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Our House [Archive 4]


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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Did it rain there last night? We got quite the deluge. If y'all got the same rain maybe you can save some watering time. I was gonna put the water on the grass this morning but now I dont' have too :D


Wendy - Good morning sunshine! :hi


Got to sleep at a halfway decent time last night 1:30. Actually I was kinda drifting in and out by around midnight but BD was listening to the book. Also, he seems to have made bacon last night. Whole house reeks of it :lol

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Good morning! It's one of those days I wish I had stayed in bed. I decided to buy breakfast at work, but my debit card doesn't work. There's money in there! Apparently the bank is having system issues (nice!) so the nice guy is going to let me pay for breakfast at lunch time.


Then, I'm trying to do my work and I mess up. I look at the wrong thing, but I type everything correctly. It worked out ok, but seriously, I should have stayed in bed for awhile longer.

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Good morning! It's one of those days I wish I had stayed in bed. I decided to buy breakfast at work, but my debit card doesn't work. There's money in there! Apparently the bank is having system issues (nice!) so the nice guy is going to let me pay for breakfast at lunch time.


Then, I'm trying to do my work and I mess up. I look at the wrong thing, but I type everything correctly. It worked out ok, but seriously, I should have stayed in bed for awhile longer.


Morning hon :hug Personally, those were the kind of days where I went home early :lol Hope your day improves :hug

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Good morning. With John here last night I went to sleep at 9:30 and I don't think I moved until he woke me up about half an hour ago. That's called playing catch up with a vengence. I got about a dozen squares done for the Painted Desert yesterday. He asked for a grocery list when he came in and then got at least 4 times what I asked for and a whole lot of other things as well. We'll never eat it all while we're here and I don't think Jonathan and Shannon do much cooking at home from the look of the stuff in the pantry, cupboards, and fridge. Oh, well. More later.

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Morning hon :hug Personally, those were the kind of days where I went home early :lol Hope your day improves :hug


Thankfully what I'm doing right now is mostly mindless. I just need to pay attention and make sure I'm matching the information up. I can refer to any other research completed within the last 45 days. So I just have to check the other persons stuff and make sure they have all the screen shots they're supposed to. So no thinking is involved, thankfully.

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Linda - Glad you got some sleep. John sounds like DH. I send him with a list of four things and he brings back four bagfuls :irk So are you enjoying Texas so far?


Prizm - Mindless is good sometimes :yes

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Hi, Cara. Yes, I do like the parts of Texas I've seen thus far. It's much greener than I expected. And I love the rolling hills with horses and cattle grazing on the rich grass or resting under the trees. I was expecting it to be more like the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. This is much softer and friendlier than I expected. It is HOT, though. Thank goodness for a/c and fans.

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Hi, Cara. Yes, I do like the parts of Texas I've seen thus far. It's much greener than I expected. And I love the rolling hills with horses and cattle grazing on the rich grass or resting under the trees. I was expecting it to be more like the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. This is much softer and friendlier than I expected. It is HOT, though. Thank goodness for a/c and fans.


This side of the state is quite green. Further east and it's forest land. West Texas is what most folks think of when they think Texas. That's what they always show in cowboy movies :lol Texas actually has all five climates in one state....plains, dessert, tropics, mountain and forest.

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Hi everyone. :)


Wendy, 15 bicolors added!


Cara~No rain for us in several weeks. :( Our water bill is almost as much as the electric bill in the summers, but our city water system is privately owned.


Hi Linda. How long will John be there with you all? We live in "North Texas" and it's generally much flatter than central Texas. Yep, it's really hot here, too. :yes


It's been a busy morning so far and I'm ready to stay home, do laundry and crochet. :hook

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Hi, Mary. John was here yesterday evening and last night. He's in Austin today and tomorrow with clients and will be back tomorrow evening and all day Wednesday. Then it's Houstin on Thursday and Friday. Back here Friday evening through Sunday morning. Then he's off to Chicago and then Minnesota for more client visits. He'll be back in Cumming then and we'll head back to Georgia that third week, too.

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Gee, it's been sooo quiet here today. :think Where is Tracy and her 5 squares/day? :D


I didn't get to crochet as much as I thought I would...life seems to get in the way around here a lot. Back to my hook now, though. :yes

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It's been back to filet crochet for me today. I've done 21 rows on the second piece so far today. I'll get Kim in bed soon and then work on it some more while watching "Mr. Holland's Opus." It's been very quiet here this afternoon/evening. I signed up for the "Games" today. My goal is to crochet and assemble 200 or the 300 saltines in/on the Cubes quiltghan. I think that's doable, but still a very real challenge. :crocheting

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a few days ago, i saw a crocheted pattern for the double wedding ring design and i got all twitterpated :manyheart and way too excited and rushed to walmart and spent some time comparing and debating and matching and placing skeins back on the shelf and trying out some other combo and then i rushed home and started to make some of the pieces and then giddy with wahoo!s, i babbled about it to friends, to the librarian, to just about anyone who stood still for longer than a minute. :crocheting


most everything that i make i give away, to specific folks and donate to various charities; but this, this i am doing for me and my guy! :hug if you'd like to gander at some of the pieces and the colors i decided on, you can visit my journal at http://journals.aol.com/dkb11161970/DebrasDose/


wahoo! grins, debra :c9

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Morning Ladies!


Mary, 4 more solids for me please. :hook It is amazing how many saltines you can make while watching ice skating! :crocheting Didn't put any together yesterday though.


I think I finally decided on how I'm going to make my shawl for the cruise. I am just going to do a regular dc rectangle using #3 perle cotton and an I hook. Did a small swatch of it yesterday and I like how that looked. So will try to start the 'real thing' today and see if I still like it. The hardest part will be the beginning chain and keeping it relatively even with that large of a hook.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Glad you joined the Games :clap


Tracy - How's the house hunt going?


Debra - The wedding ring is off to a great start :cheer


Just stopping by. Think I'm going back to bed. Sinuses are miserable this morning and of course they started up right at bedtime last night :P Hopefully after a bit of a nap I'll feel right as rain :D

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Cara hope you feel better after some sleep.:hug


Actually, I forgot. I can't go back to sleep yet :lol Gotta get BD up around 9. If I go back to sleep I have a tendency to oversleep and he won't get himself up on his own :irk

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Cara, hope you get a nap soon, I think I may have one, too. :yawn Been sleeping even less than usual and starting to catch up with me now. :lol Househunting sort of going. No new places come up yet, the council has said they MIGHT have something, just need some information from my landlord (cousin) before they can let me know what will happen. I will also have a look around near my mom's to see what my options are there. :think


Wendy, are you working on your card pillow?

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:yay. Will you be half way with it then? :think I know you did tell me before, but I am losing my memory these days, not much space left in my head. :lol


:lol Tracy do you have sometimers disease. Yes I will be half way as soon as I can get block 4 sewn together. Its the only project Im working on at the moment so its going pretty quickly.

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