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Our House [Archive 4]


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Linda T~Your Painted Desert is just beautiful. :hook Someday, would you write out the pattern for the 4 color squares? I'm not clever enough to ever figure that out myself. :blush I'm sorry it's been so hot for your stay in Texas. Last summer was much cooler and we had lots of rain...of course, that was really abnormal. :yes


Linda M~Congratulations on finishing your shawl. :yay


Tracy~You've been a square-making machine this week! WTG!:cheer (Squares added.)

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Yeah Cara, that's why I like to crochet them too but unfortunately I have no idea how to crochet Tink in the middle. :think I'de be rich if I could figure it out. :yes:lol



Congrats to Wendy & Linda for hitting 2,000. :clap You gals are awesome. :cheer

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Mary... Cara has those instructions at the Happy House




I'm really close.. I may be joining you before the day is over... I didn't sleep much last night so got a lot done...

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Mary... Cara has those instructions at the Happy House




I'm really close.. I may be joining you before the day is over... I didn't sleep much last night so got a lot done...

Nope, Cara doesn't have the directions yet, but she will after I get home in about 10 days or so.


Come on, Shelly!!! The 3 of us have been so close all the way through this challenge. You can do it, too!!! :yay:cheer:yay


Mary ~ Start me over with 7 solids ~ the rest of that block.

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Well it will have to wait until tomorrow for me to join Wendy and Linda.... I had a baby blanket I had to finish up today so had to quit on my saltines for a while...


Mary.... 29 solids and 36 bi-colored for me please... that leaves me with 78 points left to get... probably when I finish my bicolored ones tomorrow I'll have enough...


I need to get Linda's address so I can send her something.. I already have Wendy's...

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Howdy everyone,


Had a great day at the pedal prix race, you can see photos at the sky cal. I was able to take my crocheting with me and got block 7 and 8 done so now its just finishing up side 2 of the pillow, doing the zipper and sewing it all together.

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Mary.... 29 solids and 36 bi-colored for me please... that leaves me with 78 points left to get... probably when I finish my bicolored ones tomorrow I'll have enough...


:yay your nearly there too, thats fantastic. :hug

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Good morning ladies :flower


Shelly - I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. I know how rough that can be. Hope you get some rest soon :hug Upside is that you're making lots of saltines and you're almost there, too! :cheer


Wendy - I'll have to have a peek at the pics :D Grats on the progress on the pillow :cheer


Well, I'm trying to wake up enough to run the grocery store while folks are at church. It's the best time to shop. Nice and quiet :lol

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Mary ~ Start me over with 7 solids ~ the rest of that block.


Mary.... 29 solids and 36 bi-colored for me please... that leaves me with 78 points left to get... probably when I finish my bicolored ones tomorrow I'll have enough...


Well another restless night... I did another 16 solids


Mary, 19 solids for me, please. :hook


They're on the list. :hook

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Good morning everyone!


Cara, while you're at the store, can you pick me up some milk, 4x6 index cards and a really cute small stamp to put on those index cards? I figure it's cheaper to get the index cards to use for recipes than buy recipe cards. :lol But I did find a box I like at Michael's yesterday! Today I'm going to stain it, then paint the stencils on and the box for the recipe cards will be done :cheer By the middle of the week I should be back on the pink ribbon 'ghan.

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Good morning everyone!


Cara, while you're at the store, can you pick me up some milk, 4x6 index cards and a really cute small stamp to put on those index cards? I figure it's cheaper to get the index cards to use for recipes than buy recipe cards. :lol But I did find a box I like at Michael's yesterday! Today I'm going to stain it, then paint the stencils on and the box for the recipe cards will be done :cheer By the middle of the week I should be back on the pink ribbon 'ghan.


Shucks! You caught me too late :D I agree stamping the cards would probably be less expensive plus it'll make them personal :yes

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DBF thinks I should try and find a set of food related stamps from different "categories", that way I could stamp dessserts with something sweet, etc. I want to try and find something that'll somewhat match the stencils I got. Plus, I don't have to worry about the extra empty cards. They'll be ok with that one stamp.

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DBF thinks I should try and find a set of food related stamps from different "categories", that way I could stamp dessserts with something sweet, etc. I want to try and find something that'll somewhat match the stencils I got. Plus, I don't have to worry about the extra empty cards. They'll be ok with that one stamp.


Go look at Michael's and Dollar Tree. I find really cool $1 stamps there all the time. Lots of them have food themes. The ones at Michael's are usually up front .

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Mary, :yes I brought a couple more projects with, a 2-strand baby blanket and my ATW. I also brought some yarn with to make some baby things, I am making a baby dress from the July/August issue of Crochet Today! magazine.


For those of you who aren't in the Sky Cal, here is my niece


th_100_1480.jpg Peeking over my shoulder


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Priszm, that sounds really cool! I find neat stamps at Michael's, too.


Hi, everyone. The grandkids are full of energy today and the grandmothers are all shot. Yikes! :eek Keeping up with them is a real handful and a half. And doing it for 3 weeks is something else again. I played catch with Austen last night and am sporting a beauty of a bruise on my wrist this morning from where I stopped one of his throws. I feel really, really old today. :P:2eek:P


I think I need to go crochet for a while. :crocheting

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Well I have been piecing my saltines together to make the first child on the 'We're all God's Children' quiltghan. Taking much longer than I imagined...:whewI just about have it but there are many mistakes on this first block....I didnt pay attention to the stuff I needed to pay attention too. But I am learning as I go... I like the way the next one will turn out tho. This is a cute pattern and already have decided to make another when I am done with this one.... My sister will love it.

I like the harvest one as well....My step mom would love it for her home. So maybe after I finish this one I will do the harvest one before starting this one again..... See look not good for my stashbusting score or my sky projects I get too many wonderful ideas from these boards....And I still have christmas gifts that I am already suppose to be done with. :help

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Linda, you need to be careful you don't damage your crochet hands! :eek Hope the bruise isn't too painful.

Actually it doesn't hurt at all. It's just very large and multicolored.


Kim was so funny last night when I was crocheting those 7 squares. She kept swiping them, counting them, laughing, and putting them back only to repeat the process before I could even finish the next saltine. Man she was having fun! :lol :lol :lol

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