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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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I'm glad you were able to read that I still have to figure out how to enlarge the fonts on google chrome.


Do you go into advance mode when you post? By doing this the box will have a heading that has the place to change the font. Whatever letters you want to be big, just use that pull down menu at the top and then just make sure the letters or words you want supersized are between the the color and color parathensis. HTH!

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Good luck! We'll be anxiously waiting to see if you make it a week without buying yarn!!!


:lol The pressure is on now! I'll try really hard to be good.

Unfortunately, I know the yarn department at work is due for a reset, which means clearanced yarn :eek. I have very little willpower when it comes to clearanced yarn, so if that happens.... I'll have to try again the following week :wink.

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Sadly, I'm a day late and a dollar short!


No change on my totals for last week, I'm afraid, and it's going to be a negative change this week, once that washable wool I ordered from Herrschners shows up...:devil


I can quit any time...

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Sadly, I'm a day late and a dollar short!


No change on my totals for last week, I'm afraid, and it's going to be a negative change this week, once that washable wool I ordered from Herrschners shows up...:devil


I can quit any time...

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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:lol The pressure is on now! I'll try really hard to be good.

Unfortunately, I know the yarn department at work is due for a reset, which means clearanced yarn :eek. I have very little willpower when it comes to clearanced yarn, so if that happens.... I'll have to try again the following week :wink.


Wow! I didn't know you worked around yarn that goes on clearance. I think I'd just forego the paycheck and get paid in yarn!!! Good luck! We'll be :cheer:cheer:cheer for you!!! And if you do get some pretty yarn, let us know. We'll :cheer:cheer for you then, too!!!:devil

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That darn birthday money. It just made me buy 7 skiens of yarn today. So I'm in the hole already and it's Monday!



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I'll most likely be going in the hole this afternoon. I realized yesterday that I only had one skein of the burgundy yarn I'm using for my WIP lagpghan so I'll need to buy at least 2 more skeins of it. That would bring my WTD total to 0, but let's be honest, who can only buy the yarn that they absolutely need?? :lol The only thing that might save me is I'll just be going to Wal*Mart where they have a very limited selection.

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That darn birthday money. It just made me buy 7 skiens of yarn today. So I'm in the hole already and it's Monday!




I have a Joann's coupon that is burning a hole in my purse - you know if I don't use it they will stop sending them to me!;) I swore I wouldn't get any more yarn until I used up some of what I have. Besides, it looks so pretty stacked in my craft room. Only thing stopping me is the fact I have to work and the snow!

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Well I started off the week good also. I visted a large JoAnns in Indianna Pa and bought 4 skeins of baby yarn. So I started this week with a -8 however, today I couldn't do anything much because of the snow and no water so I have done nothing but crochet and I've used 5 skeins in my WIP afghan so I'm going to be +2 until my yarn comes in the mail that I ordered for my take-along-afghan I won't count them though until they come into the house so maybe if I work real hard I can get this one finished before then and that will use up quite a few skeins more as they are the small bulky weight baby yarn. Good thing we don't count big skeins vs little skeins or I wiould never get caught up. I think we should start and see who has the most pattern(S) or pattern books, that would be a treat for me also as I have two large totes worth not counting the ones I keep on the computer and the loose ones that are lying around. Any one care to share how many they have? It's like yarn one can never have enough! LOL

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I think I need to start a CAL for the Most yarn purchased in a week because I am never going to win the stashbusting.

Win? We're supposed to try to WIN?!?!? :laughroll

Look at it this way, you're making a lot of the rest of us feel much better! :ghug:hug

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Well I started off the week good also. I visted a large JoAnns in Indianna Pa and bought 4 skeins of baby yarn. So I started this week with a -8 however, today I couldn't do anything much because of the snow and no water so I have done nothing but crochet and I've used 5 skeins in my WIP afghan so I'm going to be +2 until my yarn comes in the mail that I ordered for my take-along-afghan I won't count them though until they come into the house so maybe if I work real hard I can get this one finished before then and that will use up quite a few skeins more as they are the small bulky weight baby yarn. Good thing we don't count big skeins vs little skeins or I wiould never get caught up. I think we should start and see who has the most pattern(S) or pattern books, that would be a treat for me also as I have two large totes worth not counting the ones I keep on the computer and the loose ones that are lying around. Any one care to share how many they have? It's like yarn one can never have enough! LOL


I have ashelf of patterns, many of which I inherited from my grandma, and full of 70's retroness. Pom Pom covered orange and olive green sweater anyone?

I keep on buying hooks. I keep on loosing hooks, then I buy a new one in the size I need, and a couple of months later I find a pile of hooks under my chair. But I also have a dog that likes to chew on hooks, so I go through a fair amount that way!

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Umm, I would probably lose on the pattern count too. LOL. I have a large tote, small tote, and also have probably 11 med. size boxes full, 7 small boxes, and a shelf full on a 3 foot wide shelf plus probably another 50 running loose. I LOVE patterns. This does not include the amount of them on my computer.


Hooks are becoming my new obsession. LOL. I just bought my first two wooden hooks off of ebay. I would have loved a jimbo hook but I cannot afford them. These were the next best thing. They are hand turned and only put a dent in my pocket for $25. That is going to be my Valentine's Day present from hubby. LOL.


I have yarn all over my house. There is 7 large space saver bags in my room plus 3 boxes plus 2 large totes plus about 20lbs of mill ends. Oh I almost forgot the 13,000 yd. cone of thread. Then in my living room I have 1 large box of yarn, a 4X18"X4 cupboard stuffed full. Some tote bags with yarn behind my chair, a small box of thread, a basket full of yarn, and a bag with approx. 16 skeins in it. Yet I still don't have the colors, size, or type that I need. I am planning on taking about $500 from the income tax to spend on yarn and thread. I need cotton and sport yarn more than anything else. So look for me in the near future to be hugely in the negative again. Hopefully, this will be my last purchase for the year.

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Finished off two skeins last night and tonight, so I'm at +4 so far. It'll change, though; I scoped out the clearance yarn at work, and I know I'll at least pick up a few.... dozen skeins?:lol It won't be that bad. (I hope!)

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Guess what? 3 oz. skeins don't have as much yarn as 6 oz. skeins! Amazing what you learn when you pay attention to details! So i didn't have enough yarn for the afghans I'm making as Christmas presents. I bought 8 more skeins (6 oz ones this time) to bring my WTD to -15, my YTD to -20. And I was doing so well...

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Well, it looks like I can get rid of at least some stash...I'm going to do an Afghans for Afghans project for the upcoming Ravelympics. I'm hoping to use up some wool I have in my stash.

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