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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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Shoot! I forgot to post my YTD score. Oh well, I'd be in the middle of the positives, so it's no big deal. 1Wani, I work a lot with one pounders, so I feel your excitement--it takes so long to finish it up! I have a blanket waiting for another one pounder to finish it off, but I keep telling myself "No, don't buy it--that's +2. And it'll take forever to finish it up!" :lol What an excuse!

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I don't know why I can't seem to remember to post on Saturdays. :think Oh well I will just post it all this week and it should be good. I finished the flannelghan, and little blanket for 1 granddaughter and a little hat for the other. But, I did get a box in from knitting warehouse for my daughters afghan. :devil

And yes those one pounders oh my gosh, even with making a flannelghan they never seem like they are going to get smaller.:lol

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Another two balls gone on Sunday -- I used some leftover P&C to make crock-pot knobbie covers and then finished off the last few yards making twisty kitty toys. (How do you like my project descriptions?:lol)

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Whose great idea was it to invent those pounders??:angry They must not have known that one day the Ville would have this Stash Busting CAL.:crocheting Or maybe they did know and they are now laughing the evil laugh as they keep selling them to us??? :devil:rofl

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Whose great idea was it to invent those pounders??:angry They must not have known that one day the Ville would have this Stash Busting CAL.:crocheting Or maybe they did know and they are now laughing the evil laugh as they keep selling them to us??? :devil:rofl


Oh, you should all be so glad you have them!! Here the yarn is sold in 50 gram skeins.... So you could imagine my score when I buy yarn... Plus it means more ends to tuck in. ;) When I was in the US some weeks ago I bought those big skeins, and even though it means I don't get to update my score too often, I would rather have that than those small skeins. ;)


So, I think you're lucky! ;)

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Oh my gosh you are right...

Oh, you should all be so glad you have them!! Here the yarn is sold in 50 gram skeins.... So you could imagine my score when I buy yarn... Plus it means more ends to tuck in. ;) When I was in the US some weeks ago I bought those big skeins, and even though it means I don't get to update my score too often, I would rather have that than those small skeins. ;)


So, I think you're lucky! ;)


I hate tucking in ends. I am sure we would love to send you some of our pounders when ever you want. :lol Especially the ones that seem to go on forever and ever and ever.

Maybe next year we should make the pounders worth more when you buy them :yes. Except that would get so confusing. I can hardly get mine counted up now. :D

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Well I got 2 skeins of homespun yarn in the mail today so -4. It was from my fairy god mother granting my wish and it made my day. I was practically in tears because I was so happy.

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My score for this week should be good. I just gave away a lot of acrylic I'd had on hand to someone who needed it. I'm trying to resist the urge to stock up again! I can hear the yarn sirens at the LYS calling me now...

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I haven't been on the site for a couple weeks, but I also haven't done a single stitch of crochet either...did manage to work up a couple all-new patterns, but haven't actually started working on them yet...will prob get started on one of them in the next couple days though...so my score will be another big fat zero this week!!

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HI... My name is Diane, and I am a yarn horder..:P

I can't even use up the yarn that I have, what on earth possesed me to go out and purchase 14 skeins of baby yarn??? I only needed 4 skeins of it for a project!!!!!!!!!

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Diane, you are among friends who understand you. Was it a good sale? Is the yarn soft, inviting, pretty? Do you have future projects in mind? Do you think you will have need for the yarn soon? (Within the next few months?) Baby yarn is very dangerous, if you love yarn and love babies!!!:devil I hope you :heart your new yarn!

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Diane, I see no problem at all with accumulating a few extra skeins of yarn. :yarn :yarn :yarn You're just preparing for the future.


I've been doing reasonably well at stashbusting so far, but... Today I got an email from ACMoore about a two-day sale. Several types of yarn are on sale for $1.99 AND they have a 15% off coupon that's good for regular OR sale priced items. (I printed one for each day.) Then there's the financial "problem" -- a good chunk of extra cash in my paycheck, so I don't need to be so frugal. :sigh How am I supposed to resist? :2nono


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Sorry I didn't post this week, we finally got nice sunny weather and I'm sick with a horrible head and chest cold. At least I can report that I haven't been out buying any more yarn, I've been too sick to go to the store! LOL

I have finished my baby afghan, a second one because I didn't like how the first one was going together and didn't have time to tear out what I had done, a baby sweater, and two bearuity pals and used up a grand total of 6 skeins of yarn so I might just end up in the positives this week. I'll post pictures tomorrow if I can find the bearurity pal I made to take a picture of it. If not, I'll have to whip up another one. Anyway, nice checking in with everyone.

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I know its April, but can I join in? Its too hot where I live to crochet over summer (Australia), so now that the cooler weather has set in, I can actually DO some...


Pleased to meet you all :)

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I have finished my baby afghan, a second one because I didn't like how the first one was going together and didn't have time to tear out what I had done, a baby sweater, and two bearuity pals and used up a grand total of 6 skeins of yarn so I might just end up in the positives this week.

Sue ~

What is a "bearuity pal"?


p.s. hope you get to feeling better soon:hug

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I've been doing reasonably well at stashbusting so far, but... Today I got an email from ACMoore about a two-day sale. Several types of yarn are on sale for $1.99 AND they have a 15% off coupon that's good for regular OR sale priced items. (I printed one for each day.)


"LA, LA, LA, LA!!!" Sticking my fingers in my ears, so I won't hear this! "LA, LA, LA, LA!!!" :rofl:rofl:rofl


I adore AC Moore!

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"LA, LA, LA, LA!!!" Sticking my fingers in my ears, so I won't hear this! "LA, LA, LA, LA!!!" :rofl:rofl:rofl


I adore AC Moore!


:laughrollDid I mention, it's 15% off your TOTAL? {Waving coupon in front of you} Not just one item! :laughroll


I'm doomed. I just talked to my sister and she'd like one of the fuzzy scarves. I asked what color, and she said black, since she wears a lot of black. My Mom (who was with her) said white might be good, for the contrast. Then she told me about a table runner Mom quilted for her to display her Mary Kay products, and mentioned it was pink and black, so I think I'll make her a pink scarf too. Shoot the moon, here I come. :yay

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I'm putting in my totals now, so I don't forget...


I managed to give away some skeins to a worthy recipient, so for this week:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +41 YTD +33


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I know its April, but can I join in? Its too hot where I live to crochet over summer (Australia), so now that the cooler weather has set in, I can actually DO some...


Pleased to meet you all :)


:welcome to our group. I added you to the list of participants. If you have any questions about the process of keeping score, just ask away. :hug

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