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Our House [Archive 4]


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Wow, I have lots of posts to catch up on. Dinner was lots of fun and yummy. I still have some cleaning up to do and will be back later. :)


Wendy ~ I use an H hook for little squares and almost everything else, too. :hook

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Good morning, ladies. I've got the filet projects hidden and have started making saltines for the Painted Desert. :yarn Kim and I are settling into a more normal routine. She had a good night's sleep last night and isn't looking so strung out. I even got a halfway good night's sleep. Thank goodness for pain pills. They are keeping my side and back more less under control so I can function. I had forgotten how busy and LOUD a 7 year old and a 3 1/2 year are. Wow! Talk about nonstop energy. But they are basically very well behaved. It's just a shock to my system. Hope everyone has a good day. More later. :hook

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Linda - I know what you mean about those little kids. If life were fair we'd have that energy when we're older and know what to do with it :lol Glad Kim slept better last night.


Well, I'm just getting up (about a half hour ago). Stayed up way too late listening to a book with BD. Got up for the Tuon routine and went right back to bed :lol We're both gonna be a wreck tomorrow when he goes back to work :lol


On the upside though I got tons of HIJ stuff done once I quit yakking on here :lol

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Hi Ladies,


Been up a while. Had to deal with work issues because I have an idiot for an assistant...however...I did get a 10 days off if you don't count the days & nights he called. I just finish up with some paper work and I have to make a run to the store. Nooooo, I'm not staying. This is my last day off until a week from Wednesday because he is on vacation starting Monday. I brought in a manager from another store to work with him up until Friday. He has opened/closeed Fri, Sat & today. He has complained to everybody and when I stopped by yesterday...everybody was telling me how much they miss me and couldn't wait until I got back. I told him to shut it up because I was going to do 10 straight open/close while he is on vacation. I also informed him that he needs to direct all his complaints to the DM on Monday when he returns from vacation. Well my sister is ready...she is riding with me so I'll check back in when i get back.


Have a good day ladies.:manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Been up a while. Had to deal with work issues because I have an idiot for an assistant...however...I did get a 10 days off if you don't count the days & nights he called. I just finish up with some paper work and I have to make a run to the store. Nooooo, I'm not staying. This is my last day off until a week from Wednesday because he is on vacation starting Monday. I brought in a manager from another store to work with him up until Friday. He has opened/closeed Fri, Sat & today. He has complained to everybody and when I stopped by yesterday...everybody was telling me how much they miss me and couldn't wait until I got back. I told him to shut it up because I was going to do 10 straight open/close while he is on vacation. I also informed him that he needs to direct all his complaints to the DM on Monday when he returns from vacation. Well my sister is ready...she is riding with me so I'll check back in when i get back.


Have a good day ladies.:manyheart

Valerie, this guy sounds like a real jerk. He needs to wake up and realize that the real world doesn't cater to his existance and he has to fit himself to what has to be done for the job he's in.

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Hi Ladies. :)


Linda, I'm glad things are going okay for you and Kim. When we are with our 3 great nieces (12, 9 and 5), they wear me out. :lol They're really cute and nice kids...just very, very busy. Congrats on the super progress on your filet projects!


Valerie, so sorry about the employee situation. I hope you can enjoy the last evening of your vacation. :manyheart


Hi Miss Cara. :)


Crochet time for me now. :hook

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Oh, I think it would be GREAT fun to do a swap with the SKY ladies...


It would be awesome if we could each pick one of the others, or get assigned, whichever... and then send out a big box to them. Could we sign up by say Nov 1 and then we'd have two whole months to make stuff for the other person?


I didn't sign up for the SKY team, since I'm giong to be on vacation for about half of the Olympics (so not enough time to work on a project), but if an interloper would be welcome, I'd do something like this (since I also missed the HIJ sign ups). If you guys want to limit it to the SKY team, that's cool, too. :)

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Morning everyone


Val that guy isnt going to last long there if he keeps complaining and carrying on. Hope you enjoy your last day before going back to work.


Linda Im glad your all having a great time, yep kids they are noisy and have so much energy its hard to keep up with them. :lol How is your painted desert coming along by the way.


Mary hows the gardening, it would be too hot to garden or do you do it just in the mornings and evenings.


