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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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I don't usually post, but once a week for my totals, but I just had to tell someone. Who better than fellow yarnaholics:)? :yarn


I recently signed up for JoAnn's preferred customer, or whatever, and got a 20% off coupon on regular and sale priced items. I've been needing/wanting a new Caron One Pound in black, since I am going to run out soon (the old one is really flat now). They had it for $2.00 off. So $7.49 (no sales tax here) -$2.00 = $5.49. $5.49-20% = $4.39. In effect that was 41.4% off, a tiny bit better than their 40% off standard coupon.

It seems they always have a sale on the Pounder, so I have been thwarted using a 50% off (all regular priced items only), as well as the regular 40% (all regular priced items only) to purchase one.


Now I've got to get rid of two balls to just get back to zero, sigh.


I have a small cut right where the yarn passes over my index finger. It's quite painful until I get a bandage on it. I think I use the European method of holding the yarn, because I have seen it illustrated in the Harmony books.






2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -2/YTD: +17

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2010 CAL

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Hi, I am so sorry I forgot to post again. I was called out of town and just didn't think about it. I will count my -60 from last week this week. However, I used up one skein today so +2 for that and I rolled another ball so already I am down to-57. However, I doubt very much I see the + numbers in my totals for a long long time.


I will try and do better at posting this week!

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yeah lol. Well plugging away on some more yarn. Made one Easter basket so far out of a one pounder though does anyone think I could get a total of 5 Easter baskets out of a pounder still figuring that one out.

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I had to get some light green :yarn for a special request (-2). I made a tissue cozy, it goes over the "cube" box of tissues. Only took 1/2 a skein, so I already rolled it down (+1) :cheer. If I make a second one, I'll use it all. I wonder if there's a pattern for the rectangle boxes :think.

WTD: - 1 YTD: + 34

Ellie 13

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I went to Joann's for an "L" hook, and I bought... an "L" hook, and that's all! :cheer


You'd think we'd get positive points for not buying yarn when we have the opportunity... :rofl


:lol:lol I'm all for that. I went to Michael's AND ACMoore on Sunday and came out with absolutely positively nothing! (I must've been sick.)


I'd better get back to working on a few last-minute shamrocks for tomorrow, I think I'll dangle a pair from my earrings. I made one each for my supervisor and my co-worker; I may just keep making them until the last of that 20+ yr old ball of Speed-Cro-Sheen is history just so I can gain a point.

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Looks like I'm going to break even this week. I should use up 2 skeins, but 2 skeins of Knit Picks Stroll yarn just showed up (mysterious...wonder how THAT happened?) :lol:D

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I've been awol for a while, but I just finished off 5 skeins of Homespun on a kitchen rug, it wasn't crocheted. Does weaving count?

Yes! Weaving counts. So does knitting, pom-pom making, or any other use.


I used 3 balls on my scrap tote today. WTD +10, YTD +20

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Was away for three days and what does my hubby do, takes me to JoAnn's in Hudson Ohio, a big super store and I bought more yarn. 6 more skeins for my daughter's wedding things, and six skeins to make my brother's baby, due in Nov. and after 13 years of trying to have children!, so the yarn is all for good so I guess that makes me -69 for this week. I am now ready to seriously get down to crocheting for the wedding so hopefully my totals will start going in the good direction instead of the negative ones. Keep crocheting out there!

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Was away for three days and what does my hubby do, takes me to JoAnn's in Hudson Ohio, a big super store and I bought more yarn. 6 more skeins for my daughter's wedding things, and six skeins to make my brother's baby, due in Nov. and after 13 years of trying to have children!, so the yarn is all for good so I guess that makes me -69 for this week. I am now ready to seriously get down to crocheting for the wedding so hopefully my totals will start going in the good direction instead of the negative ones. Keep crocheting out there!


Don't you just love that JoAnn's? It's their corporate headquarters - it's about 15 mins. from where I work and I have several friends who work there. I try not to go too often, because I can't get out for less than $50! Glad you managed to only get 6 skeins!

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2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -2 / YTD: +17





2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -2/YTD: +17

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2010 CAL

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I was sick this week, but didn't seem to get a lot done. I only earned 1 point so far. I have knitting group tonight, so maybe I can get through some more.


I have a feeling I will be ordering yarn next week for a project of some kind. My sister got engaged last Saturday. They have just started making plans, for an APRIL wedding. That's right folks, if I make a gift or anything for wedding I will have one month to do it. Yikes. We'll talk tonight after we all get home & I can get her plans...wow. Right now all I know is the date and that I'm in it.

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I finished two skeins on a baby blanket that was due at a baby shower LAST saturday :lol Oh well, at least it got finished and the baby isn't due til the beginning of May anyway. That's a +2 for me this week!

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Been working on 2 different scrap projects, an afgan for my brother and a lapghan for a local nursing home. So I am using up a lot of little balls that I had stored for a long time. Thank you stashbusters for giving me the drive to do this. Should have a good score this week. Should I post the pic of the finished shawl here or in the show and tell? Here are pics of wip.



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