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Our House [Archive 4]


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I've been working slowly on my card trick afghan, but we move into our own house on monday and we get our household goods on the 7th so hopefully I can start working on it a little more seriously soon. I've designed the next afghan I'm going to try and figure out how to do, based on the McLoud tartan pattern, that should be interesting to try.


It's nice to see new people welcome! I'm a total saltine convert as of what a few weeks ago myself. Though I am still figuring out the best way to attach the saltines, I'm not used to joining things together.

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Aiea you will find your own way of sewing the saltines together. I have sc'd and whipstitched and I prefer the whipstitching myself. Goodluck moving into your house and you will be all settled in ready to watch the olympics.

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Thanks Wendy, I can't wait to get my own internet again so I can actually see the pictures since the internet here at work blocks all of the picture sites so I haven't been able to see anyone's work since the last time I went to the library to check my personal e-mail there. I've been slipstiching them, but I saw someone post a lacy way of joining them, I forget what it was called now. That I think I will try when I do my next one, my card trick will be slipstiched, but I think the tartan idea will work great with the lacy idea and extra space between the squares. Though I may still have to border each 4x4 square of saltines to get the right effect though. I'll have to take pictures of my plans next time I go to the library and post them here.

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Hello All,


Just dropped in to say hello. Love the pictures.


Got errands to run and take my nephew to the movies.


I'll spend the rest of the day crocheting...have to do 2 double shifts this weekend as AM is off this weekend and I'm off next weekend.


C U guys later.

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Hi Mary,

I guess I am suppose to report my squares? How often am I doing that? I have 34 solids done. I am so excited I cant wait to get enough done to start putting it all together. I am going to donate it to my daycare class. My babies will love it.


Hi Carla - I've added you to the list! You can report squares when ever you want to...I just need to know the number of solids and bicolors. :)


20 more solids for me this evening :D


15 more solids for me! :clapSo that makes a total of 25 "grahams"


Mary - 30 solids and 12 bicolors. thanks


Added :hook

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Hi ladies. I have to be gone part of the day, but will post the scores no later than this afternoon. Wendy, it looks like you'll hit 2000 today! :cheer


Also, if anyone wants to be part of the "Saltine Smackdown," please let me know. Everyone is welcome to join. :hook

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Updated Friday, July 25, 2008


Wendy (Aussie) 1987

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) 1879

Shelly (Super Granny) 1825

Mary (Skysmom) 1339

Tracy (tracystroebel) 1126

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1093

Linda M. (mizmo) 738

Shay (Shaylen) 575

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Karen (econ-nerd) 458

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 452

Heather (hseger) 345

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

TKC 72

Judy (judianne) 55

Carla (canostreasures) 34

Tammy (TammyG) 25

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 25

Laurie (LaurieE) 3


Cara (Misa)

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I've been working slowly on my card trick afghan, but we move into our own house on monday and we get our household goods on the 7th so hopefully I can start working on it a little more seriously soon. I've designed the next afghan I'm going to try and figure out how to do, based on the McLoud tartan pattern, that should be interesting to try.

Aiea, the tartan sounds very interesting. Can't wait to see pictures.

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I got several skiens of neutrals at AC Moore...and felt very powerful for not adding more RHSS to my collection:lol

So, the excursion was a success...and now I'll relax and go back to working on the red/white/blue comfortghan. It will be getting washed a lot so I'm whipstitching front and back loops around each square - separately.


There is no way this thing is coming apart:hook

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Good afternoon ladies :flower


No, I'm not just getting up. I just forced myself to do the stuff that BD asked me to do before I came over here to play :D


Wendy - Woo hoo!!! You're knocking on the back door of 2000!! Excellent work :cheer


Judy - It's hard to be good isn't it? Especially if yarn is on sale or one has a coupon. :lol I was also good at HL yesterday and stuck to my $25 plus what cash I had tucked away :wink I wanted to buy every last skein they had :lol


Okay have got to get going. Still working on the border design for my Games ghan. Hoping I can find a solution I like for that this weekend. Then I'm gonna work on friendship squares or new designs until the games begin :hook

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Oh I'm slipping down the list :lol I promise after I finish my 2nd CRW today and the games are over, I will work hard to finish up my bedspread and then look to start another one :lol gotta always have at least one quilt going so I always have a portable project. :D

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I need opinions.


I am thinking I need to change my Games project. It will still be a saltine project, but instead of doing my one, I was thinking of doing a Gingham in blues for my sister for her birthday, but making it bigger (31x31). What do you ladies think? :think

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Good morning everyone :hi


Woohoo Im nearly there :yay


Cara I was just going to say wow you slept in but you got all your work done so you can play for the rest of the day thats a great idea.:yes


Mary thanks for keeping score for us. :hug


Judy Im glad you had fun shopping and wow you did have restraint not to buy more yarn than you needed.


Heather a saltine project is so portable isnt it. You can take it anywhere and work on it. After the card trick pillow I wont have a saltine project till the cauldron is lit. Boy will I be having the dts.:lol


Tracy hows just ducky going.

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I need opinions.


I am thinking I need to change my Games project. It will still be a saltine project, but instead of doing my one, I was thinking of doing a Gingham in blues for my sister for her birthday, but making it bigger (31x31). What do you ladies think? :think


:yes thats a great idea. Remember the games goes by percentage so you will do fine and what a great start you will have on it because those 2 weeks we will be going hammer and tong on the saltines. We will be spitting them out like you wouldnt believe, it will be like a conveyor belt. Can you just see them all going down the conveyor, saltine after saltine. Ok I just got up and not fully awake yet. :lol

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Judy -what brand did you buy? :sigh I have to live vicariously through all of you. I was depressed this afternoon, and came home and wanted to go on Ebay or craftetc... SOMEWHERE to make myself feel better by buying yarn... then I remembered I am on a YARN DIET! :rofl No new yarn in over a month so far!!! I'm 1/6th of the way there!

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Wendy, yes, she wants blue. Her favourite colours are blue and green, her bedroom is blue, so blue it will be. :lol Mom gave the white, so I just need to get blues. I need to work out how many skeins to get and will probably get them next week when mom goes yarn shopping for her RR. :woo

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Yuppers, what Tracy said. I didn't buy any yarn since September 2007. :eek That's when I bought some yarn for the child sweater with flower motif on it (lavendar one I give away as a baby gift in last June).


If I can do it, you can do it! Think of the greatest reward. :devil

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