Renee howdy, what are you working on at the moment.

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Morning everyone.


Renee howdy, what are you working on at the moment.


Yesterday I finished up 2 WIPs. I have 3 more that I need to finish up (that are for Project Linus) - the one I'm working on next is finished, but it's a striped ghan and has tons of ends that need to be woven.


My friend Diane's birthday is next Sunday, and because my budget is tight these days due to the needs of two special needs kitties, I thought I'd make her some hot pads/dish cloths for her birthday. I made her some several years ago, and they're getting pretty ratty, so I'm going to replace those (she loves to cook, so she uses them a lot).


I also have a large doily that I started using Aunt Lydia bamboo thread (size 10) that I want to get some work on tonight as well.

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Hi everybody,


I'm back. Actually, I've been back a couple of hours. I decided to wash dishes since I've been on vacation and my sister won't get a vacation.


All of you are right, he is not going to make it. I went there yesterday and explained to him how to set the "back to school." When I got there today, he had not set but one 4ft section. 15 sections have to be set. He had not put up the sale signs for this week's sale. I never got a chance to set up my office completely to my style, so that is what I'd planned to do tomorrow. Not...I'll be setting Back to School. I'm going to write him up and talk to the DM (his office is in my store). DM was on vacation last week also.


DM's administrative secretary has been calling all week because of non compliance on several task that affect my bonus. HE CANNOT STAY THERE!


I'm so mad...oooooh! One good thing has come from it, the 2 that are training to become supervisors are motivated to get their training in gear so that we can get rid of him and I don't have to work like I have the last 6 months.


Thanks for letting me vent.


I had to bring a few items home to work on so I can hit the sales floor running as soon as I get there tomorrow morning.


Mary - I did 17 solids last night into this morning...if that makes sense.:lol


I'm going to post in a few other sites and then to the paperwork.


CU guys later.


Thanks for the support! :ghug

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I didn't sign up for the SKY team, since I'm giong to be on vacation for about half of the Olympics (so not enough time to work on a project), but if an interloper would be welcome, I'd do something like this (since I also missed the HIJ sign ups). If you guys want to limit it to the SKY team, that's cool, too. :)

I'm with Renee. I'd love to participate, but I'm not in the Sky Cal either.

All of you are right, he is not going to make it. I went there yesterday and explained to him how to set the "back to school." When I got there today, he had not set but one 4ft section. 15 sections have to be set. He had not put up the sale signs for this week's sale. I never got a chance to set up my office completely to my style, so that is what I'd planned to do tomorrow. Not...I'll be setting Back to School. I'm going to write him up and talk to the DM (his office is in my store). DM was on vacation last week also.


DM's administrative secretary has been calling all week because of non compliance on several task that affect my bonus. HE CANNOT STAY THERE!


I'm so mad...oooooh! One good thing has come from it, the 2 that are training to become supervisors are motivated to get their training in gear so that we can get rid of him and I don't have to work like I have the last 6 months.


Thanks for letting me vent.


I had to bring a few items home to work on so I can hit the sales floor running as soon as I get there tomorrow morning.

Why is it that so many people these days want a super big paycheck for doing nothing? I trained employees for a convenience store some years back and it seemed that the minute they found out they were expected to mop floors, restock and dust shelves, clean the restrooms, etc. they were gone. Usually without bothering to call in and notify us. They would just not show up for work.:irk Good luck getting caught up, Valerie. Hope those new supervisors catch on quickly and do a much better job for you.:hug

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We're not limiting the SKY team. The more the merrier :D You don't have to be part of the Sky CAL. It's just a place for all of us to play together. And by "us" I'm mean everyone in both CALs :manyheart

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15 more solids for me today.....and I also sewed 48 saltines together. So I now have 5 of the 21 rows finished. :crocheting


Oh, and I use a J clover hook for my saltines...I must crochet very tight since that only gives me between 2 1/4 and 2 1/2 inches per saltine.

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Hi Renee!


Wendy, this time of year I'm out early or late and just trying to keep things alive. :) It's has been right around 100 degrees for a few weeks now.


Valerie~I added 17 more! Check in when you can. :yes


Linda M~You have been busy. :cheerWay to go on more squares and all of that joining.


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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