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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

Wow... beautiful squares being made!!! I've slacked on the square making due to getting things ready for the fundraiser for hubby!

I need to get a few done and mailed!

its a rainy day here today... so I will be doing lots of crocheting... maybe I can squeeze a square in there! :hook

have a great day all



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Wow...My 9th grader had a meltdown this morning. Poor kid. Who knew starting a school year would be so stressful? :( ...I think he is feeling better now. The truancy officer said to take him home and come back later or start a new day tomorrow. We went and looked at baby bunnies and I got him a Frappucino (sp?). I was going to crochet some squares, all day. Oh well, I guess I can start now. :P

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Hi everyone! Just checkin' in. HOpe all is settling down for those of you in Irenes wake, and things weren't too bad in your parts. I have seen pics, looks like a horendous mess, and a wonder not too many people at all got hurt or killed in this latest Mother Nature's temper tamtrum!

The squares are lovely, I love seeing the pics of them all, you all do such beautiful work! I have been keeping busy now that I have only yet to mail a few more squares off, and no more to do for a bit, so Ive been making cowls, and such, bookmarks, little things. I dropped off to my local nursing facility 6 lap ghans, and 11 hat and scarf sets! They said they play bingo a lot and for prizes, they have a little store that winners can go in and pick something, so she thought that is where most of them would go if that was ok, I said sure thing, just make sure if you would, if you have some people that don't get anything for Christmas, to let me know, and I can whip up a little something for them by then. She was very grateful to have received it all, and I was happy to have contributed to the residents happiness, and comfort too, so it was a win win, always is!


Rained here all night, still overcast, muggy sort of so a good day to stay in! Yesterday, i reorganized my craft shelves, where i keep smaller bins of felt, plastic canvas, beads, you know, the little stuff. lol now I know where every thing is again, for today anyway!


Hope you all are enjoying your day today, and stitching away in bliss!

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Wow...My 9th grader had a meltdown this morning. Poor kid. Who knew starting a school year would be so stressful? :( ...I think he is feeling better now. The truancy officer said to take him home and come back later or start a new day tomorrow. We went and looked at baby bunnies and I got him a Frappucino (sp?). I was going to crochet some squares, all day. Oh well, I guess I can start now. :P

Aww, the poor kid. School is much more stressful than it used to be. We used to look forward to going back to school. Well, mostly. :lol


Hi everyone! Just checkin' in. HOpe all is settling down for those of you in Irenes wake, and things weren't too bad in your parts. I have seen pics, looks like a horendous mess, and a wonder not too many people at all got hurt or killed in this latest Mother Nature's temper tamtrum!

The squares are lovely, I love seeing the pics of them all, you all do such beautiful work! I have been keeping busy now that I have only yet to mail a few more squares off, and no more to do for a bit, so Ive been making cowls, and such, bookmarks, little things. I dropped off to my local nursing facility 6 lap ghans, and 11 hat and scarf sets! They said they play bingo a lot and for prizes, they have a little store that winners can go in and pick something, so she thought that is where most of them would go if that was ok, I said sure thing, just make sure if you would, if you have some people that don't get anything for Christmas, to let me know, and I can whip up a little something for them by then. She was very grateful to have received it all, and I was happy to have contributed to the residents happiness, and comfort too, so it was a win win, always is!


Rained here all night, still overcast, muggy sort of so a good day to stay in! Yesterday, i reorganized my craft shelves, where i keep smaller bins of felt, plastic canvas, beads, you know, the little stuff. lol now I know where every thing is again, for today anyway!


Hope you all are enjoying your day today, and stitching away in bliss!

That's so wonderful of you to bring things to the nursing home. I'm sure they will enjoy everything! It's a bright sunny day here, but Irene blew in the cool Fall air. I've been chilly all day. I sat out in the sun to warm up for a bit this morning, but have had a long sleeve shirt on all day! Brrr!

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That's so wonderful of you to bring things to the nursing home. I'm sure they will enjoy everything! It's a bright sunny day here, but Irene blew in the cool Fall air. I've been chilly all day. I sat out in the sun to warm up for a bit this morning, but have had a long sleeve shirt on all day! Brrr!


Oh thanks grannie, I try to do it on a reg. basis, there is always someone there that appreciates it!


I have a square/puffy going out today. And I've gotten two more squares done. At least I accomplished something today. :P



Sorry about the school bus and the meltdown too, my daughter when young, got that whole thing outta the way in kindergarten, lol and never dreaded going back to school after that initial meltdown! In elementary it's so much easier though to ease into it, as one can volunteer for room mother, or field trip mother, or reading tutor, and such, as they get older, it's more that they have to ease themselves into it. Good things kids are so resillient!

