at daycare.

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Good...hope you relax a little this evening....


Home soon, if I remember correctly?


Off I go for now...laundry beckons.....:P

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Yup. We head for Georgia on Friday morning. Will get to Valdosta on Saturday and meet up with John and then home to Cumming on Sunday.

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Hey everyone. Quick update still no test results back yet for Lennon. Will be here at least 2 more days. Also, remember my post about the comfort ghan for my friends baby kael? Well he is back in the hospital with anothe bout of phnemonia and is now having seizures! If you know of anyone that can help out with the comfort ghan I would really appreciate it if you could let them know how to help! The family needs it more than ever now so I am kicking it into high gear! Whew its been a bad week for babies in my neck of the woods! Thanks ladies! More later!

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Pickles - :oops I flat out forgot to send the square I made :blush I am so very sorry. Mail's already come today but I'll get it out tomorrow. Again I'm so sorry. And I'm so sorry Kael isn't doing well :(

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Mary -- Thanks for the info. To date, I have 297 solids and 3 bi-colors. Two thousand points seems a bit of a challenge, but that's what I am up for. :crocheting Here I go!


Wendy -- My little 'uns are 3 and 6. They love crafts, but, at this point, they prefer the types I classify as "the messier the better" -- painting, collages, Perler melt-y beads and markers. My youngest loves to curl up

in my lap and cuddle my skeins of yarn while I crochet, but she does not indicate an interest in learning to do any herself. She knows the needles and scissors are Mommy's, and she will fetch them for me, but she does not try to use them, yet. They are well-outfitted in sweaters from my efforts last winter, and this summer I started making them a menagerie of amigurumi. The quilts are projects for me go give away. My next one is going to be for our guest room, I think.


Linda T -- once you figure it out, let me buy into your secret. Crocheting and typing are my two favorite things to do! Actually, I do, kind of do that...I only have dial-up, so I crochet as many stitches as I can, while my computer "thinks." Very easy to do with these saltines! Not ideal, but it's working for me.


Pickles -- keep the updates coming. You're in our thoughts, as is the other little guy's family.

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Hi ladies. :) It's been quite a day and the heat sure doesn't help. :no But it's nice and cool inside and I'm going to crochet this evening.


Pickles ~ Thanks for the update. Please let us know about Lennon and little Kael, too. :c9 Meanwhile, I hope you can get some rest.


Dusti ~ You're added to the scorecard. :hook


Gee, all of a sudden I'm without a little square project again...except for the Ohio Star. :lol It's the only one I've started and not finished and you're probably tired of hearing about it. :D

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Hi Valerie. I hope all is well with you...have you had any crochet time? :crocheting


I worked on my Stitch Sampler this evening and guess what? The bigger it gets, the longer it takes to crochet around it. :lol


Have a good night, all. :manyheart

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I worked on my Stitch Sampler this evening and guess what? The bigger it gets, the longer it takes to crochet around it. :lol


Ya know I do believe we're finally turning sweet Miss Mary into a smart alec :lol:hug

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I got a big problem... I don't know what to do.... I want to join the greek games... I have 3 shades of blue Caron SS yarn I want to make them into a gingham blanket .. I also have alot of burgandy and cream yard (several pounds of each) that I want to make a Quilt-ghan out of but I don't have any idea for a pattern... would the Amish that Wendy did look good in just 2 colors?



it took her long enough Cara

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Shelly - If you have enough of the burgundy I think the Amish could look good in two colors. The third color (soft navy in the original) only requires 5 oz so if you have a little of another color you could always do that. I'm gonna redo that quilt someday using something other than the Fiesta since for some unknown reason they quit making it :irk

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Ok I got my camera and my laptop to compromise. I am pleased with the results cant wait to start the next one. This one I got rows turned around, blocks sewn in backwards, but it was a learning experience. I really am happy to have stumbled onto this forum...cuz I so needed another addiction :eek:think

So check out my blog for the pictures...let me know what you think.

Sweet dreams all

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Well I'm posting from my laptop again. No, we aren't home from the hospital yet. All though they did tease us saying we could go home today and then we got a one of 5 test results back (the first of the five) and it was postive for a UTI. Which, to you or I is not a big deal but to an 11 week old baby it can become very serious. This makes me pretty angry because its very rare for a baby to get this unless she isn't being changed enough. In comes daycare. I knew there was a reason I HATE taking her there!!!! :irkSo, we are looking at a 7 day course of antibiotics. The first day for sure in the hospital (tomorrow) and via IV but the rest will be oral so they MIGHT let us go home with the meds and go from there. We are still waiting for the other tests that will tell us if she has any type of bacterial infection in her digestive track. They did a lumbar puncture (procedure where they attempt to pull spinal fluid to check for spinal meningitus) 3 times yesterday and were unsuccessful and the new doc doesn't think its as necessary as the previous doc so hopefully we can skip that. It was NOT fun!

Anyways, somehow I managed to grab a skein of yarn and a hook on my way out the door to the ER. I had full intentions of making saltines while waiting around in the hospital. I had plenty of time to crochet in between doctor visits while Lennon slept but as I ended the first saltine I realized I forgot to bring anything to cut the yarn with at the end of each saltine so I decided to just keep going and have made a giant granny. Well, one skein of it anyways. DH brought me more yarn today from home to keep me busy. :manyheart Even though he complained about doing it he's still sweet. He knows its the only thing keeping me from going crazy here! I started with ILTY buttercup and I am adding ILTY Hot Rose ( a bright pink ) and ILTY white. Figure as soon as the yellow skein runs out I will add the others as I go in random rows. I will post pics whenever I get a chance ( could be a little while ) But they are bright cheery colors and are at least keeping my mind from going stir crazy!

Sorry this post is so long but it feels great to get all of that out! Love you guys for letting me vent! :hug

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Pickles - Glad to hear something might be going better now :hug And never, ever apologize for a long post. We're always here for each other :manyheart


Carla - Wow! Is that a variegated yarn you're using for the background? Very striking indeed :yes Excellent job :clap

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Carla the block looks great! love the "blonde"hair!


And I forgot in my last post but I just want to thank all of you for all of your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to us! :manyheart


Whew! I'm pretty sure i'm about to lose my mind!


Hang in there hon :hug Just think, you'll have a pretty new blankie for Lennon by the time you get home :D

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Hang in there hon :hug Just think, you'll have a pretty new blankie for Lennon by the time you get home :D


The way I'm going I will either have 2 blankies for Lennon or 1 big one for us to snuggle under together! :yay Thanks for helping me see some kind of bright side of this ordeal!

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Carla your first block looks fantastic, I like the varigated you used, very pretty. :clap


Mary havent you finished the Ohio yet:D come on you can do it :cheer :cheer


Shelly I think the Amish would look great in 2 colors. :yes


Linda of course your gonna make it to another 2000. easy peasy :lol

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Cara I just got out my bag... I bought a bunch of one pound bags of mill ends at AC MOORE awhile back.. I have 2 pounds of burgandy---- 3 pounds of black ---- 2 pounds of cream ---- 1 pound of darker green ---- I also have loads of other skeins around here if you think I should use another color in it.... I kind of want to go with what I have on hand...

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