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Beautiful Cheeria -Love those squares that have the texture like that ! Nice job !


Now, do I have your address for the cards ,or do you want included in that ?


If so, please drop me a note .


All cards go out tomorrow morning !


Thanks for sharing your square photos .

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Great job everyone...Judy i really love the Christmas ones cant wait to see it done.


Julie....that guy is Jared Padalickie....he plays on the show Supernatural as the younger brother Sam...he is young in that photo but hes 26 now and yes im old enough to be his mom but i aint dead either :lol


Ok here is the 4 i got done this week.I really need to get the ones made sewed together.


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Shay -thanks for explaining who the guy in the photo is. I've never seen the show,but heard of it. Nothing wrong with thinking he's cute ,because he is !


Your squares are really gorgeous ! Great work,all pretty ! My favorite is the bottom left one, but they are all pretty .

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Hey gang

I'm putting my photos in a little early for tomorrow .

Here's 2 squares I got done for this week :

First is from book 2,square 1,second is book 2,square 6 .


Very pretty. I especially like the second one, and I really like those green borders. That is going to look so nice in the finished afghan.

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Here are square #7 from 63 Sampler stitches to crochet (in Claret, RHSS) and #44, from same book, in Forest Green (ILTY)

The yarn bordering it is ILTY in Victorian Ombre The neutral in the border is closer to Buff than what it shows here.


Very pretty!

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Great job everyone...Judy i really love the Christmas ones cant wait to see it done.


Julie....that guy is Jared Padalickie....he plays on the show Supernatural as the younger brother Sam...he is young in that photo but hes 26 now and yes im old enough to be his mom but i aint dead either :lol


Ok here is the 4 i got done this week.I really need to get the ones made sewed together.


Great squares. I need to start sewing mine together too.

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Evening, everyone. Sorry my last post was so short today, but during the week I take care of my grandbaby and I just had a few moments so I wanted to post a picture of my squares. I am becoming more relaxed when it come to putting sc around the squares. I am praying that when it come to sewing them together that they will all match up. My squares are coming out 8" all around. I use square # 3 from book 2 and square # 13 from book 1. The yarn is from Vanna Choice colorway beige and pearl mist. Every time I go into the LYS I will picking up a couple of balls of Vanna Yarn in the beige, linen, taupe, creame, white and light browns colorways.


I must say everyone squares are all beautiful and I love those that were outlined in a different color yarn.


I'm really enjoying crocheting these squares and so far I have only used size H hook. I'm trying my best to get them to come out around the same height and if not I'm not going to worry about it for this is for noone but me.


This week-end I will be working on my knitted square for Feburary, for it needs my total concentration. I also will be picking out a couple of squares for next week and probably start on one of them too.


Tonight is TV nite, time to relax and just unwind from my day of babysitting so with that in mind have a good nite. :hug

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Cindy - thanks! I like these patterns - and there's so much to pick from!


Cheeria, I often have to fudge joining squares because I almost never have the same number of sc on the borders. If you tie or clip the corners together it'll be easier as you join them

And the height - you can always adjust that by adding another row of border.

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I know the feeling. Mine is somewhere between Arizona and Illinois. PO said 7-10 days. and this is day 8. Keeping my fingers crossed and watching for the mail man. :lol:lol


Mine said 7-10 business days too. The estimated delivery date is the 11th. :eek I hope it doesn't take that long.


Beautiful Jude !!!!

Gorgeous work ,and colors !!!




Tab-- almost heaven... West Virginia... Blue Ridge Mountains ....

Sorry, couldnt help myself, I love that song .


Hope your book arrives soon . We wana see you shake that booty and get some squares made when it comes my old pal .






Wanda -you poor thing, you have waited forever for them books -- sure hope today is your lucky day . I saw on the news they want to stop Saturday mail delivery. We rarely get mail now on Saturdays so I think they've already started that in our town .


It's A okay, although I had no idea that was a song. :lol No booty shaking here, sorry i've gotten slow in my old age. ;)

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Surprise !

I'm late, but I'm in ! :woo


Julie, Last we spoke I was working on the never ending Navajo blanket. Would you believe the injuns kidnapped me ? It's been awhile but it's so nice to see familiar faces, and manage that in a timely manner. You've picked a great CAL and I'm excited to get back here and play. Thank you !


Tabby, Glad to see your still here ! :hug


Evelyn, If your still reading, a special hello to you too. :manyheart


Shaylyn, Super surprise to you. Don't think we talked here. Thought you could hide ..haha...:lol


Not sure who else I've missed. I only read at the beginning and towards the end. Happy to be back guys.


Oh.. the square is #7 in the newest of the books. The sampler one. I only started last night so that's all for now.


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Well Pam


Long time no see !!!!!


My gosh, it is so good to see all my old pals drifting back in from the great beyond. How was it living among the coyotes ? I've heard of being raised by wolves, but not coyotes !!!


Sure is good to see you again, and you are certainly among many old friends and some new ones too .


Welcome aboard, and you definitely chose a picturesque way of showing us your first square !


What a nice sight for sore eyes after seeing snow for so many months .


Thanks for joining in and if you want to be among the card recipients, pm me with your mailing address and I'll drop you a card this weekend !


Talk soon !

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Good morning everyone. Since I slacked off this week, I decided I'd better add a square for this afghan to todays to-do list. I started square 20 from the 63 more book. It is a very easy pattern.


Hi Pam, your square is pretty, and a really pretty color. It looks like a shade of yellow to me, and its so great to see the daffodils blooming. It'll be a while before mine are up.


Iwani and Tabby, sure hope your books come soon.


Julie, is Cam visiting this weekend?

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Funny you should mention Cam . He called last night ,saying he couldnt see me today, because he had to spend time with his other grandpa . So, I said we'd just see if we could spend sunday with him, and his mom said sunday was fine .

Well, he just called this morning ,and we had the funniest conversation . He said he made a mistake, and that his grandpa was coming up, but he'd rather come to my house, so can he still come up here ? :lol

I said as long as it's ok with his mom, he'd have to make sure she didn't care, and that we have to share him with his other grandma and grandpa .


They are divorced, but his other grandma lives here in town and gets to see him often, but his grandpa lives about 45 minutes away,so he doesn't see him as much .


SO... as far as I know, we'll have him here later this afternoon. He signed up for soccer (indoor team) ,and they practice from 12-1 ,so I told him we'd come watch him practice, then bring him home . The Rec Center is only about 2 blocks behind us .


So, I'm not sure how long he'll be here, but as long as I get to SEE him , I'm a Happy Camper .:D

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HiHo Tabby-O


Hope you have a great day today. I now have 6 minutes to get a shower and get my wrinkled rear to Cams' .Something tells me Sam will be making the run to pick him up today, I'm not that speedy .


Talk to you all later- gotta get a move on here ...

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