Tell your son, even mothers might have had a bad first day, our brand new school was round, and filled with inner spirals, and balconies and coming from the middle school, a reg. flat sqaure type school, it was just mind boggling for us "freshman" Im pretty sure, i only made it to maybe two classes, for the first week, and those were pretty much by sheer accident or following someone that was going the same place! This too shall pass! ;)

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He did it in Kindergarten, too. It was a stressful morning. I won't bore you, but... :blush Sheesh. Totally came out of nowhere.. I thought he was excited to be going to high school. I told him, the Truancy Officer told him (even adults have bad days, that is..) He's doing a lot better now, thank you (and grannyannie, too.) :hug (A round school does sound confusing! Did you have levels/different floors?.. :think )


Sorry about the school bus and the meltdown too, my daughter when young, got that whole thing outta the way in kindergarten, lol and never dreaded going back to school after that initial meltdown! In elementary it's so much easier though to ease into it, as one can volunteer for room mother, or field trip mother, or reading tutor, and such, as they get older, it's more that they have to ease themselves into it. Good things kids are so resillient!

Tell your son, even mothers might have had a bad first day, our brand new school was round, and filled with inner spirals, and balconies and coming from the middle school, a reg. flat sqaure type school, it was just mind boggling for us "freshman" Im pretty sure, i only made it to maybe two classes, for the first week, and those were pretty much by sheer accident or following someone that was going the same place! This too shall pass! ;)

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:( need some prayers please!

Patrick lost his wallet at school today. He's looked all day. His little heart is broken. He just got the 'official hard copy' of his drivers permit yesterday. I'm sure at this point some kid found it.. and ditched it... or Patrick would have found it.

He lost family pics and the pic of him and his little girlfriend from Homecominig last year. Of course he lost money and a few gift cards that only had a touch of money on them... but he really just wants his pictures and permit back.

So I know this may seem silly to pray about .. but if you wouldnt mind... both him and I would appreciate it very much!!!

It broke my heart driving home from school tonight with him crying ...... :sigh

thank you!

love ya



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:( need some prayers please!

Patrick lost his wallet at school today. He's looked all day. His little heart is broken. He just got the 'official hard copy' of his drivers permit yesterday. I'm sure at this point some kid found it.. and ditched it... or Patrick would have found it.

He lost family pics and the pic of him and his little girlfriend from Homecominig last year. Of course he lost money and a few gift cards that only had a touch of money on them... but he really just wants his pictures and permit back.

So I know this may seem silly to pray about .. but if you wouldnt mind... both him and I would appreciate it very much!!!

It broke my heart driving home from school tonight with him crying ...... :sigh

thank you!

love ya




It's not silly. It's a big deal to him and that is very understandable. I pray he finds it or atleast the pics and permit! :)

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It's not silly. It's a big deal to him and that is very understandable. I pray he finds it or atleast the pics and permit! :)

Thank you so much!!!!:hug






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Michelle (hershey038), do you have an idea of how many more squares you need for your stepdad's comfortghan? :hook I was just wondering if you were close, or not even close... :think


Tam, I hope someone was nice enough to turn Patrick's wallet in to the lost and found. Some kids can be so mean. :(

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:( need some prayers please!

Patrick lost his wallet at school today. He's looked all day. His little heart is broken. He just got the 'official hard copy' of his drivers permit yesterday. I'm sure at this point some kid found it.. and ditched it... or Patrick would have found it.

He lost family pics and the pic of him and his little girlfriend from Homecominig last year. Of course he lost money and a few gift cards that only had a touch of money on them... but he really just wants his pictures and permit back.

So I know this may seem silly to pray about .. but if you wouldnt mind... both him and I would appreciate it very much!!!

It broke my heart driving home from school tonight with him crying ...... :sigh


thank you!

love ya




Poor thing! That would break my heart too. I'll be praying that it turns up with everything in it! :hug

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Tam, I hope someone was nice enough to turn Patrick's wallet in to the lost and found. Some kids can be so mean. :(

Thank you sweetie!!!








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Poor thing! That would break my heart too. I'll be praying that it turns up with everything in it! :hug

Thank you!!!! :hug








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:( need some prayers please!

Patrick lost his wallet at school today. He's looked all day. His little heart is broken. He just got the 'official hard copy' of his drivers permit yesterday. I'm sure at this point some kid found it.. and ditched it... or Patrick would have found it.

