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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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Used up a skein of Encore knitting chemo hats, so I am up to three points to the positive this week so far.


But I did order yarn from Patternworks, so I may be losing those points when the order gets here.



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:clapThis week could be a bad score for me! I have an order that should be delivered tomorrow and I have only finished up two skeins so far thsi week - It could be bad! Isn't it great?!?

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I haven't posted since March 18. Shame on me. But I have continued stash busting: used up 4 balls on the never ending afghan and donated 18 points worth of odds and ends to Scrap (scrapaction.org). Of course I had to turn around and purchase 14 points worth of what others had donated. So add the remaining +8 to my last reported YTD of +17 for +25. But since the WTD is in the past for those points I will have no points to report for this week. I haven't been doing much crocheting. Sort of got back in recently when I had jury duty. Got most of a dish cloth done. Gardening is increasingly taking what would be crochet time.


Now let's do it big and bright, so maybe I will be on the list this week.


2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0 / YTD: +25





2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: +25

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2010 CAL

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Well I guess im gonna have to admit i had to buy 2 skanes of yarn today.. Was asked to make a blanket by someone and I ran out of the color I had in my stash and had to go buy 2 more :(.. so I guess im now I have to -4 from my +1 lol.

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Putting in my totals now, so that I won't forget again!


I held steady this week. I didn't use up any skeins, as I'm working on the Ladybug Afghan and the skeins are somewhat largish. So...


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD +19

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posting now.

I brought in 22 skeins of yarn this week. I got some small skeins of mill ends on ebay and a one pounder of cotten.

I also used up 2 skeins this week so,, my end of the week total is....


WTD -40

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I used 3 balls making smiley :) pins and even some sad :( pins. Some of my co-workers want them, go figure :think (+3). Pins work up fast and are great for using up small balls. I've spent time in my garden (not :crocheting), digging weeds, getting rid of grubs, etc. I'll put in my bean and tomato plants at the end of the month.

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 70

Ellie 13

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I have good news for my projects, but bad news for my stash scores. I did manage to work three skeins down to balls this week, which is a +3. On Thursday, I went to my prayer shawl ministry meeting at church and we divided up a recent huge donation of yarn. I came home with 10 skeins! So that's a -20. Together, that makes a -17 for the week.



For week ending May 15, 2010:



WTD: -17 / YTD: -39

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