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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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I did this afghan http://ravel.me/bjackson99/crwa and I thought I did a great job of stash busting. I eliminated 10 colors entirely and only added two new colors. 5 colors were used up before the pattern would allow me to quit so I had to buy more. :angry I counted my score of only +7.:eek You'd think something 80 inches in diameter would do better. Still working on things but started a new afghan and bought more yarn.:crocheting now I'm at -13. Please explain the signature thing to do the score.


Wow! That's so awesome. I have the pattern, but haven't tried it yet.


Of course you can still join. Here's a quick how-to for updating your signature: On the top menu of your crochetville page, there's a clickable area called "User CP" Click on it. On the left, there are boxes. The third box has an option "Edit Signature." Click on it. Type what you want in the big box in the middle of the page, click on Preview Signature, and if you like it, click Save Signature. I hope this answers your question. Now I'm going to add your name to our participants list. Welcome to our group!:hug

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I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy. I've used two skeins on the nieces' Christmas afghans, and 3 balls on a hat. I did finish another skein, but frogged that project, so I won't count it yet. This gives me a +7

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A co-worker saw the furry scarves I knitted during the winter and said she'd bought some yarn a few years ago to make scarves, but never got "a round tuit." She asked if I would make the scarves for her if she brought me the yarn. Since she does glass work, I said maybe we could work a trade.


She brought the yarn today... two huge bags! :eek There must be 80 or 90 skeins of novelty yarns, plus 6 or 7 skeins of LB Homespun. Some only have one skein of a given type, others have as many as 6 matching skeins. (She was awfully ambitious for someone who intended to learn how to knit and/or crochet!)


So my question is, do I count this as added to my stash? I really didn't want to pull it all out to count. Technically it's not *my* yarn, it's just in my posession. If I do count it, I'd be the Shoot the Moon (and back) (several times over) Winner this week, but the YTD score could keep me motivated to get these done. If I don't count it, I promise I won't claim it as stash busted. :hook


What would you do?

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A co-worker saw the furry scarves I knitted during the winter and said she'd bought some yarn a few years ago to make scarves, but never got "a round tuit." She asked if I would make the scarves for her if she brought me the yarn. Since she does glass work, I said maybe we could work a trade.


She brought the yarn today... two huge bags! :eek There must be 80 or 90 skeins of novelty yarns, plus 6 or 7 skeins of LB Homespun. Some only have one skein of a given type, others have as many as 6 matching skeins. (She was awfully ambitious for someone who intended to learn how to knit and/or crochet!)


So my question is, do I count this as added to my stash? I really didn't want to pull it all out to count. Technically it's not *my* yarn, it's just in my posession. If I do count it, I'd be the Shoot the Moon (and back) (several times over) Winner this week, but the YTD score could keep me motivated to get these done. If I don't count it, I promise I won't claim it as stash busted. :hook


What would you do?


Wow! That's a lot of yarn!!! If you have a place to keep it seperate from your stash (so you don't get it mixed up with the stash) I'd say don't count it. As you pointed out, it isn't yours, and it's not for you. Good luck! Sounds like a lot of scarves.

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Putting in my totals now, so I won't forget...


I'm STILL working on my socks (same skein), so I have the same total as last week:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD +33


Bummer... :eek

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Can you tell me where you found this pattern. I think that is beautiful and would love to make it.





I did this afghan http://ravel.me/bjackson99/crwa and I thought I did a great job of stash busting. I eliminated 10 colors entirely and only added two new colors. 5 colors were used up before the pattern would allow me to quit so I had to buy more. :angry I counted my score of only +7.:eek You'd think something 80 inches in diameter would do better. Still working on things but started a new afghan and bought more yarn.:crocheting now I'm at -13. Please explain the signature thing to do the score.
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Beautiful job. I love the project. I have the pattern someplace, it is on my list of want tos


I did this afghan http://ravel.me/bjackson99/crwa and I thought I did a great job of stash busting. I eliminated 10 colors entirely and only added two new colors. 5 colors were used up before the pattern would allow me to quit so I had to buy more. :angry I counted my score of only +7.:eek You'd think something 80 inches in diameter would do better. Still working on things but started a new afghan and bought more yarn.:crocheting now I'm at -13. Please explain the signature thing to do the score.
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well I bought a skein of yarn today darn coupons. I bought a skein of yarn and a row counter with my coupons today.

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I gifted 2 skeins of yarn and one ball of thread this week. This helps offset the skeins "acquired" when I took my mom to Michaels earlier this week.

WTD -8

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Posting early as I'll be computerless for the next week. :( On the plus side, I'll probably get more crocheting done since I usually crochet while I'm on the computer.:lol

I bought six skeins of cotton this week and rolled one skein into a ball.



wtd: -11; ytd: -147


I also finished a blanket I was making for my brother. It's 72" long and 63" wide in Minnesota Vikings colors (the pics aren't quite true to color.)



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I'm posting early. Helping out at a Relay for Life, American Cancer garage sale for the team "Friendship".


WTD=-4 YTD=-40


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Didn't use a lot of yarn this week as I was working with small scrap balls that were too small to count or had been counted as the tiny ends left from other skeins.

For the first time this year I bought 1 skein of yarn, but I used up 2 full skeins. So Im still on the move forward for the year but was sad I broke my non-buying streak for the year after only 4 mos.


For the week ending April 17

WTD: +2 / YTD: +87

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well. I'm gonna call it. Not going to get much done today. so here goes.

WTD 0 YTD -176

Oh... Did I tell you that our Grandaughter is here. Born at 11:56pm April 12. Isabella Rayne. 20 inches long. 6lbs 3oz and a head full of dark hair just like her daddy had when he was born.

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well. I'm gonna call it. Not going to get much done today. so here goes.

WTD 0 YTD -176

Oh... Did I tell you that our Grandaughter is here. Born at 11:56pm April 12. Isabella Rayne. 20 inches long. 6lbs 3oz and a head full of dark hair just like her daddy had when he was born.




Congratulations! May this new baby bring much joy into your family! Blessings!

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Didn't use a lot of yarn this week as I was working with small scrap balls that were too small to count or had been counted as the tiny ends left from other skeins.

For the first time this year I bought 1 skein of yarn, but I used up 2 full skeins. So Im still on the move forward for the year but was sad I broke my non-buying streak for the year after only 4 mos.


For the week ending April 17

WTD: +2 / YTD: +87




It is hard to break a streak, but you are doing so well despite that! Your positive score is great! You go Girl! :clap:cheer

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Posting early as I'll be computerless for the next week. :( On the plus side, I'll probably get more crocheting done since I usually crochet while I'm on the computer.:lol

I bought six skeins of cotton this week and rolled one skein into a ball.



wtd: -11; ytd: -147


I also finished a blanket I was making for my brother. It's 72" long and 63" wide in Minnesota Vikings colors (the pics aren't quite true to color.)




Your afghan is beautiful! Your brother now will have something warm and filled with love to cuddle up in during those cold games!

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Well here is my score for the weekending April 17 won't be able to do much this coming week have a psychology,music, and math finals to study for so here goes:



though I might get more yarn today so if I do will add that one in later. Otherwise I will get it tomorrow and add it to next week's scores.

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