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Our House [Archive 4]


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Whew! I think Kim thinks I've tried to drown her again. This shower is NOT set up conveniantly for bathing someone handicapped, but we got the job done. And nobody got hurt. The kids will be home soon from daycare. And I promised to play catch with Austin today. At least the worst of the heat will be over. I'm making squares very slowly today. :hook

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I gave my first gray hair to my Mom after I pulled it out :D I figured that since I probably gave her her first gray hair she may as well have mine too :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl


BTW The ATW is to die! :drool

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Here is where I am at on my ATW:





I am really liking this afghan (and hubby thinks it looks great too)


Karen, it's so pretty...the colors are perfect. :cheer

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the only peoples I know that purposefully put a mistake in their work is some Native Americans... when weaving a rug they would weave in a different colored thread as a pathway for the spirits to follow... it is a religious thing... kind of like dream catchers capturing the evil dreams...


My sister who got hooded in May just found out she got the job she wanted.. starting Sept she will be teaching 4th grade in one of the most challanging schools in Ithaca, NY... over half of the families are below poverty level... she was hoping to get this school so she can put her learning to work...


I had a busy day I finished a shawl today... I have to get it in the mail tomorrow but I will try to get a picture if my camera cooperates...

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Thanks for all the compliments :manyheart I realy like this afghan and Cara - you have a convert and I am hooked (pun intended :D ) on saltines - I am already planning out what I want to do next. Maybe a nine-block? I think that is the name. I also want to try a tablecloth and some place mats. And I might even try some bi-colors :lol


It's POURING here - should cool things off nicely :yay

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Karen - Another convert :woo I'm glad you're enjoying it :hug I think you're thinking of a nine-patch. That's another one I wanna make up. Just seems to never be enough time :lol

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I see your cal has been going for quite some time. I've just run across these quilt-ghan patterns recently and would love to try one out. I'd also love the support I'm obviously going to need to get through one. I have my eye on the Spinning Wheels pattern. I'm not much of a piecer and I think, by the time I get through this quilt-ghan, I should be much better with it. So, mind if I join your cal?



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So I was working last night and while working I was crocheting my pink ribbon afghan. I was also chatting on IM with some co-workers and mentioned to someone else that I'd started a cross stitch for a friends wedding and just don't have the desire to work on it. So I started some kitchen items for her. There's a few others I've been planning on doing and it struck me last night, she's getting married in like 3 weeks!!! :eek I'm not done with her stuff yet!!! Oops!

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Morning everyone!


Karen, your ATW is beautiful! I love the colors!


Welcome Patty! Warning: Making saltines are very addictive!!!

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Here are clickable pics of my yellow gingham ghan complete, rose shawl in progress, and a closeup of the rose shawl stitches.








On my monitor the yellows don't show as bright and clear as they actually are. I think they are the perfect yellows for this. BTW, I used ILTY in white, buttercup, and yellow with the yellow being the bright one and the buttercup is a little lighter.

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The gingham looks great.


I managed to finish another strip last night and start joining the first two (at which point the joining corners with an X made sense). I hope the squares line up right when it's all together.



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