He lost family pics and the pic of him and his little girlfriend from Homecominig last year. Of course he lost money and a few gift cards that only had a touch of money on them... but he really just wants his pictures and permit back.

So I know this may seem silly to pray about .. but if you wouldnt mind... both him and I would appreciate it very much!!!

It broke my heart driving home from school tonight with him crying ...... :sigh


thank you!

love ya




Oh, My, I pray that it is returned to him with everything in it. Bless him, I know how terribly upsetting it must be for the poor boy.

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Oh, My, I pray that it is returned to him with everything in it. Bless him, I know how terribly upsetting it must be for the poor boy.

Thank you!!!!! :hug

Hubby bought him a new wallet last night on the way home from work. It upset him so much that his son had to go through something like that. The mistrust of friends... the loss of his personal items.

I had an extra pic of my son and his little girl friend ... so gave that to him. He still has the paper copy of his permit.. so he's still legal... just have to get a new hard copy. The money is sad.. but he doesnt even care if he sees it again.

It just hurt so much last night on the drive home from school... he sat so quiet with tears just falling. :sigh



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Thank you!!!!! :hug


Hubby bought him a new wallet last night on the way home from work. It upset him so much that his son had to go through something like that. The mistrust of friends... the loss of his personal items.

I had an extra pic of my son and his little girl friend ... so gave that to him. He still has the paper copy of his permit.. so he's still legal... just have to get a new hard copy. The money is sad.. but he doesnt even care if he sees it again.

It just hurt so much last night on the drive home from school... he sat so quiet with tears just falling. :sigh






:( praying for Patrick!


Michelle (hershey038), do you have an idea of how many more squares you need for your stepdad's comfortghan? :hook I was just wondering if you were close, or not even close... :think


Tina, I'm not sure... :(. I guess I should have thought this through. He is 6 feet tall, although he's lost so much weight he's a tall beanpole, but I would like him to be able to cover up with it, while he is watching TV. esp since it's fixing to turn cool. I have 9 collected and fixing to start crocheting some myself to add with it. I just really wanted to get caught up on some long overdue friendship squares first. Not sure the best way to trim them, or join them. Maybe you can give suggestions on all this? ;):hug


I'm feeling a little better today. Wanted to go to church tonite. DH said NO!! Just beginning to feel better, said I am not overdoing it again! Especially while he's home to get me better! :P


Hope everyone else is well. Been praying for all you flood victims up north from Irene... Happy :crocheting everybody!!

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Joining in the prayers for Patrick. And it's not silly. God definitely cares about our cares and He knows exactly where that wallet is and I believe He is able to restore it and return it to Patrick. Can't tell you how many times I've prayed for God to show me where a lost crochet hook is and countless other things. He is faithful and ALWAYS answers but sometimes the answers are "no". I'm sure you know that and it sounds like Patrick has a mature attitude about this. God bless you all. :hug

:( need some prayers please!

Patrick lost his wallet at school today. He's looked all day. His little heart is broken. He just got the 'official hard copy' of his drivers permit yesterday. I'm sure at this point some kid found it.. and ditched it... or Patrick would have found it.

He lost family pics and the pic of him and his little girlfriend from Homecominig last year. Of course he lost money and a few gift cards that only had a touch of money on them... but he really just wants his pictures and permit back.

So I know this may seem silly to pray about .. but if you wouldnt mind... both him and I would appreciate it very much!!!

It broke my heart driving home from school tonight with him crying ...... :sigh


thank you!

love ya



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Well, maybe I'll call on you when I need someone to play a weekly challenge game on Pogo with me. :lol And you feel free to call on me. Although, the best place to reach me is on Facebook. :yes

:lol Surprise! Yes, I'm here! I'm not on Facebook very much these days. I got a virus over there so I'm very careful what I do. You can find me here, on Ravelry or on Pogo! :D:hug
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Thank you!!!!! :hug

Hubby bought him a new wallet last night on the way home from work. It upset him so much that his son had to go through something like that. The mistrust of friends... the loss of his personal items.

I had an extra pic of my son and his little girl friend ... so gave that to him. He still has the paper copy of his permit.. so he's still legal... just have to get a new hard copy. The money is sad.. but he doesnt even care if he sees it again.

It just hurt so much last night on the drive home from school... he sat so quiet with tears just falling. :sigh




Glad your hubby did that for him. It's a start to making him feel better. Hopefully he still finds it though.


No crocheting for me today again. :( I pinched a nerve in the back of my neck and the right side of my face is numb. I believe it will get better in a day or two. If not I will have to see what the doc wants to do. It's just hard to focus on any one thing for too long though.

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