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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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OK everyone, I am just learning all of this, Crochetville and posting and crochet. I just started in Oct when empty nest syndrome hit me really hard. It was the last baby who went off to college the farthest away that did it. So I started buying yarn and buying and buying and buying, I could repeat that 10 more times.

I really need this group. Please, Please let me join. I know I need it because I have way tooooo much (I counted when I was home alone and it was over 400) and I get on Crochetville and the first thing I look at are the yarn shop reviews and sales.

I joined the group about what I am going to finish in March because I think that will help but I still want to buy more.

Help please,



Welcome to our group! Here's some :hug:hug:hug We are a very supportive group. I hope we help you. Your name has been added to the list of participants in post #8. If you have any questions, just ask.

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Welcome Empty Nester!! I can't belive you counted. I don't even want to think about how much I would have if I counted.


I have been working diligently to make some more hats out of the giant bunch of yarn I bought this week. Was able to roll up one more ball last night, but I finished 2 hats, and started a 3rd. Tonight should be better.

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I haven't been paying attention to the yarns I've been using. I bought 5 skeins for my Summer Hoodie by Lisa Gentry. I have used up 4 and part of the fifth. I know I've posted the first and second ball, not sure of the third and fourth. So for this week, I'll just post the +1 for the fifth skein of yarn. I'm still working on my round ripple afghan and maybe I can use up another skein. I've finished my daughter's white dress and will be working on another one.

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Thank you so much all of you for the warm welcome. I hope that I did this right when I changed my signature. Is it bad to be in the negative already? I really just went to buy my 2 skeins of Caron SS for the class that started today the drop stitch ripple and sock yarn because I want to take the sock class but a few other skeins just jumped into my arms and rode up to the register. I do plan on working on the shawl a lot over the weekend so maybe I will use those SS.

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Hey Empty Nester...it's funny you started when your kids grew up & left home and I started when my first was a baby & I left work and needed something to keep my hands occupied in my down time lol...I too understand how the yarn picks us to come home with...I have a beautiful walk-in closet that is the envy of all my friends..until they realize that more than half of it is filled with boxes & bags & stacks of yarn! I usually go thru my stash every 6 months or so & make up a list of what I've got by weight, brand & color so I know what I've got to work with on my projects and when I do that my friends go nuts cause the whole collection is revieled!! I don't know if we yarn-hoarders are the right people to help you stop stockpiling your yarn, but at least we understand the urge lol!! It is true, you never can have too much yarn!! Welcome & enjoy the group & the site!!

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Not too bad considering I went to my LYS AND Michaels all in one week. lol

WTD = -3

Now I am off to order yarn for my grandson to be. He is due to arrive in May, so I have a little time to get an afghan or two made.

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Was given a project from a neighbor, and it will help use up more yarn. The project is to make a sweater or dress for a pig (stuffed) as a surprise for the little kid across the street. And it will help use some yarn because it's in my stash for the right colors. Hot Pink and Lime Green. And I have both.


I like making things for kids.



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Lots of yarn movement here, but nothing lost and nothing gained. I've been frogging the Noro scarf I finished a couple of weeks ago, but it's going directly into another scarf (wider, and slightly different design.. does anyone else do that?) so a big fat zero there. I also picked up two skeins of Fun Fur for my supervisor last night, but delivered them to her today.


I'm also working on two projects with sport weight yarn. Those skeins last forever (especially the "Bernat Baby" 12.3 oz one). Maybe tomorrow I'll make some progress, IF I can stay away from Michael's and A C Moore!

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Thanks to a granny square shawl in the new CW mag. I used a massive amount of little balls. So great score this week. Feel kind of guilty because some of the balls were pretty small. Guess that makes up for the pounder skeins.:lol:lol


WTD +21 YTD +40

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i desperately wanted to finish the dress but couldn't. it's been more then two weeks and i don't have any finished project... but the good news is that i used up more then one ball. (pretty slow crocheter) my week score is

WTD +1 YTD +1

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I'm posting early today. Lots of things to do.


WTD=+14 YTD=-11

The trick is just to stay out of the stores where they sell yarn!


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I finished my two scarves for Special Olympics Idaho, which was great, but didn't use up any skeins or balls. I am still working on finishing the baby bunting. Maybe when I finish the hat that goes with it, I can at least roll a couple of skeins into balls.



For week ending March 6, 2010:


WTD: 0 / YTD: -35

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well. I bought 3 skeins yesterday for baby blankets. I did get one used this week though:lol Don't think I will get any more done this week so I am posting now.


WTD -4 YTD -52

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Still not able to crochet for more than 20 min since my shoulder surgery so didn't get much done. Started a box stitch baby afghan and up to row 15, then changed to a top down baby sweater is same yarn and on row 6 of yoke.


WTD: 0 YTD: 21

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