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Our House [Archive 4]


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Pickles ~ I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's hospitalization. If there is anything we can do from afar, be sure to holler! Someone seems to always be here, and I know we would all be happy to lend support if you need it.


I have been lurking upon return from my anniversary trip, but it is time to jump back in.


:cheer Congratulations to the three of you for reaching 2000 points :cheer That is fantastic. And, when I read that you just started the challenge in January...wow! Way to go :clap


I started and finished the Baby Gingham on my holiday. I have not posted enough comments here to be allowed to attach photos, but that just means I have to be more chatty, because I would love to be able to show off my work. I just LOVE these :manyheart. I have saltines for 3 rows of Just Ducky completed, and I will start attaching them this week. The ATW, yellow gingham and Sunny's design are stunning!! Nice job, ladies!!


My daughters are awake, so we are off-and-running for the day. I will count-up my saltines and try to join you, if there is going to be a second 2000-count challenge this year.

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Thanks :hug


I feel that I know all of you so well, as I read your posts, but I have not written too much. I will do better from now on.

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Hi and bye again...


Wendy, Cornmeal jumps out against browns/reds....would be a great choice for the background!

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Hi, Cara, Dusti, and whoever else is here....


My usual busy Monday, so I can't stay and chat. CU all later!

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Dusti howdy and thats fantastic that you have finished. The smackdown continues as people get to 2000 and the ones that have reached 2000 get to start all over again at the bottome of the ladder. Everytime someone reaches 2000 the others in the smackdown can send a little prize to that person if they wish. Its a lot of fun.

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Thanks, Wendy...You have a good night, my friend - I see from my clock set to Adelaide;) that it's almost bedtime for you!

Sleep tight, as they say over here.:hug

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Good morning to you, too, Judy. Have a good one!


I do want to get involved with the Smackdown. The support and encouragement here is wonderful. I would feel privileged to be a part of the group. I am bringing my daughters to my folks' house for a couple of weeks, and I have my yarn and hook already packed. There ought to be time to crochet while I talk with my mother this evening. Crocheting keeps my fingers out of the M&M dish.

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Mary 16 solids and 4 bi-colored


Added! :)


Mary, I have 48 more solids please. I started another ghan last night. :clap

If I get accomplished what I have planned for Christmas, I should have no problem reaching my first 2000 by then.


How do we find out where to send our little gifties to the ones who reach 2000?


48 more added. :hook Yes, I'm making an address list so just PM me if anyone needs them. :yes

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Mary morning to you.


Dusti its a lot of fun, have a great time at your parents place, I always take my crocheting with me when I visit my Mum and while Im crocheting she does her tapestry and we chat, its great. How old are your daughters do they crochet?

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Thanks Judy, yes its nearly my bedtime.


I think I will use the cornmeal for the background on my cat ghan. Might start it tomorrow night. I just feel lost without a saltine project.


I wish it was nearly bedtime here :lol It's only 9:30 in the morning and I'm really struggling. I really want to :sleep

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Good morning Miss Mary :manyheart


Prizm - I'm fighting sleep myself at 8:30 :lol Gonna wait until DH goes to work in about an hour though, then it'll be naptime :sleep

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Good Morning everyone. :) I need to leave in about 30 minutes...MIL to the Dr., errands and hopefully home before it's 105 degrees again.


Pickles~:hug to Lennon, you and your DH. You know we're here for support if you need a break. :manyheart


Dusti~Hi! Can't wait for pictures. Just let us know how many squares you've made since about January 15th (solids are 1 point, bicolors are 2 points, etc) and we'll add you to the list! :hook


See you all later.

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I'm going to be Mia for a few days. They admitted DD Lennon into the hospital yesterday. She had been having a fever and we took her to the er and they say it could possibly be meningitis. We will find out more today. I am writing this from my blackberry which is nearly impossible to do but I needed to read some posts to cheer me up. Thanks ladies for the humor I needed it. If I can talk dh into bringing the labtop here I will post more later!

OH, Pickles, I'm so sorry Lennon is ill. Hopefully it's not too serious and she gets better very quickly. We are here for you. :ghug

Thanks Judy, yes its nearly my bedtime.


I think I will use the cornmeal for the background on my cat ghan. Might start it tomorrow night. I just feel lost without a saltine project.

Cornmeal or a beige color would be great with the other colors, Wendy.


I don't know if I'll make it to 2,000 again by the end of the year but I sure have plenty of projects on the list. I still have 3 1/2 blocks to crochet for the Painted Desert, the Stacked Cubes ghan (Crochet Games project), the Snowflake ghan, and a Dachshund ghan for John's parents all on the list of "To Do" things. :hook:devil:hook


Dusti, it's good to see you here again. Jump right in. We all love to chat. I haven't figured out how to crochet and type yet, but when I do I'll have the best of both worlds. :lol

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Good morning, everyone. I'm not really awake yet, but the day has started anyway.

It kinda starts with or without us:lol:lol


How are you today?

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