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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.




They're beautiful!

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Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.

I love how they turned out! Beautiful!!!:clap:clap

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Okay, I'm putting in my totals now, so that I don't forget again! :blush


I gained 2 and used 2 skeins, so my totals for the week are:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD -8

Well, at least I didn't lose...:devil

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Boy, I missed a few days because my computer was messed up, and everything's changed!


I started some knitting, and had to frog it. So I made a crocheted baby bonnet to use up a ball of yarn. It's my first point of the week. Not doing too well.



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Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.

They are so bright and colorful. They make me smile! What lovely gifts.

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Boy, I missed a few days because my computer was messed up, and everything's changed!


I started some knitting, and had to frog it. So I made a crocheted baby bonnet to use up a ball of yarn. It's my first point of the week. Not doing too well.



You are moving in the right direction. That's AWESOME!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer I think you are doing very well. How long has it been since you've bought yarn????

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Well finished a skein of yarn today +2 here's to hoping I don't buy any yarn since my budget is not good though can't say that all of my yarn has been spent on yarn. I totaled up how much money I spent on yarn this month so for a month a grand total of $45.00 I don't plan to spend anymore until I see if I get my financial aid for the Spring Classes so keep me all in your prayers.

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Morning Everyone!!! :ccompute Just a friendly reminder to post your weekly scores sometime today or early tomorrow morning. I'll be posting the score board tomorrow after church. Probably around noon time.

I am off :drive to the new Micheals this morning to meet with TurtleLvr:turtle. My shopping list is ready. :shop And I will try to stick to it. Wish me luck!! With her by my side, I am going to need all the luck I can get. She is such a yarn enabler!!!:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Morning Everyone!!! :ccompute Just a friendly reminder to post your weekly scores sometime today or early tomorrow morning. I'll be posting the score board tomorrow after church. Probably around noon time.

I am off :drive to the new Micheals this morning to meet with TurtleLvr:turtle. My shopping list is ready. :shop And I will try to stick to it. Wish me luck!! With her by my side, I am going to need all the luck I can get. She is such a yarn enabler!!!:yarn:yarn:yarn

Good luck with your shopping trip! I hope you have a great time. It sounds like a lot of fun:c9

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I finally finished my nephew's bunting. We're going to Pittsburgh next weekend for his christening luncheon and I'm going to give it to his mom and dad then. I was able to roll a skein into a ball after finishing his hat and bunting buttons.



For week ending March 20, 2010:




WTD: +1 / YTD: -32[

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Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.


This are both beautiful. Some of the prettiest scrapghans I have seen!:clap

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I so totally need to have my head examined. I went to Hobby Lobby today and walked away with 5 skeins of yarn and 3 balls of thread and I don't even use thread!!! What was I thinking?????:lol

Here is my final score for this week.


WTD -27 YTD -76

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Those are nice. I really like them!!!


Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.
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You are moving in the right direction. That's AWESOME!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer I think you are doing very well. How long has it been since you've bought yarn????



A few weeks now. And I am really trying to stay out of the stores. Especially Hobby Lobby. I pass it every day when I get done working out. It keeps calling me, and I just wave as I pass by. No stopping in for me!



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Sorry for being MIA the last couple weeks...been really busy.


WTD -13

YTD +0

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The trip to Michaels today with TurtleLvr :turtle was a blast! I stuck to my shopping list when it came to buying yarn!!!! :yarn YEAH ME!!!:cheer (it was only 13 skeins!! :devil)However, we walked thru the kid's craft section and that is what tore a hole in my wallet.:oops So many things to buy for my 6 year old grand daughter. Needless to say, 4 big bags left the store with me. :eek

I did use up 3 balls of yarn this week - like that will help the negative score going on in my life right now. :rofl

WTD -23

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Might as well post for the week now. I started a sweater this week, but can only crochet every other night. My shoulder has really been bothering me, so I need to rest it in between. (I'm pretending this isn't something I need to tell my doctor about) Anyway, I was going to try and work on it all afternoon and evening, so I can finish at least one skein. BUT, it is way too pretty outside. I'm going to have to sit on the porch and read instead as soon as I finish here. SO, I am in a holding pattern


WTD 0 - YTD - 27

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Hi, here are my new totals as I figured them, I'm not sure if they are right or not, but I erred on the side of adding more on than not adding enough. I've shopped so much and added so many skeins then crocheted some and not sure what they are. So I'm just going to go from what I've figured out and is my best quess. If you want me to add more on to my negative year to be sure I've covered everything let me know.


WTD= -64 YTD= -222

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Don't you just love that JoAnn's? It's their corporate headquarters - it's about 15 mins. from where I work and I have several friends who work there. I try not to go too often, because I can't get out for less than $50! Glad you managed to only get 6 skeins!



I got out with only a $200.00 bill! Bought a lot of things for other crafting, besides the six skeins I bought, because I found a lot of stuff I usually buy online and end up paying postage for so it was nice to get it at a great price and not have those extra charges.

I cannot imagine having a store like that in my neighborhood or in an area I shop at regularly, let alone an everyday work neighborhood. I'd be in the poor house for sure!



In case anyone is wondering why my WTD total is so high and I only bought six skeins or yarn this week it is because I bought the other skeins last week and because I was away was unable to post last week so I just added them to this weeks total.

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I think I've got a case of crochet ADD... I start a project, decide I don't like it, frog it and start again with modifications (same yarn), and repeat. It sure doesn't make for any stashbusting progress.



YTD +35

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I'm enjoying the time that the boys are gone. I'll be starting a Christening gown for the county fair this week. So I am finishing up my odd projects before I start this masterpiece.


I'll be posting early today. I want to use my quality time alone to really enjoy myself.


WTD=+2 YTD=-4


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The girls were in for spring break:manyheart and so I forgot to post last week.:eek And I haven't been crocheting much but of course we had to go get more yarn:lol. Caitlyn(my baby girl) picked a totally different afghan with different yarn:think. So I have all the yarn from the original one and bought some of the yarn for the new 1. My middle one (Allison) picked her sock yarn since I am taking the sock class. They expect socks for Easter (LOL). But I did do a hat for Caitlyn while she was here:crocheting. Wow it used half of 1:clap.

So the new totals are wtd -31 ytd -53

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