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Our House [Archive 4]


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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda M - Yep the squares are totally addicting. I've now got almost 12 years of little squares and I still think of dozens of patterns :yes Glad you're having fun with it :hug


Judy - That's okay I haven't finished my ATW yet either :no

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Judy - That's okay I haven't finished my ATW yet either :no

I feel better...I didn't even remember you had started one:eek

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I feel better...I didn't even remember you had started one:eek


It's been a while :lol It sits under the table in a basket and taunts me once in a while :rofl

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:hi everyone.


Mary, we got here, haven't seen Denise yet, she is working until 8pm. They gave me a key ages ago so we could get in if we ever needed to. :lol So far all I have done is eat, sleep and drink coffee. :D I have got Just Ducky out to be working on it.


Linda M, :cheer for almost being finished, those yellows looked so pretty together.


Wendy, you see, you will finish CT before the Olympics.


The ATW is one of the WIP I brought with me to work on, going to see if can get mom to start one as well. :devil

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Wendy, I've added your squares to the list. :)


Hi Tracy~I'm glad you had a safe trip and are settled in with your hook. :crocheting


Cara, you've been so busy with other projects...maybe move the ATW to another room so it can't taunt you. :lol


Speaking of the ATW - Do you join 2 sides at a time? I've always joined in rows, so do you just leave a longer than normal tail and join the side and top to existing squares?

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Hi, everyone. I slept in Paige's bed last night. An upper bunk bed in a princess castle. Had quite a time getting into it, but I did get to sleep uninterrupted until 10:00 this morning. Such a treat! Then I had to figure out how to get down! NOT graceful. But at least I was out of the early morning traffic pattern.


Mary, reporting in with 24 solids, 4 bi-colors, and 8 4-colors today. That's another block of squares for the painted desert.


John and Kim and the grandchildren are going out again this afternoon/evening so I'll get some quiet time again today. Yeah!

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Hello everyone!

So I will finally add my name to the list of saltines but with a twist. I started a blanket for my co-workers dd but didn't want as many holes so I'm making single crochet 2" squares. Also, for some reason I can whip up a single crochet square in half the time it takes me to do a saltine. I've decided to call them "graham crackers" because they look like a half of graham cracker! :lol They are the perfect project to keep in my desk at work and work on during calls! (ssshhh don't tell the boss! :devil) Anyways I have finished 10 "grahams" just yesterday in the 3 hours I was at work before I left early. I will continue to work a little on them during work hours and will post how many I finish each week.

I was also messing around with graph paper and have come up with a few more designs (will post pics someday....:blush) so there are many more "grahams" in my future!

Krystal~loved the heffalump that was in your avatar a few days ago! My dd's room is done in Eeyore and heffalumps! Cute!

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Hello everyone!


So I will finally add my name to the list of saltines but with a twist. I started a blanket for my co-workers dd but didn't want as many holes so I'm making single crochet 2" squares. Also, for some reason I can whip up a single crochet square in half the time it takes me to do a saltine. I've decided to call them "graham crackers" because they look like a half of graham cracker! :lol They are the perfect project to keep in my desk at work and work on during calls! (ssshhh don't tell the boss! :devil) Anyways I have finished 10 "grahams" just yesterday in the 3 hours I was at work before I left early. I will continue to work a little on them during work hours and will post how many I finish each week.

I was also messing around with graph paper and have come up with a few more designs (will post pics someday....:blush) so there are many more "grahams" in my future!


Krystal~loved the heffalump that was in your avatar a few days ago! My dd's room is done in Eeyore and heffalumps! Cute!



Ohhh, hurry up and post pictures please! I love seeing pictures!


I really wish I had called in sick to work tonight. No, I'm not sick, I'm just not up to dealing with people. It took almost 45 minutes for my first sale. No big deal there. But, in that time frame I had a kid doing a prank call who was trying to sound like the convenience store clerk from Simpsons. And I had some guy who apparently was too cheap to pay for a 900 number :yuck Oh, and let's not forget the lady who took almost 2 minutes to get around to the question she wanted to ask because she apparently felt I needed to know that she has all these other items already :rolleyes

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Morning everyone


Mary when I did the ATW I left a longer thread so I could do both sides of the saltine. I didnt sew in rows.


Linda great progress on the saltines. Are those 4 color squares easy to do.


Pickles I would love to see your designs and I like the idea of you calling your squares Grahams. I have never heard of Grahams crackers so do you do the first row as normal and then the second row do you dc in each stitch and 6 in the corner:think


I need to print out my Koala cuddle and I want to break it down into 4 blocks makes it easier. Then I want to get all my yarn ready, have it winded into pull balls so I can just keep it all in a icecream container, makes it so much easier.

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Hi, everyone. I slept in Paige's bed last night. An upper bunk bed in a princess castle. Had quite a time getting into it, but I did get to sleep uninterrupted until 10:00 this morning. Such a treat! Then I had to figure out how to get down! NOT graceful. But at least I was out of the early morning traffic pattern.


Mary, reporting in with 24 solids, 4 bi-colors, and 8 4-colors today. That's another block of squares for the painted desert.


John and Kim and the grandchildren are going out again this afternoon/evening so I'll get some quiet time again today. Yeah!


Hi Linda~So glad you had a good night...this may be your only chance to sleep in a princess castle. :lol I've added your squares - WTG! :cheer


Mary, 21 solids and 3 bicolours, please. :hook.


Yay, Tracy! Are you working on Just Ducky? Can't wait to see what colors you've chosen. :yes

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Pickles, I love the idea of graham crackers. :hook I'll put you on the list with the first 10 for now. How is that darling baby girl? :c9


Hi Val~sorry about the frustrations at work. I remember well...and having to grit my teeth for the "customer who is always right." :no


Thanks, Wendy. I've loved seeing the pictures of the ATWs and may have to make one before long. :hook


Tracy~oh yes! We would love a picture! I know - it's hard to tell what it is until you see the duck in the picture. :yes

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Morning everyone



Pickles I would love to see your designs and I like the idea of you calling your squares Grahams. I have never heard of Grahams crackers so do you do the first row as normal and then the second row do you dc in each stitch and 6 in the corner:think



You chain 13, sc in the 2nd ch from hook, sc across, ch 1 turn, sc across, repeat until square (because of guage the number of rows varies) if you crochet tight enough you dont even need a sc border around the square but you can if you feel neccesary then just do 3 sc in each corner. I have a book of different squares and motifs (the title escapes me at the moment, will let you know as soon as I find the book :blush) that has the bi color square in it so I figured the solid square from that.

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Pickles, I love the idea of graham crackers. :hook I'll put you on the list with the first 10 for now. How is that darling baby girl? :c9



She is doing great! Thanks for asking! We were able to take her swimming for the first time last weekend! A friend of ours has a "ozone" filtered pool. Don't know the specifics of how it works but it uses NO chemicals so it was baby safe! Found her the cutest swimsuit on sale at Childrens Place. I have great pics that I will post shortly. The friend is a bit of a photographer so she did a great job! And baby Lennon LOVED the pool!

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These are gorgeous! I am going to try the Amish Star, as a ghan I started in a similar vein just isn't coming out the way I would like!

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