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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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MUWHAHA! I hit the mother of all garage sales today and I'm surprised I didn't go for broke....Lets just say the bed of the truck was filled to the top with novelty yarns( fun fur, modea dream, glitter yarn, ribbon yarn) OMG I wanted to cry that I didnt have enough space or money. All yarn still had the wrappers and was fairly new (Lets just say a collector of yarn passed on). They wanted just $1 each. AHHHHHHHH! I refrained from going nuts and got 14 balls? (fun fur would qualify as a ball wouldn't it?)


Once I got home my mom gave me 8 skiens of homespun she found at another garage sale! It just must of been the day of yarn queens!



-28 WTD -27YTD

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WTD: -10


Realized I was out of white size 10 thread, and needed some cotton for dishcloths. Just found out a yarn store opened about a mile from my house, so that should be dangerous as well, as soon as I get a chance to check it out!

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Well here's my score for the weekending March 6,2010:

Empty Nester I have been on a yarn buying spree lately but when I realized how close to Spring Break I was getting too I needed to buy yarn to relieve stress and because I tried to give up crocheting well going to school but I realized when I did that my nerves were so bad and now that I'm crocheting and going to school. I feel better. Though congrats to you empty nester for counting your yarn I couldn't even begin to count the yarn I have it would be too overwhelming to count. Well yesterday got a skein of yarn and today bought a skein of yarn plus I got a skein of Caron Spa yarn so I can't wait to try my free sample of yarn. Yikes not such a good week for me. I'll have to do better tomorrow.


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WTD= -68 YTD= -80


I really hope I'm not the shoot the mooner this week, I won't be around a computer all next weekend...:(

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WTD: -10


Realized I was out of white size 10 thread, and needed some cotton for dishcloths. Just found out a yarn store opened about a mile from my house, so that should be dangerous as well, as soon as I get a chance to check it out!


That does sound dangerous, but lots of fun, and pretty convenient, too. I hope it's a good store, with great prices for you!


WTD= -68 YTD= -80


I really hope I'm not the shoot the mooner this week, I won't be around a computer all next weekend...:(


If by chance you are, just remind me, and I'll post for you. :hug We don't want this game to be a hardship for anyone. We want it to be fun and motivating.

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What a fantastic yarn finding/collecting day! Congrats!:cheer

MUWHAHA! I hit the mother of all garage sales today and I'm surprised I didn't go for broke....Lets just say the bed of the truck was filled to the top with novelty yarns( fun fur, modea dream, glitter yarn, ribbon yarn) OMG I wanted to cry that I didnt have enough space or money. All yarn still had the wrappers and was fairly new (Lets just say a collector of yarn passed on). They wanted just $1 each. AHHHHHHHH! I refrained from going nuts and got 14 balls? (fun fur would qualify as a ball wouldn't it?)


Once I got home my mom gave me 8 skiens of homespun she found at another garage sale! It just must of been the day of yarn queens!



-28 WTD -27YTD

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Giving up yarn while you are going to school??? :(NEVER!!! (as my kids would say;)). I am going to school also and the crochet is my down time between homework, housework and work. What are you making with all your new yarn?

Well here's my score for the weekending March 6,2010:

Empty Nester I have been on a yarn buying spree lately but when I realized how close to Spring Break I was getting too I needed to buy yarn to relieve stress and because I tried to give up crocheting well going to school but I realized when I did that my nerves were so bad and now that I'm crocheting and going to school. I feel better. Though congrats to you empty nester for counting your yarn I couldn't even begin to count the yarn I have it would be too overwhelming to count. Well yesterday got a skein of yarn and today bought a skein of yarn plus I got a skein of Caron Spa yarn so I can't wait to try my free sample of yarn. Yikes not such a good week for me. I'll have to do better tomorrow.


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The yarn has been ordered for the my grandson-to-be's baby blanket. Plus yarn for another one for him - so his other grandma will have one at her house too (it is her 1st grandchild). AND....a few more skeins to make another afghan pattern that has been drooled over for a couple years. PLUS...one extra skein that was on clearance (the color was pretty).:hook

Gonna love getting that package when it arrives. But deducting it from my score is gonna really stink. :devil

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Thanks to all of you for your warm welcomes. :manyheart I admire all of you all for having so many things going on in your lives and taking the time to crochet so much. And yes it is so relaxing and like therapy. I really feel that yarn, crocheting and all of you all really saved me from getting depressed about the empty nest. I didn't realize how hard it would be going from being someone's mom to just me. I spent 22 years meeting people and saying Hi I'am Andrew's mom, or Allisons, or Caitlyns depending on the group.

Anyway after saying all that I realize I didn't finish anything this week and in fact was making my grand daughter a throw and was in the car and didn't like it so I took it all apart. I hope I am not the only 1 who does that. It kills my hubby when I do, he just sits there saying I can't believe you just took that all apart. :hook


So I am still -22 wtd, and ytd

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You're right!:laughroll I wish I had your self control!


:laughroll:laughrollSelf control!!!:laughroll:laughroll More like, budget control.


Give me a few months, when the clearance sales start and there aren't so many financial obligations. I'm sure the yarn will start creeping in to fill the empty spots on the shelves!

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Anyway after saying all that I realize I didn't finish anything this week and in fact was making my grand daughter a throw and was in the car and didn't like it so I took it all apart. I hope I am not the only 1 who does that. It kills my hubby when I do, he just sits there saying I can't believe you just took that all apart. :hook


So I am still -22 wtd, and ytd


I have a friend who rolls her eyes every time I frog something and redo. But I try to explain to her that I crochet for enjoyment and relaxation, so doing something twice gives me twice the enjoyment from the same yarn -- it's budget saving, right?

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Beth that is so awesome.:lol I am going to tell my hubby the very next time I undo something. He will love that. I think I start and restart everything 5 or 6 times.:think Especially hats and that gosh darn tie that I made for my son.

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OK i didn't get to post last night...my counts are WTD +13, ytd + 21


I'm thinking it's a good thing my roommate & I are sharing my truck & she works so much..I don't have the wheels to get anyplace that will get me in trouble lol!!

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It looks like I'm not too late this week. I bought two skeins of Red Heart Eco-Ways for a design contest being sponsored by Red Heart and Joann Fabric. I'd bought yarn for it before and managed to lose the receipt. I made a point of knowing where it is this time. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much crocheting done this week, so my score is -4 WTD/-45 YTD.

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MUWHAHA! I hit the mother of all garage sales today and I'm surprised I didn't go for broke....Lets just say the bed of the truck was filled to the top with novelty yarns( fun fur, modea dream, glitter yarn, ribbon yarn) OMG I wanted to cry that I didnt have enough space or money. All yarn still had the wrappers and was fairly new (Lets just say a collector of yarn passed on). They wanted just $1 each. AHHHHHHHH! I refrained from going nuts and got 14 balls? (fun fur would qualify as a ball wouldn't it?)


Once I got home my mom gave me 8 skiens of homespun she found at another garage sale! It just must of been the day of yarn queens!



-28 WTD -27YTD


Some people have all the luck.:clap:clap Hope you saved a $ to buy a lottery ticket too.

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