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Our House [Archive 4]


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Well, your husband will love us until you start adding all kinds of projects to your list of things to do because we all show you pictures of what we're making. Then he'll love us even less when we direct you to all the greatest yarn sales on the internet and in the stores... We'll redeem ourselves somewhat when we send little packages to you and make you smile... then he'll have to like us in spite of all the corruption we provide.. :lol:devil



OH SO TRUE!!!!!!:lol

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Welcome Carla from an 'almost' neighbor. :lol I am in E-Town so not very far from you in Lexington.


I've only been here since June and I am also hooked! I have already completed an Around the World and am almost finished with a gingham in yellow made bigger than in the original pattern.


BTW, speaking of sales, I received my weekly Hobby Lobby flier today and the ILTY is on sale this week for 1.99. Sounds like time for another road trip!


Welcome again Carla!

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Mary, you can add another 24 solids, 4 bi-colors, and 8 four-colors for me again. I now have two blocks' worth done here in Texas.

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Krystal16: That put a smile on my face. Perhaps I stand corrected. I really believe I am going to enjoy myself here. Thank you.

Busy-bee-lmt: I have already started going through my stash to get my colors out for this quiltghan, I am absolutely sure I will become addicted. Thank you.

Mizmo: Nice to meet ya “almost” neighbor. I am looking forward to all the fun stuff here to do. It seems like a hopping place. I have really needed something like that. I do not know a single soul that enjoys crochet and have really enjoyed reading posts by people who enjoy the same things as myself. And oooohhhh this is going to be so much fun. And Hobby Lobby, all I can say is they get most of my paychecks, that place is addictive and have wonderful sales.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am glad to be here.

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Carla - Yeah, what Krystal said :lol :lol


Linda - Excellent job finishing yet another filet :clap


Yes, ILTY is 1.99 this week and it's payday :cheer The repairs to the house cut a big chunk outta the ol' bank account but I plan to be there on Thursday :clap

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I am looking forward to all the fun stuff here to do. It seems like a hopping place. I have really needed something like that. I do not know a single soul that enjoys crochet and have really enjoyed reading posts by people who enjoy the same things as myself. And oooohhhh this is going to be so much fun. And Hobby Lobby, all I can say is they get most of my paychecks, that place is addictive and have wonderful sales.


Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am glad to be here.

Carla, we have a lot of fun here and some super support, too, when life gets tough. I fell in love with this place when I found it, because I didn't know anyone who loved to do this creative stuff either. It's a truly wonderful group of people here and we're very happy you are joining us.

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Welcome to Crochetville, Cara. :)


I am not sure which Linda it is (T or M?) :blush who ask about my crochet games quilt. I was going to do it in green/blues tones with a bit of yellow tone. I wouldn't know until I visit a new Joanne's next week.


I will see ya all tomorrow. I am still out of town until then. :)

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Hello girls.. as I explained in Sky I've been over to my Mom's for most of July so far... I've accomplished quite a bit... it's amazing what you can get done while visiting... I listed everything in sky except my saltine total which is

253 solids

please add them on to my total... .I'm not sure where that puts me now... I'll have to go back to find the last list...

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Mary, 18 solids and 1 bicolour for me, please. :hook


Mary, you can add another 24 solids, 4 bi-colors, and 8 four-colors for me again. I now have two blocks' worth done here in Texas.


253 solids

please add them on to my total... .I'm not sure where that puts me now... I'll have to go back to find the last list...


6 saltines for me yesterday. This evening I really need to start attaching some of them! We have a movie planned for the evening so I'll set up the fan in front of me and sew :D


Mary, 35 solids and 3 bicolours, please. :hook


Wow, lots of squares being made. :hook

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Good Morning, everyone. I missed lots of posts yesterday. :yes


Carla, a big WELCOME from me, too!


We ended up being gone a lot yesterday "dealing with" both MIL and my parents. Hopefully today will be quieter and I can get some time with my hook. :)

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Hello girls.. as I explained in Sky I've been over to my Mom's for most of July so far... I've accomplished quite a bit... it's amazing what you can get done while visiting... I listed everything in sky except my saltine total which is

253 solids

Way to go, Shelly!!! You've been missed here. I think that puts you back in the running with Wendy and I.

We have another convert. :devil Kyla is making saltines from some scraps a FGM sent her and is busy colouring in squares on graph paper for her afghan she wants to make. :lol

Wow! Welcome, Kyla! :welcome Good for you designing your own first ghan!! :clap :clap :clap


Kim and I are up. John got Austin a gun that shoots plastic missiles/bullets on Saturday night. I told him he could not shoot people or pets with it. He did. It now resides on top of the refrigerator. It will be used only with supervision from now on while I'm here.


It's back to filet crochet and saltines for me today. Hopefully we can set up a more stable schedule for the grandchildren the rest of the time we are here. It's been pretty chaotic so far with John bopping in and out every couple of days. I have to get some spray starch for the filet that's for here. I hid the tails last night. I took a couple pictures and will take a couple more after it's starched.


Hope everyone has a great day. :hug:hook:crocheting

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Shelly - Excellent progress on the saltines :clap


Tracy - Woo hoo!! Getting those saltine makers while they're young. Way to go, Kyla :cheer


Linda - I agree with K. Good for you putting the thing away. Those little guns still hurt. BD and his brothers play with them and other types at Christmas. MIL has almost gotten them to where they go outside with them. BD does btw because otherwise he has to deal with me :lol


K - Yep these toy guns that actually have projectiles are horrible. First time I ever saw someone die was when I was about 7 or 8. My sister was in the emergency room with her most recent daredevil accident. There was a boy on a gurney in the hallway that'd been shot point blank in the temple with a BB gun. He died right there before they could even get him in a room :( The ones that shoot Nerf balls are better, imo :yes


Okay, nuff of that. I have a load of crochet items to wash today. A bunch :lol Hopefully none of the colors will run.

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Wow! 11 pages added since I last posted. This is a very active thread :lol I have slowed down a bit on my squares, I got sidetracked finishing my puzzle afghan and my felted mittens (:blushI also started another Mr. GreenJeans sweater) The ADD continues I guess but at least I am finishing some things now. Pictures of the above items are on my blog.

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Wow! 11 pages added since I last posted. This is a very active thread :lol I have slowed down a bit on my squares, I got sidetracked finishing my puzzle afghan and my felted mittens (:blushI also started another Mr. GreenJeans sweater) The ADD continues I guess but at least I am finishing some things now. Pictures of the above items are on my blog.


Yep, this is a happening place :yes And to think, we've been doing this for over a year now :lol

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Yep, this is a happening place :yes And to think, we've been doing this for over a year now :lol

Only a year?!:eek We ARE a chatty bunch:lol

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