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just crocheting & knitting along

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Hi Naida-


I don't know if I want to join right now, I have TOO much going on right now. :sweat But, I thought you might be interested in a free pattern in the "Back to School" theme, I left a post on your message board, too. It's a 'Pencil Bookmark' (crocheted). It is on my pattern blog (link below). Have Fun with your KCAL. :D




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great, thanks for signing up stacey, stephanie & smartcat:hook this is gonna be fun


crazy crocheter, turning that pink yarn into a pencil holder sounds like a good idea.;)


I know what you mean about the kids fighting all summer long...my two little ones drive me nuts, the fight like cats and dogs :kick

I'm going to make them each a sweater.


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Hey Everyone! I'm sorry I've been away. I've been doing stuff at my Church this weekend.

My Dad was going to throw away and old pair of jeans but I took them and I've been cutting them into strips ant rolling it all into a ball. I think I'm going to make a hat for myself once I finish getting it all cut and rolled up.

How is everyone elses Back to school projects going?

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hi crazy crocheter, that sounds like a good idea, cutting up the jeans and making 'a ball of yarn' out of them...I never would have thought of that.:compute


I'm making sweater for my kids. Halfway done with my sons.

A few of the others have finished their items already. They've done beautiful work.

welcome lovely scrubs!!! have fun crocheting along with us.:cheer


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Hi All-

So this week is truly back to school for me (Tuesday is my first class!!!:clap ) And after going to the rec center last week I noticed that I need some sort of water bottle holder that can be moved on and off easily of the side bars of the treadmill. They have little bottle holders built into the treadmill but I have a large 34 oz plastic bottle. I was thinking of crocheting something then lining it with fabric so I can fold it up into my bag when I leave the gym. Creativity is passing me by on this one, any ideas?



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Welcome lovely scrubs! It is good to have you with us. I'm making a hat and scarf for my younger brother. I'm not very good at bookmarks. The scarf is double crochet and the hat is a beret done in single crochet.

Great job on your projects!

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Thanks for the links Naida! School was overwhelming!!! I have so much to read it is crazy but I gues what does one expect when getting an MA in Lit. I estimate that on top of the 330 dollars I spent on books I will have to spend 100 dollars in copies!:(


Thank goodness for my crochet to keep me sane!



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I frogged the beret because it wasn't going like I wanted it too so now I just have a scarf I'm working on. It is going really well and once it is finished I'm going to fold it in have and sew it together so it is like a tube. It should be really warm for this coming winter.

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